university administration
Your competent service partner

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Management of the university administration

Prof. Dr. Köller-Marek is the chancellor of The Hochschule Niederrhein and head of university administration.

Among other things, she is responsible for the management of budgetary funds within the framework of economic and personnel administration. In doing so, she ensures that budget funds are used economically and that the university facilities are used economically.

Postal address: The Hochschule Niederrhein, P.O. Box 100762, 47707 Krefeld, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Fabienne Köller-Marek
Chancellor Management of the university administration

Division Central Organization / Risk Management

As a service facility for all university employees, the Central Organization / Risk Management Division supports the entire university organization with the aim of creating a sound basis for smooth workflows and processes in administration, teaching education, studies and research.

In addition to the basic services provided by the Telephone Exchange, the Infopoint, the postal, transport and messenger services and the print shop, the Division is also responsible for maintaining the Info-ABC, Who'sWho and the central contract register, which are intended to provide information, support and reliability for the efficient operation of all organizational units.

Other key specializations in the Division are the individual specialist functions of risk management and investment management.


Peggy Hinrichs, Dipl.-Kffr.
Head of Division Central Organization / Risk Management

The Infrastructure Resources Department

Division Iis the university's central contact for all aspects of facility management and information technology.

We offer services in five main areas:

  • IT application system management
  • IT operations
  • IT service management
  • Construction and facility management
  • Planning and construction



Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Wolfgang Mülders
Head of Infrastructure Resources, CIO Representative of the Chancellor

Division II - Human Resources & Legal Affairs

The Department of Human Resources & Legal Affairs sees itself as a service institution for all university employees. University employees include professors, academic and non-academic staff, contract lecturers and student or academic assistants. Various contacts are available to help you with a variety of issues, such as collective bargaining law, hiring, continued employment, civil service law, and appointment procedures. The services also include matters relating to working hours, vacation or travel expenses. General questions about apprenticeships and administrative support for trainees are further tasks. Personnel development offers promote individual professional development and support employees in their current tasks. Furthermore, the division is responsible for the personnel budget. More than 30 employees work in four departments and will be happy to help you.

The Financial Resources Department

The Financial Resources Department is divided into the areas of finance, financial accounting, third-party funds and taxes, as well as procurement law and contracting. In particular, the department is responsible for the administration of all financial resources, central procurement, the processing of contracts for supplies and services, and the preparation of annual financial statements.

The Hochschule Niederrhein acts in accordance with special regulations of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) for institutions of higher education as well as the rules of commercial accounting in compliance with the provisions of the German Commercial Code.
The management of all available financial resources is carried out under the aspect of economic efficiency and effectiveness. Periodic reports are submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) and the University Council.

The current annual financial statements, including the information pursuant to § 20 para. 6 and § 21 para. 6 p. 7 of the Higher Education Act, can be viewed on request in the Financial Resources Department.


Stefanie Vogt, Dipl.-Kffr. (FH)
Head of Division Financial Resources

Department of Student Services and Academic Affairs

As a service institution for prospective students and students, the department contributes to the quality of studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein. The Central Student Advice (ZSB) provides information to prospective students, the Student Office guarantees service-oriented registration, admission and processing of status matters, and the Examination Office provides support in examination matters. The International Office supports international students or helps to make a stay abroad possible. The department also handles academic affairs. This involves supporting students in organizational matters, the accreditation and re-accreditation of Degree programmes and the issuing of examination regulations and other study-related regulations.


Dipl.-Verw.-Wirt. Werner Janßen
Head of Division Student Services and Academic Affairs Head of International Affairs and Student Advice (temporary)

The Support Office Digit. Transformation a. Organizatio.

The Support Office Digital Transformation and Organizational Development is the central unit for digitization and the associated changes in the administration. It is also responsible for the Project Management Office (PMO), portfolio management and process management.

The PMO supports both the administration and the departments in project implementation in the form of in-house training and intensive consulting or coaching. However, the staff unit also implements digitization projects itself. Maintaining an overview of ongoing projects and prioritizing projects where necessary is also part of its portfolio management tasks.

Process Management provides support in the recording, optimization, design and implementation of processes through monitoring and individual coaching. It also manages the process management software BIC Process Design. In BIC, university processes are graphically represented and stored. This enables a clear overview of the processes.


Dennis Niemann
Head of Support Office Dig. transformation and organizational development

The Support Office for University Controlling

The Support Office for University Controlling advises the Presidential Board on all matters of university planning and controlling and develops proposals for the strategic development of the Hochschule Niederrhein. As the central point of contact for quantitative and qualitative data, the Support Office supports the university management, the faculties and the administration by systematically collecting, processing, analyzing and providing information.

In order to cope with the complexity of the tasks of planning, management and control, the areas of strategy, academic, personnel and financial controlling as well as cost and performance accounting (KLR) are closely interlinked in the Support Office. The instruments of planning, reporting and analysis include the preparation of the university's medium-term economic and financial plans, the development of specific key figures for academic controlling, capacity and utilization calculations for studies and teaching, university statistics (student and graduate numbers, etc.) and personnel statistics. The results from the KLR are used to check whether and to what extent the use of financial resources has achieved the desired success.

Currently, the Support Office is supporting the development of the new university development plan (HEP 2022-2026), developing proposals for its controlling and the design of target and performance agreements, providing data and analyses for the implementation of the Future Contract for Teaching Education and Studies (ZSL), and developing strategic personnel cost planning and new data management and reporting instruments (projects: Data Warehouse/ Management Cockpit/ Optimization of the KLR).

Matthias Bohr, Graduate business economist (FH)
University controlling Financial controlling

The Information Security Support Office

The information security officer is responsible for a holistic view of the various protection goals of information security. This is not just about the isolated implementation of individual technical or organizational measures, such as virus protection programs or spam filters, but about the integration of all facets in order to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information. The information security management system (ISMS) covers the aspects of business processes and applications as well as the IT systems used and their physical security. The Hochschule Niederrhein's information security is based on BSI basic protection in order to meet the diverse requirements.


Information Security Officer (ISB / CISO)