Three questions for your lecturer, attorney Steffen Wilde:
Why is continuing education in online law currently of interest to many professionals?
Today, the success of a company often depends on the attractive, changeable and imaginative design of the social media offers and the connected websites and stores of the respective companies. This development makes it imperative that employees entrusted with the corresponding presentation of companies in social media and other Internet offerings are familiar with the relevant legal framework.
What are you particularly looking forward to with this university certificate course?
We advise numerous companies on IT law issues on a daily basis. Particularly in the area of social media offerings and Internet presences, there are often lively discussions about design ideas that arise from technical innovations and the imagination of employees. I am looking forward to two days of events where we can discuss the legal evaluation of design and presentation ideas from different companies and hopefully also different industries and work out solutions together.
And what can the participants look forward to?
The aim of the certificate course is to present the basic structures of the legal foundations that apply in the areas of social media, Internet platforms and e-mail marketing in a simple and understandable way, thus providing participants with a basic set of tools for their professional practice. The legal foundation courses are developed using examples from practical application and, in particular, from the participants' everyday work. This usually rather unfamiliar view of the participants' own daily activities is the reason for the suspense of the event.