The one-time acquisition of a certificate of competence by persons who place certain hazardous substances on the market is not sufficient in the long term. In § 11 Paragraph 1 Number 2 of the ChemVerbotsV, the requirement of expert knowledge for dispensing personshas been newly regulated. Anyone who has passed an examination corresponding to the expert knowledge examination in accordance with previous regulations must renew the proof of expert knowledge by means of a one-day advanced training course after 6 years at the latest. As a result of the transitional provisions set out in Section 14 of the ChemVerbotsV, this proof must be provided from June 1, 2019, by anyone whose qualification dates back more than 6 years if the person or entity dispenses chemicals that fall within the scope of the ordinance.
State recognition
The Hochschule Niederrhein offers this one-day training course and was recognized by the Düsseldorf district government in a decision dated June 19, 2018 as an institution for the nationwide implementation of training courses in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Ordinance on the New Regulation of National Regulations on the Marketing and Distribution of Chemicals (ChemVerbotsV) of January 20, 2017 (BGBL. I No. 4 of January 26, 2017 p. 94).