Labor law
Designing flexible working structures with legal c

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the certificate course

Qualified and motivated employees form the basis of a company's success. That is why companies should respond as flexibly as possible to employees' ideas. In this course, flexible work structures are developed that incorporate the latest trends as well as current new regulations and legislative projects relating to human resources work. At the same time, you will deepen and broaden your knowledge of individual and collective employment law, because sound knowledge of employment law is the foundation for professional, future-oriented HR work.

Course objectives

Using case studies, you will learn to identify labor law issues in your day-to-day work at an early stage and independently develop solutions that will withstand labor court scrutiny as well as take into account the needs of employees.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize individual and collective labor law challenges within the organization.
  • Independently solve labor law problems and everyday issues in the company.
  • Design possible and legally permissible concepts for flexible work structures in the company.
  • To act competently and confidently in legal situations.
  • You will receive an overview of all relevant aspects of labor law from hiring to termination.
  • You will learn about the legal requirements and possibilities of flexible work arrangements.
  • Individual, professional support and intensive exchange in a small group.
  • Consideration of current new developments and legislative projects.
  • In addition, you can work on your own questions or problems within the framework of a project assignment, accompanied by our lecturer, an experienced attorney for labor law.
Target group

Specialists and managers from human resources, managers from other areas, managing directors, works and staff councils.

Teaching and learning education

The interactive seminar-style course offers the opportunity to address individual questions and problems of the participants. A variety of media and an online learning platform during the self-study phases support the learning success.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

Required literature: Collection of German labor laws, preferably the Beck texts on labor law from Beck-Verlag. Latest edition: 98th edition 2021

Day 1: Foundation course of labor law

Introduction to employment law: Individual and collective employment law / Employment law in the legal system; the legal sources of employment law and structuring factors / Status issues / Establishment of employment relationships / Remuneration in employment relationships: Wages and salaries / Remuneration regulations / Continued payment of remuneration in the event of illness / Leave / Working hours, part-time and marginal employment

Day 2: Individual labor law

- Working hours (in particular: flexible working hours)
- Place of work / home office
- Remuneration systems; remuneration in the employment relationship
- Drafting employment contracts

- Creation of a company regulation on one or more topics covered in the 1st and 2nd presence;
- Case exercises

Day 3: Individual labor law

- Design of flexible company regulations on the topics discussed in the 1st and 2nd presence
- Termination of employment
- Termination and settlement agreement, severance payments
- Action for protection against dismissal
- Transfer of business pursuant to Section 613a BGB

- Case work on dismissals

Day 4: Individual labor law

- Fixed-term employment relationships under the TzBfG
- Fixed-term employment relationships with pensioners
- Employment of pensioners including social security issues Collective employment law
- Works constitution law / works agreements

- Drafting a works agreement

Day 5: - Discussion of the company agreement

- Discussion of the company agreements
- Collective bargaining law

- Project assignment (optional for obtaining a certificate)

  • Dates: 5 attendance days on request at weiterbildung(at)
  • Registration deadline: --
  • Number of participants: approx. 12 persons
  • Location: Krefeld South Campus
  • Participation fee: 1.420,00 Euro | Alumni (5% discount) 1.349,00 € | Catering included
  • Participation requirements: University degree with one year of professional experience or professional training and at least three years of professional experience
  • Extent (workload): 75 h, thereof attendance 40 h, 3 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, attorney Anita Bennink:

Why is continuing education in labor law currently of interest to many professionals?
Labor law issues in companies are becoming increasingly complex and are gaining in importance due to demographic change. Companies, their human resources managers and works and staff councils must react to this in order to be able to offer employees interesting and flexible working conditions. In the future, this will become an increasingly important prerequisite for attracting and retaining good, qualified and motivated employees for the company.

What are you particularly looking forward to in this university certificate course?
Interested participants who want to expand their knowledge of labor law and are curious about how HR work will develop in companies in the future, and who are looking forward to a lively exchange of experiences between the participants and the lecturer.

And what can the participants look forward to?
To a lecturer who has more than 20 years of experience on the subject of labor law, both as a human resources manager and as a specialist attorney for labor law and as a lecturer on labor law, and who is still very curious about future developments in this subject area.
In addition, the advanced course offers each participant the opportunity to work out appropriate company agreements or company regulations for a real or imaginary company based on the newly gained knowledge with the support of the lecturer.

Your lecturer

Anita Bennink, Specialist attorney for labor law, personnel management expert
Contract lecturer Career-Integrated Degree Programmes, Labor Law / Interdisciplinary Project

Responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kreissl
Field of teaching business law, Chair of the Examinations Board, Chairman of the examination and subject committee Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Head of the study program and advisor for the study program "Verbundstudium

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition