Job profiling in personnel development

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the continuing education programme

Well-qualified employees are a decisive foundation course for the sustainable success of companies and institutions. However, demographic trends and the already acute shortage of skilled workers in some occupational fields present you, as the HR manager, with the challenge of ensuring that you will continue to have the required number of specialists and managers in the future. One possible way is the internal recruitment and targeted promotion of employees. This is where "job profiling" comes in, with which you can systematically develop detailed knowledge about the professional, interdisciplinary, psychological and physical requirements of individual activities. By means of the job and competence profiles, transfer and promotion opportunities within the company can be identified and well-founded qualification matrices can be established.


Goals of the continuing educatio program

The continuing education enables you to create professional profiles in the sense of "job profiling" and interdisciplinary profiles in the context of a "competence passport" and to use them for targeted, individual personnel development.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Conduct job profiling using lists of requirements in interviews.
  • Create a profile of generic competencies for individual jobs, depending on the type of company (production or service).
  • Develop guidelines for conducting applications and employee interviews based on job and competency profiles.
Target group

Employees of personnel departments or those working in personnel management, managers and works and personnel councils from all sectors with an interest in recruitment and personnel development topics

Teaching and learning education

The original knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a classic seminar. Accompanying exercises immediately link what has been learned with practical knowledge, which promotes a sustainable learning process and facilitates transfer to your own company. A wide range of media is used to support the learning success.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

In-house training
Individually tailored to your requirements
  • Dates: 2 attendance days
  • This continuing education programme is only offered in-house.
    We would be happy to provide you with an individual offer! On request at
  • Location: at your site
  • Participation requirements: University degree with one year of work experience or vocational training and at least three years of work experience.
  • Extent (workload): 50 h, thereof 21 h attendance, 2 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate/ certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff:

Why is continuing education in "Job Profiling in Human Resource Development" currently of interest to many professionals?
Against the backdrop of shrinking labor markets, in-company transfer and promotion qualification is particularly important. In particular, most companies are not aware of the interdisciplinary requirements that arise from a job. However, they are a critical success criterion for the "right" matching of existing skills and requirements or those that still need to be qualified.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education program?
The diverse composition of the seminar and the different backgrounds, for which I then have to create a corresponding connectivity in the seminar. That is also an ambitious challenge for me. I am looking forward to it.

And what can the participants look forward to?
A mix of short inputs and exercises that will enable them to implement a particularly important part of human resources development that will be crucial to securing the future of companies.

The link to Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff's vita and current list of publications can be found on the right under "Vita & Publications".

Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Langhoff
Labor science and human resources


Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition