Chief Data Officer
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.



"The world is one big data problem".
Andrew McAfee, co-director of the MIT Initiative

The volumes of stored data are growing rapidly worldwide. Both from social networks and from the environment of the "Internet of Things" with many data sources (including sensors), data is being collected that is mostly unstructured.

This initially increases the challenges for storing, managing and analyzing the data volumes. In the next step, attractive and value-adding areas of application are needed so that value can be generated through the use of the data. Only the right business model turns the data supply into a potential treasure:

For example, sales forecasts and predictions of production and sales figures can be derived from the analysis of data using suitable IT tools. Predictive maintenance is used to derive strategies for preventive maintenance. With these insights, decision-makers can better understand their customers and place products and services on the markets faster and more precisely.

The need for Chief Data Officers as specialists who are able to design such data-based business models and implement the necessary data science technologies is growing - just like the mountains of data themselves.

The ONLINE Certificate Program(CAS) "Chief Data Officer" provides you with the foundation courses and competencies to successfully design, implement and lead the digitization of business models. You will learn to use Data Science technologies in a targeted manner using state-of-the-art methods, processes and tools.


Upon successful completion of the certificate program, you will be able to:

  • deal with data on a strategic level in a planned manner.
  • Elicit and formulate requirements for data-driven business models.
  • understand and assess opportunities and risks of data science technologies.
  • identify suitable Data Science technologies for different application scenarios
  • plan and manage data science projects.
  • apply methods and tools of digital leadership in a meaningful way.
Target group

The certificate program is aimed at decision-makers, executives and prospective executives, project managers and IT experts in data science projects, ...

  • who have to make situational decisions about the application of Data Science methods in the corporate context.
  • who want to apply the basic principles of data-driven business models.
  • who want to understand the use of Data Science technologies.
  • Who want to identify different application scenarios when using Data Science analytics.
  • who are involved in the implementation of the digitization of business models and, in particular, of Data Science aspects, or who would like to lead these in a targeted manner.
  • The didactic concept of the continuing education is specially tailored to working professionals.
  • We offer you a high degree of temporal flexibility through the combination of classroom and online-supported self-learning phases.
  • You will link your practical professional experience with scientific theories and methods and thus expand your competencies.
  • The high practical relevance of the continuing education is guaranteed by the many years of professional experience of our lecturers in companies and institutions.
  • With us you learn in small groups, so we guarantee you optimal support and enough space for your individual questions.
  • You will benefit from the exchange with colleagues and expand your professional network.
Teaching and learning education

The certificate program takes place in a combination of ONLINE presence and self-study units (blended learning). The self-study is accompanied by the online learning platform Moodle. The presence phases are held in an interactive seminar character, with impulse lectures and exercise elements alternating. The knowledge imparted is tested "hands-on" and there is the opportunity to work on individual questions and problems of the participants.

Course 1

From business model to project

"The best way to learn data science is to do data science."
Chanin Nantasenamat

Data Science Management means the data-driven restructuring and implementation of corporate processes and new business models. Data Science is a must for many companies - it's not a question of "if?", but "how?". Business models based on Data Science technologies are disruptive. They change companies, markets and also information management in practical application. Concepts such as predictive intelligence are emerging alongside classic approaches from business intelligence. The IT strategy, which has so far been successively derived from the business strategy, thus becomes the "Digital Business Strategy" and must be transferred into precisely fitting projects.

In this certificate course, you will learn to classify current trends in digitization and data science in your own operational context. You will apply the methods and tools presented for the development of new processes and business models as well as for the management of Data Science projects directly to individual issues.

Course 3

Implementing data projects according to plan

"There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days."
Eric Schmidt

Data Science is "The sexiest job of the 21st Century" according to Harvard Business Review. What exactly does Data Science mean, what are the tasks of Data Scientists and how is it relevant from a business perspective? How do data-driven business models influence industries and markets, and what opportunities do companies themselves have to use data profitably?

In many industries today, analyzing and optimizing a company by using data to ensure its future viability is crucial from a business management point of view and important in order to sustainably hold one's own against the competition.

In this certificate course, we look at the most important methods and tools for data processing and analysis. The economic relevance and value creation through data and data analysis are crucial. In addition, we teach how visualizations and data storytelling support the communication of insights to decision-makers.

Course 2

Technologies for data-driven business models.

"You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data."
Daniel Keys Moran

Digitalization is bringing with it rapid growth in data volumes from social networks or the "Internet of Things", for example. Data Science - that is the technologies and the special knowledge to generate added value from this inexhaustible potential. The strategic importance of Data Science is recognized by companies.

But what business model can be used to realize the potential of Data Science for process improvements and product or service innovations? And how can bad investments for the storage, management and analysis of data volumes be avoided in the unmanageable market of technical solutions?

The certificate course shows the potential of Data Science for companies and the current hurdles. Individual questions of the participants are discussed with the lecturer and professionally experienced peers.

Course 4

Leading in the Digital Age

"The only sustainable advantage you can have over others is agility, that's it."
Jeff Bezos

The introduction to Data Science and new digital business models requires the ability to innovate and change both the employees involved and the entire organization: agile and flexible working is required. At the same time, the values and expectations of young, highly qualified employees, also known as "digital natives" or "Generation Y," are changing. They demand exciting work, modern IT systems, a friendly team and working from home.

Managers and junior managers must be prepared for these disruptive changes in good time. They will only be able to be successful if they use a new kind of leadership style called "Digital Leadership".

In this certificate course, you will learn what requirements are placed on (future) managers during the introduction to data science and digitization projects and which methods and tools are best used to achieve digital leadership.

Detailed information can be found in the brochure  and in the module description in the download area.

11 ONLINE presence days - on request at weiterbildung(at)

  • Data Science Management - From business model to project
  • Data science potential - technologies for data-driven business models
  • Data literacy - implementing data projects according to plan
  • Digital Leadership - Leading in the digital age

There are online-supported self-study phases between the ONLINE attendance days.

  • Total workload: 250 h, of which 88 h ONLINE presence, 10 ECTS
  • Registration deadline: --
  • Number of participants: approx. 12 persons
  • ONLINE presence appointments: The appointments take place in ONLINE format (Zoom meeting). You will need an internet-enabled PC and, if necessary, a headset.
  • Language of the course: The certificate course is held in German.
  • Participation fee: 3.950 € | Payment in three installments is possible (the first installment 1.300 Euro, the two others à 1.325 Euro) | Alumni (5% discount) 3.752 €
  • Participation requirements: University degree with at least one year of professional experience or other professional degree with at least three years of professional experience. Sound knowledge of business administration is required. Since some of the software and materials used are taught in English, you should have a solid to good knowledge of the English language. Your own notebook with the ability to install and run programs is mandatory. The Microsoft Office package and Google Chrome should already be installed on your notebook.
  • Degree: Each individual certificate course can be completed with an examination in the form of a project assignment or with a certificate of attendance (with 75% attendance). If the examination results of all four certificate courses are passed, the Certificate of Advanced Studies Hochschule Niederrhein "Chief Data Officer" will be awarded.

We asked your lecturers:
Why is continuing education on the topic of digitization of business models and data science technologies currently of interest to many professionals?

"A large amount of mass data is generated every day in both the private and professional spheres. Their processing and analysis can lead not only to significant process and decision-making improvements in all functional areas of a company, but also to new data-driven business models. The coverage of all areas of work and life with data, among other things, in the context of increasing digitalization will continue to grow. Knowledge in the field of "Data Science" is therefore particularly significant for many professionals.
The certificate program provides you with a sound and comprehensive insight into the "world of Data Science". It enables you to get the view for the different facets of the use of Data Science technologies and to build up the competences necessary for a successful implementation."

You can find the vitae of your team of lecturers in the download area.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gadatsch
Kurs: "Data Science Management" Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Wirtschaftsinformatik, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
    Prof. Dr. Dirk Schreiber
    Kurs: "Data Science Management" Wirtschaftswissenschaften, insb. Informationsmanagement Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
      Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Mülder
      Contract lecturer Faculty of Business Administration and Economics The Hochschule Niederrhein Specialisations: Digital transformation, digital leadership, digital business models, new recruiting

        Your contact person

        Ulrike Schoppmeyer
        Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition