Acquisition and maintenance of expertise according to § 11 o

Section 11 of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance regulates the proof of expertise required for persons who place certain hazardous substances, preparations or products on the market. This is important for anyone who supplies end customers with chemicals. This includes, for example, not only traditional companies in the chemical industry, but also DIY stores, drugstores and companies that supply painters.

The range of further training includes the following courses:

Do you have any questions?

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition

Advanced training for pedagogical and social fields of work

The continuing education program for educators in the field of communication and conflict culture provides new input from science and research in a condensed form. This is achieved through the interactive design of our training courses, which always take into account the examples and questions of our participants.

You can find the training courses for pedagogical and social fields of work here!

