Alumni Newsletter
Fall 2023

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Dear alumni,

Do you (still) recognize anyone here? This photo was taken around 1980 and shows various professors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

If that was "your" year, you studied Automation Engineering and you are part of the 1983 graduating class, we might see you on November 24 to celebrate your 40th degree. Graduates from the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences are celebrating an even bigger anniversary this year. 50 years after their degree, some of them came together once again on campus in Mönchengladbach. Others are looking for former fellow students and friends. There are always exciting, funny and simply beautiful memories that are shared and I am happy if we can share them with you here.

Have fun reading!

Karla Kaminski
Alumni Coordinator

Contact person

Dipl.-Biol. Karla Kaminski
Alumni Coordinator University Communications
From the idea to the startup

1.8 million euros to ex-students for innovative yarn

Mönchengladbach. Swim trunks on, into the water, out again with dry trunks - sounds utopian, but could soon become reality. The trio of founders of "Octogarn" are currently developing a real innovation: a new type of yarn that could turn the textile industry upside down.

The "Octogarn" project sounds so promising that the former students from The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) and Aachen University of Applied Sciences have received funding of 1.84 million euros. The money comes from the "EXIST - Start-ups from Science" funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

"Octogarn" is pollutant-free, sustainable, cold-insulating, breathable and friction-reducing. It has a similar effect to the lotus effect and is therefore water-repellent. But it has a decisive added value: it is non-wettable. This means that if a textile made from it is completely submerged in water, it remains dry. "An effect that is hardly known in the textile industry," says Alexandra Plewnia from Mönchengladbach. At the moment, many water-repellent textiles, especially in the technical sector, are produced by finishing them with chemicals such as fluoropolymers. Although green alternatives are more environmentally friendly, they are often not powerful enough. "Octogarn" aims to solve both problems.

The people behind "Octogarn" are all women: Alexandra Plewnia (29), who most recently studied Textile Products at the HSNR, is the idea generator. Sarah Neumann (28) from Cologne, who completed her Master's degree in Management and Entrepreneurship at the FH Aachen on a career-integrated basis, brings business management know-how to the table. From November, the team will be completed by Melanie Jakubik (29) from Duisburg, who studied the same subject as Plewnia and, like her, will be responsible for technology.

Plewnia researched "Octogarn" for around two years as part of her Master's studies in the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. Her interest was piqued when she took the compulsory optional course nanotechnology and focused on the topic of functionality.

She won the "Battle of Ideas" university competition in 2022 with her idea. The 20,000 euros in prize money went directly towards the patent application. Since then, the idea has been presented at many other competitions in Germany.

The HNX team, which advises HSNR students and employees interested in founding a company and supports them as part of the "HNexist" funding program, among other things, also accompanied Plewnia and her team this time. For example, it helped with the extensive application for EXIST. "The combination of this high level of funding and the topic of sustainability is truly unique at our university. This is also an investment in the future!" says Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Alexander Prange, HNexist project manager and HSNR Vice President for Research and Transfer.

The yet-to-be-founded start-up wants to produce the yarn and sell it to companies as a supplier. Whether outdoor clothing, protective equipment or use in the shipping industry - thanks to the diverse properties of the material, "Octogarn" can be used in many different ways - and even open up new markets.

The trio is only at the beginning, as the finished yarn is not yet available. The 1.84 million euros will therefore help enormously to develop a prototype by the end of the funding period in February 2026.

The funding will be used primarily for personnel expenses, but a new machine will also be purchased. For the development of Octogarn, the founding team is allowed to use office space and machines from the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. Plewnia: "The HSNR has excellent machinery. Everything you learn can also be put into practice here."

"Without courage, knowledge is barren" - as Baltasar Gracián y Morales once said. A quote that applies perfectly to this dedicated team!" says Prof. Dr. Robert Groten, head of the "Octogarn" project.

"You need a lot of patience and very good planning, but it's an absolute affair of the heart," says Sarah Neumann from Cologne.

HSNR Racing

The Hochschule Niederrhein's HSNR racing team has now been in existence for 11 years and has built its tenth successful car. The past season is very special for the team, as it not only successfully contested the Endurance for the first time in six years, but the RS-23c also marks the team's last combustion-powered racing car. The coming season holds the challenge of building an electric racing car, which the team is already preparing for. The new racing car should reflect the team's technical progress and crown another successful season. The concept of the car includes a self-developed and self-built battery as well as electric motors in the rear wheel arches. The team currently consists of around 70 highly motivated students, mainly from the Faculties of Mechanical and Process Engineering, as well as Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Nevertheless, this season we have added students from almost all faculties to our team.

Rollout 2023

On Friday, June 16, the time had come again. The HSNR racing team presented the new RS-23c racing car. Team leader Frederic Schiwan led through the rollout and reported on the developments of the past year. Faculty Advisor Professor Michael Heber passed the baton on to Professor Julia Kessler last year after 10 years. There has also been a major change in the team, so that after Corona there has been a reorganization with many new faces.

In her speech, Professor Julia Kessler was impressed by the team and the team spirit. In her speech, Professor Fabienne Köller-Marek, representing the Presidential Board, not only spoke about the value of teamwork as a sign of putting theory and program content into practice. She also questioned the sense of a racing car with an internal combustion engine at a time when the concept of sustainability is everywhere. She sees the work of the racing team not only as something that brings great joy and is fun, but also serves above all to drive innovation, conserve resources, avoid waste and thus contribute to sustainability. Faculty Advisor Julia Kessler then confirmed that the trend in the HSNR racing team is also clearly moving towards electric racing cars and that the changeover is foreseeable. The Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Professor Marc Gennat, was also full of praise for the work of the students and then made the connection to his field of work, Automation Engineering, with a film about the work in the racing team.

Team leader Frederik Schiwan presented the current developments and innovations of the RS-23c in an interview with his component managers. For example, there is now one sensor less on the accelerator pedal. The failure that occurred here last year should now be avoided. Overall, the aim is to create reliability and develop a fail-safe concept. While last year's motto for the airbox was "As long as it lasts!", this year's motto was "As long as it lasts and is light!". And it was indeed possible to save another 200g in weight. In terms of aerodynamics, the car now has the Drag Reduction System (DRS), which is also used in Formula 1. The DRS system is a movable rear wing that reduces the car's drag. This allows the car to achieve a higher top speed on a straight.

As always, there were of course fears before the rollout that it would take a long time to get the car ready. But isn't that the case every year?

It is clear that without sponsors there would be no racing car. The team therefore thanked the main sponsors from MLP, Brunel, Hebmüller, Kniest and ntn with a small gift before the new car was finally unveiled. As always, there was a great deal of interest in the float, bridging the time until the cozy part of the evening could begin. The buffet was almost an in-house effort by the racing team. The original caterer dropped out at short notice, so the mother of team leader Frederic Schiwan, Andrea Janßen, who runs a farm with catering, spontaneously stepped in with the catering. And as the 200 guests were told, this was a good and tasty solution that could be repeated.

In keeping with tradition, many former team members met up again at the rollout to celebrate the new car and the reunion. It was a great rollout! Many thanks to the whole team!

Closing ceremony

Have you just finished? Then don't miss your graduation ceremony! Here are the current invitations and a few dates for 2024. As always, we are ready with our cameras, gowns and hats to provide you with great snapshots.

Looking back: Graduation ceremonies 2023

Congratulations to all graduates who celebrated their degrees in 2023. I was present at some of the faculties and once again took countless photos of you, in your gowns, alone or with friends, partners, parents, siblings and grandparents. All beaming with joy, proud, relieved and in a great mood.

continuing education

Even after your studies at The Hochschule Niederrhein, we would like to support you as a professional in responding to changing professional requirements and updating your knowledge or qualifying for new tasks. Our aim is to accompany you on your personal educational path.

The Center for Continuing Education currently has the following certificate courses and studies planned:

Online certificate course"ISMS Auditor | Lead Auditor according to ISO/IEC 27001"
Start date: 13.12.2023
with six ONLINE attendance dates and self-study phase until 20.12.2023.
Registration deadline is 30.11.2023!
Website certificate course

Online certificate course"Chief Data Officer"
Start date: 10.01.2024
with eleven ONLINE attendance days and self-study phase until 03.06.2024.
Registration deadline is 08.12.2023!
Website certificate program

Certificate course "Data Analyst"
Start date: 31.01.2024 with eleven attendance days and self-study phase until 07.06.2024.
Registration deadline is 10.01.2024
Certificate course website

Animal-assisted therapy and education - a comprehensive further education course in the field of animal-assisted work
Start date: 13.04.2024 with 28 online and attendance days and self-study phase until 13.04.2025.
Website certificate course

Laboratory management - organizing and leading
Start date : 27.08.2024 with seven attendance days and self-study phase until 18.09.2024
Website certificate course

Acquisition of expertise according to §11 of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
Start date : 25.09.2024 with 1.5 days of attendance and self-study phase until 06.11.2024
Training website

Obtaining expertise in accordance with Section 11 of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
Alternative dates: 17.01.2024 (online)or 20.11.2024 (attendance)
Training website

In addition, we offer continuing education for educators and employees in social work fields with detailed information at

Online: 29.11.2023 and 17.01.2024, 9 am - 5 pm

Mental disorders
Online: 06.12.2023, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

AI in teaching practice
Online: 13.12.2023, 9 am - 5 pm

ADHD in the classroom
Online: 18.12.2023, 9 am - 5 pm

Nerves of steel
Presence: 27.02.2024, 9 am - 5 pm

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for Continuing Education
Phone: +49 2151 822-1561
Email: ulrike.schoppmeyer(at)

Professor Wilden retires
Professor Lake takes over

It has been over ten years since the Surface Technology Applied Research (STAR) competence center was founded at The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR). Under new management, the focus is now increasingly on sustainability.

The competence centre was founded by Professor Dr Johannes Wilden following his appointment to the HSNR in 2011, with specialization initially focusing on developing the coating infrastructure as well as materials and Surface Engineering. Following Professor Wilden's retirement, Professor Dr. Markus Lake has now taken over the STAR competence centre. He teaches Production Technology and Coating Processes and has headed the Laboratory for Surface Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering since 2011.

Both the old and the new management agreed that the topic of sustainability should increasingly take center stage. A new concept was therefore developed, based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the global community's Agenda 2030.

Six goals were jointly identified to which the competence center can contribute. These goals can only be achieved through interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation. To this end, milestones for research activities have been developed, the foundation course of which are concrete research projects. One goal is the research field of reactive multi-material systems (RMS), which are an innovative technology for energy storage. RMS thin-film systems are produced in the in-house Surface Engineering laboratory in such a way that they are more effective and efficient and can ultimately be manufactured in a more resource-efficient manner.

Surface Engineering also provides important impetus for the field of sustainability. In the 2030 Agenda, two of the goals are "Clean water and sanitation" and "Climate action". "Catalyst systems are being developed that use an oxidation process to remove micropollutants from wastewater and treat exhaust air in order to meet air pollution control requirements," says Professor Dr. Markus Lake, Head of the Competence Centre for Surface Engineering at The Hochschule Niederrhein.

The STAR competence center sees itself as a cooperation partner for industry, especially for medium-sized companies in the region. Students write student projects and theses on practical issues in order to find innovative solutions. As Surface Engineering is relevant to many areas of everyday life, the companies come from a wide range of industries. In the past, the competence center has already collaborated with companies from the transport, energy technology and water treatment sectors.

We wish Professor Wilden all the best for his retirement and the new head, Professor Markus Lake, every success!

Professor Renate Schmitt

Shortly before going to press, we received the news that Professor Renate Schmitt, Professor of Color Theory at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology from 1997-2021, had passed away unexpectedly.

When she retired two years ago, there was a very special kind of finissage. 64 student paintings transformed the former Karstadt building on Rheydter Markt into a very special kind of exhibition space. The entire glass front of the building, several hundred meters in total, was hung with pictures from the inside. Professor Schmitt had been collecting and preserving the pictures since 1997. She wanted to engage the students in a playful creative process and show what artistic achievements students are capable of when they are able to create something together without pressure.

In a post at the time, a former student wrote: "Color theory with her was simply brilliant!". There is probably no better praise.

Our thoughts are with the relatives and friends of the deceased.

After registering for the Alumni Network, you will receive the university magazine and the alumni newsletter twice a year.

Alumni contact database

We store the data you provide in the alumni contact database of The Hochschule Niederrhein and use it exclusively for sending the newsletter or other information from The Hochschule Niederrhein. These are sent either by post or as an unencrypted e-mail. You can unsubscribe at any time. According to §§ 18, 19 GDPR, you have the right to request information from the university about the data stored about you and/or to have incorrectly stored data corrected. We do not pass on your data to third parties. If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter or other information from The Hochschule Niederrhein, please let us know.
