At the time, both were studying Taxes and Auditing at the Hochschule Niederrhein in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in Mönchengladbach. With their Bachelor of Arts in their pockets, they then studied business law with a specialisation in tax law at Hamburger Fern-Hochschule on a career-integrated basis. Your own professional career at the university and thus in education began during your studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein. Tobias Oberdieck has been responsible for a large number of tutorials and revision courses since 2015 and has taken over the coordination of tutorials in Student Degree Programme Counselling as a graduate assistant. In the year 2018, Peter Schlecht also started his lecturing career by holding tutorials and revision courses. At the Hochschule Niederrhein, the two taught, for example, microeconomics, finance, business administration, controlling, investment appraisal, financing, scientific work, accounting and financial statement techniques, corporate income tax, trade tax, cost and performance accounting, and external accounting, thus covering the entire spectrum in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. For their successful work during this time, both have been awarded the Tutoring Award. Tobias Oberdieck received it in 2019, Peter Schlecht in the following year 2020. After graduation, both remained faithful to education and various teaching assignments at national and international universities in London, Valletta, Paris and Warsaw followed. In addition, they were active as speakers at the most renowned educational institutions and also at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Chamber of Crafts (HWK).
After their joint studies, Tobias Oberdieck and Peter Schlecht remained professionally connected. Both are managing partners in GrandEdu Holding GmbH and GrandEdu GmbH, an AZAV-approved education provider for adult education. They develop and sell online courses that prepare students for examinations under public law, such as business administration, technical business administration and accountancy. Their graduates receive the degree Bachelor Professional or Master Professional after a successful chamber examination at the IHK. But it is not only the further education of their customers that is close to their hearts; they are also constantly working on their own further education. They plan to complete their career-integrated doctorates in the research field of information science in 2023. And at least Peter Schlecht has also returned to the Hochschule Niederrhein. Since 2022, he has been working here as a contract lecturer for accounting and degree technology.
Particularly formative at the Hochschule Niederrhein was the intensive contact with the professors Mr. Markus Oblau and Mr. Bern von Eitzen. Even in difficult times you were always motivating and found the right words. The trip to the International Tax Week in Spa (Belgium) was a highlight of their studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein, both professionally and personally.
Both emphasize how much the tutoring program and the studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein helped them and thus prepared them very well for their own professional careers. Both now want to use this experience and knowledge to motivate and inspire students.