Transfer pricing for tax purposes

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the continuing education

Transfer prices for intra-group or intra-company cross-border business relationships offer opportunities to shift profits to countries with a lower tax burden by means of appropriate structuring. In order to prevent such profit shifting, transfer pricing is a key focus of audits by tax authorities. At the same time, the rules for determining transfer prices are becoming increasingly complex. The variety of regulations in the national and international area requires profound and up-to-date knowledge, so that no additional tax claims, which can be quite considerable, arise as a result of possible breaches of duty.

Goals of the continuing education

The continuing education course "Transfer Pricing for Tax Purposes" provides you with a practical orientation on the basic principles of transfer pricing problems and enables you to determine transfer prices according to recognized methods and to develop solutions for simple transfer pricing problems.

Upon successful completion of the continuing education program, you will be able to:

  • Safely apply common transfer pricing methods.
  • Develop solutions for simple transfer pricing problems.
  • to carry out transfer pricing documentation independently and comprehensively.
  • Prevent mismeasurements of transfer prices.
  • Optimally prepare for tax audits.
Target group

Tax consultants, auditors, members of the fiscal administration and fiscal jurisdiction as well as employees from the following business areas: taxation, finance and accounting as well as controlling

Teaching and learning education

The continuing training, which is held in an interactive seminar format, offers the opportunity to address individual questions and problems of the participants. A wide range of media and intensive support via an online learning platform during the self-study and examination phases help to ensure successful learning.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

  • Dates: 3 attendance days
  • This continuing education programme is only offered in-house.
    We would be happy to provide you with an individual offer! On request at
  • Location: at your site
  • Participation requirements: University degree with one year of work experience or vocational training and at least three years of work experience.
  • Extent (workload): 50 h, thereof 22 h attendance, 2 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for lecturer, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang W. Fischer:

Why is continuing education on transfer pricing currently of interest to many professionals?
Transfer pricing has become a major focus of audits by tax authorities, and any violations of legal regulations can lead to severe sanctions. Therefore, specialists and managers in the relevant departments of companies and tax authorities should be able to determine transfer prices according to recognized methods and develop solutions for simple transfer pricing problems.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education programme?
Since the continuing education is designed for company representatives, consultants and members of the tax administration and jurisdiction, I am looking forward to being able to look at the topic of transfer pricing from the different perspectives of the individual parties. In this respect, I am sure to be able to conduct interesting discourses with many questions about fundamental transfer pricing problems.

And what can participants look forward to?
Participants in the course can expect lively events with a high level of practical relevance, in which transfer pricing for tax purposes will be examined from all angles. In this way, companies, consultancies, tax authorities, tax courts and academia can learn from each other.

Business administration, in particular auditing and tax law

Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition