Systematic innovation with TRIZ
Methods of inventive problem solving

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the certificate course

Based on the extensive analysis of patents, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) describes a wealth of insights and methods developed from them for the systematic development of inventive solutions to problems. In particular, difficult problems where conventional solution concepts fail can be solved inventively step by step with the help of TRIZ. In Level 1 "Foundation", participants are introduced to the foundation course of TRIZ and already acquire parts of the tools and methods that they can use for problem analysis and solution search.

Course objectives

Beginning with an overview of TRIZ concepts, each level builds and expands innovative problem-solving skills through the steps of goal description, problem analysis, problem solving, and solution selection.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Select and use effective methods for analyzing and solving technical problems in a goal-oriented manner.
  • Design and evaluate creative and innovative solution concepts for concrete problems.
  • Optimize products and processes with the help of the methods learned.
  • To recognize development potentials and make predictions for the development of technical systems.
  • You will be enabled to systematically apply the acquired knowledge and skills and to develop inventive solutions to problems.
  • TRIZ methods are explained and applied using practical examples of concrete problems.
  • The contents of the four levels are based on the VDI guideline 4521: "Inventive Problem Solving with TRIZ".
  • The quality of the university certificate courses is recognized by the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) and confirmed by the award of certificates for each TRIZ level.
  • The lecturer is the author of the book "Systematic Innovation - TRIZ Application in Product and Process Development".
Target group

Employees and managers from various industries who are involved in the different phases of the product development process and have to solve challenging technical and non-technical problems.

Teaching and learning education

The original knowledge transfer takes place in the form of a classic seminar. Accompanying exercises immediately link the methods learned with practical knowledge, which promotes a sustainable learning process and facilitates the transfer to one's own company. A variety of media and an online learning platform support the learning success.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer in the download area.

In-house training
Individually tailored to your requirements

Level I: Foundation

Introduction to
History of TRIZ, pillars of TRIZ
Goal description
Problem analysis
Functional model, technical contradiction, physical contradiction
Solution search
Innovation principles, separation principles, contradiction matrix, resource analysis, 9-field model
Solution selection
Degree of ideality.

Follow-up of the contents, exercises

Level II: Intermediate

Innovation process
TRIZ roadmap
Problem analysis
Root-Confl ict-Analysis, innovation checklist, process model
Solution search
Small dwarf model, effects database, trimming, patent avoidance, feature transfer, operator MZK
Solution selection
TRIZ criteria, multi-criteria matrix.

Follow-up of the contents, exercises

Level III: Advanced

Innovation process
ARIZ, specific tools
Problem analysis
Substance-field model, FMEA and AFE, QFD and contradictions, value-confl ict mapping
Solution search
System of standards, 76 standards

Level IV: Expert

Innovation process
Specific tools, TRIZ in non-technology
Objective description
Evolutionary laws
Problem analysis
Evolutionary potential analysis, S-curve analysis, ARIZ 85C
Solution search
Evolutionary patterns

Follow-up of the contents, exercises

  • Dates: On request at weiterbildung(at)
    Three days of attendance (Level 1 - Foundation)
    Twelve days of attendance (entire course, four levels).
  • Registration deadline: ---
  • Number of participants: approx. 12 persons
  • Location: Krefeld South Campus
  • Participation fee: Level 1 - Foundation: 1.290,00 € | Alumni (5% discount) 1.225,00 €| Meals included
  • Participation requirements: University degree with at least one year of professional experience or other professional degree with at least three years of professional experience.
  • Extent (workload):Level 1 - Foundation: 24 h attendance, 26 h self-study units, 2 ECTS | entire course (4 levels): 8 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate/certificate of attendance

Three questions for your  lecturer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Koltze:

Why is the continuing education "Systematic Innovation with TRIZ" currently of interest to many professionals?
Every day at work it is a matter of solving even "tricky" problems as effectively as possible. TRIZ offers a wealth of new assistance and suggestions for technical problems in order not to leave inventive solutions to chance, but to work them out step by step. This makes it extremely interesting for EVERY "problem solver".

What are you most looking forward to about this university certificate course?
I am looking forward to being able to show the professionally experienced participants new and valuable tools and to test them together on practical problems in which I can get involved and contribute my own professional experience.

And what can the participants look forward to?
Participants can look forward to new and perhaps surprising perspectives and ways of creatively solving their technical problems. We will have fun inventing together.

Design theory and textile mechanical engineering

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition