Sven Tenbusch is still enthusiastic about the coatings industry today and would always choose this subject again if he had the choice. After completing his apprenticeship as a coatings laboratory technician with the ALTANA Group, or more precisely with BYK-Chemie in Wesel, he quickly realised that he wanted to study this subject in greater depth and consequently decided to study Chemical Engineering with a specialisation in Coating Engineering, first in the Bachelor's and then in the Master's program, at the Hochschule Niederrhein. He particularly enjoyed the laboratory work in the internships, whether alone or in a group. However, it quickly became clear to him that he would also like to work in a team in the future in order to achieve the set goals together. The motivation he gains from this is an essential part of his job.
Like so many former students, Sven Tenbusch finds it difficult to classify himself as a "typical" student, noting that most students are united in the question of finding the right balance between studies and free time. Like many students, Sven Tenbusch has had to work alongside his studies in order to manage the bulk of his finances. He benefited from his apprenticeship, which often gave him the opportunity to work part-time at his old training company. The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, which is financed by the German government and a company, in this case ALTANA AG, made a major contribution to his financial independence. The scholarship student receives 300 euros per month, half from the German government and the other half from a company or private donor. In addition to the financial support and the appreciation of having been selected for a scholarship, what was most interesting for Sven Tenbusch was how many interesting people he got to know through the scholarship and what new insights he was able to gain into the company, for which he was already working. Today, Sven Tenbusch is a laboratory manager in the Architectural Coatings technical service area, still at BYK in Wesel and still very happy about his choice.