Embedded Linux
Learning with the Raspberry Pi

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the continuing educationprogramme

Embedded systems can be found in almost all technical devices today, such as cars, TV sets, smartphones or automation systems. They are the foundation course for networking industrial components towards an Industry 4.0. Linux is one of the most frequently used operating systems in this area. In order to assemble your own embedded Linux systems, you as developers need extensive know-how, which is imparted in this continuing education programme in a practical emphasis / orientation.

Goals of the continuing education

You will first learn the theoretical foundation courses of embedded Linux systems. In a further step, you will build the systems based on a Raspberry Pi in practical work and test them afterwards.

Upon successful completion of the continuing education, you will be able to:

  • Know the basic structure of embedded systems.
  • Understand the basics of Linux (boot process, init system, busybox).
  • Identify the components typically found in embedded Linux systems.
  • To set up a development environment with which own Linux systems can be built and tested.
  • To build and put into operation an own Linux system.
Target group

Developers, engineers, project managers

Teaching and learning education

The original knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a classic seminar. Accompanying exercises immediately link what has been learned with practical knowledge, which promotes a sustainable learning process and facilitates transfer to your own company.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

  • Dates: 4 attendance days
  • This continuing education programme is only offered in-house.
    We would be pleased to prepare an individual offer for you! On request at weiterbildung@hsnr.de
  • Location: at your site
  • Participation Requirements: University degree with at least one year of professional experience or other professional degree with at least three years of professional experience.
  • Extent (workload): 50 h, thereof attendance 32 h, 2 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Quade:

Why is continuing education in Embedded Linux currently interesting for many professionals?
Firstly, because more and more devices, systems and plants are controlled with and by embedded Linux: In a rapidly growing market, Linux is taking an ever-increasing share (according to a recent study, this will be about 70 percent in 2017).
Secondly, because this is a good opportunity to get to know a full-blown operating system in its fundamentals and thus understand it from the ground up.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education programme?
I am looking forward to participants with a thirst for knowledge and thus to new, interesting contacts. I am looking forward to the discussion of problems from operational practice concerning embedded Linux and real-time.

And what can the participants look forward to?
A practical introduction to a current, exciting topic and the know-how from more than 20 years of embedded Linux experience. They can also look forward to the realization that embedded Linux systems are not that complicated to build.

Technical data processing especially process automation

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition