Stories and memories

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Portrait photo Mr. Alramadan

Maamon Alramadan | HSNR 2018 - 2021

Patience and diligence

The title sounds like a nice motto, given by the parents, when the offspring is drawn to the university for studies.

For Maamon Alramadan, who had to abandon his studies in education in Syria and found himself in a new world with a new language without any planning, but the motto was how he was able to complete his studies in communication design in Germany with patience and diligence very successfully and also in only six semesters, one semester below the standard time to degree.

He appreciates the studies in Krefeld because the university and the faculty offer a family atmosphere. Not only was it possible to communicate with the professors, there was simply no barrier between the lecturers and the students, but there was an exchange of ideas that also left room for constructive criticism. In addition, there was the importance of teamwork. A soft skill that Maamon Alramadan learned in her studies. For all the appreciation of teamwork, however, it had to take a back seat in the competitions between students for new ideas and designs. For him, this was one of the fondest memories and a nice feeling, but on the other hand also quite funny, because some of the creations were quite bizarre.

The focus of the professors was not necessarily the applicability of the idea or development, but the essence of ideas. This was the decisive factor in getting the best out of oneself and not being ashamed of a not so successful or not perfect design. Also, language problems were not an obstacle, because explaining an idea in a simple language or broken German was possible if the essence of the idea could be worked out and shown. Not surprisingly, then, Maamon Alramadan would like to study communication design again. The German higher education system also gave him enough opportunities to find out about Degree programmes on offer and thus identify his passion and discover his desired profession. He sees his life path clearly ahead of him and summarizes this with: "Life goes on despite all difficulties and crises and we have to deal with it wisely and turn it to our advantage. Waiting for opportunities is boring and requires a long life. Diligence and perseverance, however, are what create opportunities." So today he also does not simply call himself a communication designer, but also works in 2D/3D and is an illustrator. On his website we find his motto: "Empathy comes first for me. I love difficult challenges because I believe that creative ideas come from challenges."
