Renewal of "Expertise
according to § 11 der ChemVerbotsVerordnung"

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the ONLINE-training

The one-time acquisition of a certificate of competence by persons who place certain hazardous substances on the market is not sufficient in the long term. In § 11 Paragraph 1 Number 2 of the ChemVerbotsV, the requirement of expert knowledge for dispensing personshas been newly regulated. Anyone who has passed an examination corresponding to the expert knowledge examination in accordance with previous regulations must renew the proof of expert knowledge by means of a one-day advanced training course after 6 years at the latest. As a result of the transitional provisions set out in Section 14 of the ChemVerbotsV, this proof must be provided from June 1, 2019, by anyone whose qualification dates back more than 6 years if the person or entity dispenses chemicals that fall within the scope of the ordinance.

State recognition

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers this one-day training course and was recognized by the Düsseldorf district government in a decision dated June 19, 2018 as an institution for the nationwide implementation of training courses in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Ordinance on the New Regulation of National Regulations on the Marketing and Distribution of Chemicals (ChemVerbotsV) of January 20, 2017 (BGBL. I No. 4 of January 26, 2017 p. 94).

Aims of the training

Block I - Review of basic knowledge

  • general knowledge of the essential properties of substances and preparations
  • knowledge of the hazards associated with their use
  • knowledge of the relevant regulations
  • Contents of the laws (e.g. ChemG, GefStoffV, ChemVerbotsV, MuSchG), which are necessary for the restricted expert knowledge.
  • Substance knowledge and toxicological foundation courses, which are necessary for the limited expertise.
  • First aid in case of accidents with hazardous substances


Block II - current changes in the ChemVerbotsV and other relevant legislation, for example:

  • Innovations in the European substance law (REACH-, CLP- Regulation)
  • Changes in national substance law (GefStoffV, ChemVerbotsV, TRGS)
  • Current changes in waste and hazardous goods legislation
  • Changes in the regulations on classification and labeling of substances/mixtures
  • Restrictions on the placing on the market of substances/mixtures/products
Who has to prove the expertise?

Anyone who supplies substances or mixtures to the private end user that must be labeled according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation) as follows:

1. hazard pictogram GHS06 (skull and crossbones).

2. hazard pictogram GHS08 (health hazard) and the signal word Danger and one of the hazard statements H340, H350,H350i, H360, H360F, H360D, H360FD, H360Fd,H360Df, H370 or H372

3. hazard pictogram GHS03 (flame over circle)

4. hazard pictogram GHS02 (flame) and one of the hazard statements H224, H241, or H242
requires at least one qualified person at each distribution point (main facility, branch).

Also whoever as manufacturer, importer or distributor supplies substances or mixtures, which are to be labeled as under points 1. and 2. to resellers, professional users or public research, testing or teaching institutes, must name a competent person in the required notification to the competent authority before commencing this activity.

Target group

Qualified persons whose examination or the acquisition of the other qualification took place more than six years ago.

Teaching and learning education

One-day ONLINE seminar with dialogue opportunities.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

Three alternative ONLINE presence days

  • Wednesday, 20.11.2024, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 07.05.2025, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 12.11.2025, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Registration deadline: 30.10.2024 / 17.04.2025 / 24.10.2025
  • Number of participants: max. 25 people
  • Location: Online format (Zoom meeting)
    You will need an internet-enabled PC or notebook for Zoom as a video conferencing service and a headset if necessary.
  • Course language: The certificate course is held in German.
  • Participation fee: € 425.00 | Alumni (5% discount) € 405.00
  • Participation requirements: Valid certificate of competence (please submit a copy).
  • Degree: Certificate of attendance for further training to obtain the certificate of competence.

The link to a vita of Professor Dr. Michael Dornbusch can be found in the download area on the right.

Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition