
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

University Library of the Hochschule Niederrhein

The university library offers you access to printed and electronic media and is represented by a branch at all university locations. The current opening hours can be found on the library websites. The use of the libraries is free of charge for students of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

You can find your library number in the university app (iHN). Your library password defaults to your six-digit date of birth (DDMMYY). The loan period for media is generally four weeks and is renewable up to four times. In addition to reading stations, the library also offers PC workstations with Internet access and office programs.

In the DigiBib(https://hs-niederrhein.digibib.net/search/katalog) you can search for literature, view your user account, place interlibrary loans, extend your loan periods, place orders and make reservations.

Auskunft Bibliothek

Evaluation Coordination Office

Professional excellence and integrative competence are the educational goals and basis for teaching education and research at the Hochschule Niederrhein. The Evaluation Coordination Office was established to support these goals.

The three core tasks of the Evaluation Coordination Office are the supervision and implementation of internal evaluations in the ten faculties, the implementation of the comprehensive student course evaluation, and the support of special projects and other surveys for the evaluation of studies and teaching education.

In addition, we advise university staff on the planning and implementation of evaluation and survey projects of faculties, affiliated institutes and competence centres. Please feel free to contact us if you are planning such a project.

David Peters, M.A.
Head of the Coordination Office for Evaluation


Dr. Sandra Laumen, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.
Equal Opportunity Officer
Nina Ilina, BA.
Coordination | Teaching BK & University Sports Student Services and Academic Affairs

Higher Learning Center for Teaching Education (HLL).

The University Center for Teaching and Learning (HLL) is a central service unit with offerings to support teaching education and learning. It addresses various target groups. For students, tutors, university teachers / lecturers and guests, it offers a variety of opportunities to further develop foreign languages, professional skills and personal action competencies.

HIS - Communication, Information Systems, Service

KIS (Communication, Information Systems, Service) is the university's central contact for all matters relating to information technology. As a department within the VPWP, we perform the tasks of a central computer center. We offer services in three main areas:

IT - Application System Management

In the area of communication, we operate numerous services to facilitate daily cooperation at the university. The application portal we operate enables a low-threshold entry into studies. The barrier-free and responsive websites allow information to be made available on all devices. Our Moodle learning platform supports multimedia forms of teaching and learning and is supplemented by our campus management system. With e-mail, calendar and telephone services, we offer a wide range of communication channels and options. We offer all applications with one access.

IT - Operations

We operate the central IT and telecommunications infrastructure of the university. From the telephone system to the network in the form of LAN, WLAN and Internet to the server, storage and virtualization systems in the two data centers, our goal is to provide a reliable, secure and high-performance foundation for data and services.

IT - Service Management

If our documentation does not help you with problems concerning our services, please visit us at the service desk at our three locations. Our service team is personally available to provide you with help and advice. If we do not have the right solution for your question immediately, we will organize everything necessary to answer your inquiry as quickly as possible.

Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Wolfgang Mülders
Head of Infrastructure Resources, CIO Representative of the Chancellor


The MakerSpace makes it clear that The Hochschule Niederrhein stands for applied science and that teaching education is not an end in itself. Students from all faculties can test their knowledge from the lectures here with professional support and put it directly into practice. From the very beginning, students from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical and Process Engineering in particular, but also from the Faculties of Industrial Engineering, Design and Health Care, have made use of the modern equipment in the high-tech workshop.

In their day-to-day professional lives, at the latest, future graduates are expected not only to master theory but also to be able to put it into practice independently. This is exactly what users can learn in the MakerSpace under professional supervision. With a dozen supervisors, students benefit from the MakerSpace team's diverse areas of expertise, ranging from construction, full spectrum electronics, manufacturing technology, measurement technology, programming, IT & web design, to areas such as audio acoustics, digital photography and electrical safety, to evaluation, optimization and failure analysis of diverse systems.

Psychosocial Counseling Center (PSB)

The PSB is an institution of the Hochschule Niederrhein, which is open to all students of all faculties. The counseling center is based on an integrated concept of psychological and social counseling and takes effect during the entire course of studies.

Initial consultation appointments are made by appointment. Here there is sufficient time to describe the personal concerns in detail and to find out about the PSB and other offers. Together with the students, we then consider what kind of support might be helpful. In particular, we offer individual counseling or - if necessary - refer the student to other support services. The duration of the individual counseling is agreed upon individually. It is not uncommon for just one counseling session to help students see their own path more clearly or to develop solution strategies for upcoming problems. However, counseling can also take place in several consecutive appointments. The use of this service is voluntary, free of charge and, of course, subject to confidentiality.

Prof. Dr. Dieter Wälte
Head of the Psychosocial Counselling Centre Clinical psychology and personality psychology, Psychological psychotherapist, university teacher / lecturer supervisor