Cost accounting in engineering

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the continuing education programme

In addition to market-oriented, technical and social aspects, the success of a company depends in particular on economic factors. Product manufacturing costs are already determined by development and design. Economic considerations also accompany the life cycle of a product during market launch, production and disposal. For you as an employee in the engineering field, it is therefore essential to also develop business management skills.


Goals of the continuing education

They understand the laws, methods and instruments of business administration (such as sensitivity analyses, process analyses, costing methods) and learn to communicate in the special language of management. The focus of the practice-oriented continuing education is on cost and performance accounting, since companies are only competitive if the relationship between quality, costs and price is in balance over the complete life cycle of a product.

Upon successful completion of the continuing education program, you will be able to:

  • Understand the cost structures and mechanisms in companies in order to be able to support or improve current cost accounting practices in your own company.
  • To consider cost consequences already during product development and production engineering.
  • To align cost accounting as an important information supplier for controlling.
  • To work together methodically and purposefully in teams with people of different expertise and to argue across disciplines.
Target group

The continuing education is aimed at engineers, technicians as well as managers and responsible employees from technical company departments. In addition, employees from the areas of research, development, design, work preparation, production, quality assurance and sales are addressed.

Teaching and learning education

The interactive seminar-style course offers the opportunity to address individual questions and problems of the participants. A wide range of media and intensive support via an online learning platform during the self-study and examination phases help to ensure successful learning.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

In-house training
Individually tailored to your requirements
  • Dates: 4 attendance days
  • This continuing education programme is only offered in-house.
    We would be pleased to prepare an individual offer for you! On request at
  • Location: at your site
  • Participation requirements: University degree with one year of work experience or vocational training and at least three years of work experience.
  • Scope (workload): 100 h, thereof 32 h attendance, 4 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Werner Heister:

Why is continuing education in cost accounting currently of interest to many professionals?
Costs have long since become the No. 1 competitive factor. On many enterprises a substantial cost pressure weighs. Only those who reduce their costs clearly and sustainably can be successful in highly competitive markets. For this reason, all relevant aspects must be taken into account as early as the development phase of new products and services.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education programme?
I'm particularly looking forward to exchanging ideas with people with practical experience and developing creative solutions for companies together.

And what can the participants look forward to?
Participants can look forward to interesting topics, meaningful examples and good joint discussions. And based on experience, they can be assured that they will have a lot of fun.

Business Administration in the Social Sector Deputy Director of the SO.CON Institute

Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition