Statistical experimental design with Excel
From the foundation course to validation

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the certificate course

Product development and optimization require extensive experiments in almost all work phases. This generates large quantities of analytical raw data. As employees of research and development departments, you have to evaluate these mathematically and scientifically and at the same time with a view to economic factors. With its multitude of methods, procedures and experimental designs, Design of Experiments (DoE) can help you reduce development times and save costs.

Course objectives

The course will provide you with the necessary mathematical and statistical methods to enable you to evaluate experimental designs directly using Excel without the use of expensive experimental design software.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Use Excel as a tool for data analysis, visualization, and for solving statistical and mathematical problems in experimental design.
  • Apply statistical distribution functions and testing methods to issues in various chemical industries.
  • To master error calculation, error propagation and calibration straight line methods according to DIN 32645.
  • to set up and calculate 1st and 2nd order experimental designs as well as mixing designs.
  • to further develop methods of experimental design optimized for own problems.
  • The methods learned can be applied in an optimized manner to problems relating to the planning of experiments in the company.
  • Measurement results can be evaluated, analyzed and interpreted more easily.
  • Potential savings in raw materials, energy and processes can be realized.
  • The participants work on concrete company-specific problems in a pleasant small-group atmosphere.
Target group

Employees in all branches of industry who are responsible for development and research tasks or for analytics, statistics, test planning and execution as well as quality and process controls.

Teaching and learning education

Activation of the participants through interactive seminar character and the possibility to bring in own questions and problems. PC workstations, diverse use of media and support with an online learning platform.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

I. Introduction to

- Why design of experiments?, procedure at a glance, target and influencing variables
- data sources & pre-treatment, transformations, Excel & VBA
- data sorting, graphical visualization of measurement data & functions, 3D diagrams, bar/column charts, error indicators, numerical integration & differentiation, matrix calculation, systems of equations, transcendental equations, solver under Excel

II Statistical foundation course

- Data, frequency diagrams, median statistics, measures of dispersion,
- distribution functions (binomial, normal, t, F, Poisson, chi-square, Weibull distribution) confidence intervals,
- test procedures, testing hypotheses and distributions, one-sided and two-sided t-test, mean values, chi-square, p-values, outliers, error propagation
- probability network, simple and two-fold analysis of variance, correlation matrix.

- Follow-up of content, exercises, self-study

III Statistical experimental design in Excel

- Linear/non-linear regression, calibration straight line method, detection limit, confidence interval of the prediction and parameters, confidence bands
- Generalization of straight line regression, multiple linear regression, residual analysis, full and partial factorial experimental designs, design principle, calculation of effects and regression coefficients, analysis of variance, confidence intervals, mean deviation
- Overview of experimental designs (e.g. 2^3, central composite, D-optimal, mixture designs, etc.), coefficient calculation in Excel, optimization options with DOE software using a practical example, software overview, validation, optimization options with DOE software using a practical example, software overview, validation.2^3, central composite, D-optimal, mixture designs, etc.), coefficient calculation in Excel, optimization options with DOE software using a practical example, software overview, validation.

- Follow-up of content, exercises, self-study.
- Exam preparation.

IV. Examination phase

- 90-minute written examination on the contents of the course, course evaluation and farewell

  • Dates: 4.5 attendance days on request at weiterbildung(at)
  • Registration deadline: --
  • Number of participants: approx. 12 persons
  • Location: Campus Krefeld West
  • Participation fee: 1.790,00 € | Alumni (5% discount) 1700,00 € | Meals included
  • Participation requirements: University degree and at least one year of professional experience or other degree with at least three years of professional experience, knowledge of Excel.
  • Extent (workload): 100 h, thereof 36 h attendance, 3 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate/certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Ernst Cleve:

Why is continuing education in statistical experimental design currently of interest to many professionals?
Products are becoming more and more customer-oriented. This leads to shorter development cycles (time to market), with the goal of reducing manufacturing costs. Understanding and confident handling of DoE contributes significantly to this.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this university certificate course?
Through the professorship in physics and data processing, there are many years of experience in experimental design, statistics and chemometrics not only in teaching education but also in application in public and industrial research projects. Based on this versatile experience and knowledge, I am looking forward to imparting the relevant contents to the participants in an interesting way.

And what can the participants look forward to?
To understandable practice-oriented exercises on statistical and mathematical evaluations of experimental data sets on DoE, statistics and chemometrics.

The vita of Prof. Dr. Ernst Cleve can be found in the download area.

Physics and Data Processing, ILOC institute council, faculty council, hlb-NRW Executive Board, Executive Board Heinrich Lange Foundation

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition