After an international trainee program with stays in the Netherlands and Denmark, she now works as a growth and marketing manager for the Dutch fashion tech company StyleShoots. One thing that still accompanies and influences her from her studies is her boyfriend Michael, whom she met during her studies and with whom she is still in a relationship. On the other hand, a two-month internship in Dhaka, which was organized by the dean Professor Dr. Haug, who has unfortunately passed away in the meantime, had a great impact on her. The culture shock she experienced there permanently changed the marketing manager's view of the entire textile and apparel industry.
When asked what was "typical student" in her time, Vick doesn't have to hesitate for long: "Half-price cocktails at Mezca on Wednesdays, long lines for flatbreads and good coffee in front of Hoffmanns, and locking herself in with friends at home during the exam period and memorizing as many flashcards as possible in three weeks." She also remembers the most dreaded final for her bachelor's degree very well: the 3 chemistry written examinations.
If Merle Vick were to study at the Hochschule Niederrhein again today, she would probably choose to study design in Krefeld because she finds the creative potential and the facilities of the faculty very exciting. In addition, Merle Vick noticed during her master's studies that creative work suits her more than research or working on commercial tasks.
A particularly extraordinary experience in her university years was the preparation of a Vivienne Westwood fashion show in 2015, in which she was involved together with friends. In this context, some pictures were taken in outfits that she would rather keep secret today. Overall, however, it was a very fun time, which she remembers fondly to this day.