In the middle of his working life, he then - fortunately - made a spontaneous decision and seized the opportunity offered to make more of his life with studies. In 2012, he came to the Hochschule Niederrhein and began his studies in process engineering with a specialisation in general process engineering. To finance his studies, he worked a lot on the side, and typically Friday lectures were sometimes "skipped" for this work. Despite these missed hours, Thomas Moers successfully completed his studies in 2016 and today works as a project engineer for a service company in the pharmaceutical environment. In retrospect, he can only be congratulated for this spontaneity, because in retrospect it was exactly the right decision. The subject he chose was also exactly right, because he still likes the field of process engineering very much today, and even though process engineering, as the "little brother" of mechanical engineering, is rather less known as a subject in its own right, the field of process engineering is at least as much in demand on the job market. The project assignments to be carried out as part of the studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein prepare students well for the actual working world. "The project assignments were the most enjoyable work for me, as these come closest to working life and it's your own performance combined with social skills and organization that counts here," recalls Thomas Moers. He felt well supported by Prof. Dr. Habermann, who supervised his study project and thesis. Prof. Habermann, who moved to a professorship at Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences immediately after Thomas Moers' degree, was instrumental in persuading him to feel at home in projects. Today, this pays off professionally for Thomas Moers, as he regularly manages several projects in parallel and across disciplines, including a team of internal and external partners for major customers in the pharmaceutical industry. And so his advice to potential students comes as no surprise: "No matter what the path after school, I would recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to seize this chance and make more of their life. I reached my studies in a roundabout way, but that's how I ended up where I am today and I can't complain."