Set up and manage software projects successfully

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the continuing education programme

Today, information technology systems are not only an essential component of industrial systems and products, but increasingly also of processes and services. "Digitalization" and "Industry 4.0" mean for companies that either new software has to be programmed and implemented or existing software has to be adapted and specified.

The continuing education course "Successfully setting up and managing software projects" teaches you sound methods and processes so that the risks of software engineering are identified in good time and costs are kept within bounds. Addressed are especially non-IT people who take the role of a (commercial or content) client in software projects.

Goals of the continuing education

You will learn the foundation courses of software engineering. The aim of the continuing education is to work out and understand the essential aspects of the software engineering process in the role of a client and to identify the problem and influencing variables.

Upon successful completion of the continuing education program, you will be able to

  • Be able to assess software development processes.
  • to get to know options for action and to be able to make a selection of the different process models.
  • To adapt a process model to your own project needs.
  • Be able to assess the impact of decisions on the software development process.
Target group

Managers, product and process owners, employees of all industries involved in software development projects

Teaching and learning education

The continuing education, which is held in the form of an interactive seminar, offers participants the opportunity to address their individual questions and problems. Diverse use of media through impulse lectures, exercises with role plays, practical work in the laboratory and support with an online learning platform support the learning success.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

  • Dates: 4 attendance days
  • This continuing education programme is only offered in-house.
    We would be pleased to prepare an individual offer for you! On request at
  • Location: at your site
  • Participation requirements: University degree with at least one year of professional experience or other professional degree with at least three years of professional experience. In addition, interest and relation to IT are required.
  • Scope (workload): 50 h, thereof 30 h attendance, 2 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturers, Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Beims and Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann:

Why is continuing education in software engineering currently of interest to many professionals?
IT systems are ubiquitous. In many commercial and industrial enterprises, therefore, the realization has matured that value creation can only be achieved with considerable input, including their own software projects. Successful software projects can hardly be implemented without competencies in software engineering, especially requirements analysis, project organization and cost estimation.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education programme?
The exchange with interested participants from trade and industry.

And what can the participants look forward to?
Committed and competent university lecturers from the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Business informatics, especially software development

Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition