Stories and memories

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Lower Rhine University1968
Photos: Harald Mürmann "Abuse" of the flagpoles in front of the main auditorium and gathering of the students of both engineering schools at the parking lot in Reinarzstraße before the beginning of the demonstration procession.

What is actually ...

... also a reason for 50 years of the Hochschule Niederrhein?

In 1968, there was a lot of rumbling going on. We are not talking about the riots in Berlin with Kommune 1 around Rainer Langhans, Uschi Obermaier, Fritz Teufel and Co. but the riots at the universities in general. It was seething everywhere.

But what did it look like here in Krefeld? There was the Textile Engineering School (TIS) on Frankenring and the State Engineering School for Mechanical Engineering (SISfM) on Reinarzstrasse. At that time, the students themselves mostly came via the second educational path and had already completed a teaching education or attained the intermediate school-leaving certificate. They were therefore already "in the middle of life" and it was their desire to continue their education in order to advance in their careers.
Nevertheless, the unrest spilled over from Berlin and also took hold of the "hinterland". A reform of engineering education was demanded, but politicians thought everything was fine.
Textile workers, mechanical engineers, electronics engineers, communications engineers joined forces to bring about a change here as well. Therefore, there were also some demonstrations in Krefeld with the demand for reforms. After various student general assemblies, a lecture strike was decided at both institutions and slogans such as "KMK - bla bla bla" or "Holthoff pennt" (then NRW Minister of Education) rang through the streets.

But it was not only in Krefeld but all over NRW that lecture strikes were called, which after a short time prompted the then Minister President Heinz Kühn to threaten to withdraw the semester. The response was, "Now more than ever!" Although, after all, many of the students in the final semesters already had contracts with their future employers in their pockets, it was they who said, "If we give up now, we'll have gone on strike for nothing." Politicians apparently had not reckoned with such steadfastness and ultimately brought about a reform. Of course, it took some time to implement, but in 1971 the time had come and universities of applied sciences were founded throughout Germany.
As former graduates, however, there were also funny and unusual events besides learning and studying. The winter festivals in Reinarzstr. are unforgotten. In the winter semester 1969/70 it even happened that Santa Claus banged on the door and unexpectedly burst into a lecture by Dr. Nadenau. The man with the long razzle-dazzle beard greeted us and the astonished university teacher / lecturer. Afterwards, the latter's idiosyncrasies were rebuked or even appreciated, so that everyone had a good time. Does such a thing still exist today?

We thank you for your attention and wish The Hochschule Niederrhein all the best for another successful 50 years.
With best regards,
the graduates of the class of June 1971 of the EE/EI field of study.


Photos: Harald Mürmann
