Peter Heid studied chemistry with the specialization of "general chemistry" because he appreciated the broad apprenticeship and therefore textile or paint and color chemistry was too specialized for him. The specialized studies were additionally supplemented by a "Studium Generale" with general education seminars, in which, for example, he was taught about the philosophy of modern times, human management in the company or the foundations of economic policy. He particularly remembers the seminars held by the mathematics professor Prof. Dr. Plüddemann, which he describes as humorous, philosophical and highly interesting. After about 27 credits, seven internships, seven seminars and his thesis, Peter Heid began working in technical consulting for industrial customers at an energy supply company. Here, he was not only able to contribute his previous professional experience, but also to apply the knowledge acquired during his studies, e.g. for the optimization of energy-relevant plants, thermal efficiency considerations or in the determination of energy-saving potentials, in emission reduction techniques, heat utilization processes and, above all, in the field of environmental engineering. If he were to choose a degree programme again today, the choice would be a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering, although again a broad range of studies would be important in order to be versatile as an engineer.
But in the meantime, Peter Heid has naturally said goodbye to professional life and, as a retiree, devotes himself to his family with his three grandchildren and his hobbies, oil painting, photography, collecting and listening to records, and some sports. When asked about the typical student life of those days, he sees many parallels to today: finishing quickly and earning his own money were just as much a part of it for him as technical ambition, so that he could later do a good job as an engineer. And, of course, enjoying the freedom of studies and meeting fellow students on Rhenania-Allee or at Pit Herbst. He still maintains contact with The Hochschule Niederrhein today because he has a long friendship with a former fellow student who lives in Krefeld. They meet up every year for the Christmas lecture at Frankenring and enjoys seeing the subject of chemistry being brought closer to the audience, especially the young ones, in a humorous way through chemical and physical experiments.