Robust design optimization
in virtual product and process optimization

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Course objectives

Participants will gain mathematical method and software competence in the field of CAE-based robust design optimization in virtual product development. Upon successful degree completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Confidently apply methods of stochastic analysis and nonlinear multidisciplinary optimization.
  • Identify robustness losses in the design phase using stochastic methods and model validation.
  • Design and statistically evaluate experiments and numerical simulations using sensitivity analysis.
  • Apply state-of-the-art methods of CAE-based product development and robust design optimization for industrial applications.
  • Safely use commercial and open-source software for virtual development processes and own research and development projects.
Target group

Product managers and development engineers from the fields of technology, research and development from aerospace, mechanical engineering informatics, production and logistics, process engineering, processing technology, energy technology, automotive engineering

Teaching and learning education

The original knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a classic seminar. Accompanying exercises in the CAE laboratory immediately link what has been learned with practical application, which promotes a sustainable learning process and facilitates transfer to the student's own company. Diverse use of media supports the learning success.

Software used: ANSYS®, optiSLang®, MATLAB®.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

Foundation course of stochastic analysis

Probability theory
Stochastic modeling, event algebra, random numbers, frequency, probability, multistage random experiments, random variables, probability distributions, event trees, fault tree analysis .

Random samples, frequency distribution, characteristic values and measures of a sample, statistical estimation methods, correlation analysis, regression analysis, covariance analysis .

Follow-up of the contents

Sensitivity analysis

Classical, deterministic design of experiments
Gradient-based sensitivity analysis, factorial design, central composite design, optimal design, elementary effect analysis .

Global, variance-based sensitivity analysis
Monte Carlo simulation, Latin hypercube sampling, correlation analysis, covariance analysis, regression analysis, meta-models, prediction analysis, multivariate covariance analysis .

Follow-up of the contents

Multidisciplinary, nonlinear optimization

Nonlinear optimization
Gradient-based optimization, response surface methods, adaptive random search, particle swarm optimization, evolutionary strategies, genetic algorithms

Multidisciplinary optimization
Weighted objective functions, Pareto optimization.

CAE-based optimization
Parametric CAE models, process integration, definition of limits, constraints, optimization objectives, process distribution, high-performance computing, application examples with optiSLang and ANSYS Workbench.

Follow-up of the contents

Robustness analysis and reliability analysis

Global variance-based robustness analysis
Six Sigma Design
Reliability analysis
Limit states, probability of failure, verification of classic safety concepts, characteristic values and partial safety factors, first
and second order reliability methods, importance sampling, adaptive importance sampling, directional sampling methods, approximation methods.

Follow-up of the contents

Stochastic optimization / model validation

Stochastic optimization
Design for six sigma, variance-based robust design optimization, reliability-based robust design optimization, reliability and cost-oriented structural optimization
Model validation
Parameter identification, data fitting, model verification, model calibration, model qualification, model prediction.

Follow-up of the contents.

  • Dates: Ten attendance days on request at weiterbildung(at)
  • Registration deadline: ---
  • Number of participants: approx. 12 persons
  • Location: Krefeld South Campus
  • Participation fee: 3.800,00 € | Alumni 3.300,00 € | Members of universities 1.900,00 € | Catering included
  • Participation requirements: Completed studies in natural sciences or engineering and at least two years of professional experience
  • Extent (workload): 125 h, thereof 80 h attendance, 5 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate/certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dirk Roos:

Why is continuing education in robust design optimization currently of interest to many professionals?
The development of robust, optimal designs and processes is a future challenge in virtual product development. With the skills acquired in the course in mathematical methods and software competence in the field of CAE-based robust design optimization in virtual product development, it is possible for the participants to develop safe, reliable and optimal processes and products taking into account the unavoidable scattering effects and process characteristics.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this university certificate course?
I am particularly interested in the participants' suggestions, questions, and discussions about the versatile applications of robust design optimization in all areas of industrial application. This mutual learning promotes our research work in the field of optimization and stochastic analysis and application-oriented research projects in the participating companies.

And what can the participants look forward to?
Participants can look forward to exciting and surprising insights in the search for the optimum in the uncertain in nature and technology.

The vita of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Roos can be found in the download area.

Computer Simulation & Design Optimization Institute Director Institute for Modeling and High Performance Computing

IMH - Institute for Modeling and High Performance Computing

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition