
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


The central Equal Opportunities Officer and her representatives in the faculties support the university in implementing the statutory equal opportunities mandate and offer members of the university advice on the various aspects of equal opportunities. In particular, they are involved in the university's development planning and in structural and personnel decisions.

In addition to promoting gender equality at the university, the Gender Equality Office is also committed to improving the compatibility of family, studies and career. To this end, various continuing education and qualification measures are carried out and advice is offered to university members. In cooperation with the family service, the work-life balance department also provides advice on childcare, caring for relatives, studying and/or working with children and family-related issues.

Orientation measures on studies and apprenticeships at The Hochschule Niederrhein are organized for pupils to help them broaden their perspectives and make decisions about their future careers free from traditional gender roles

As an employer, The Hochschule Niederrhein supports its employees and students in achieving a better balance between family, work/studies and career. Good framework conditions and a family-friendly, appreciative culture create the necessary prerequisites.

Family-friendliness and gender equality are an ongoing process for us. That is why we strengthen offers that contribute to this and develop new solutions where necessary.

Your central equal opportunities officer at The Hochschule Niederrhein: Dr. SandraLaumen

[Translate to Englisch:]
Equal Pay Day 2025

Equal Pay Day reminds us that women in Germany received an average of 18% less pay than men in 2023. This means that up until today, March 6, they…

[Translate to Englisch:]
Equal Care Day: A day of visibility for invisible work

Imagine there is a job that is almost invisible, but without which our society would not function. A job that is often done by women, that is not paid…

[Translate to Englisch:]
Zero Discrimination Day

Zero Discrimination Day has been celebrated on March 1 for eleven years to draw attention to the various forms of discrimination and to set an example…

For female university members: free self-assertion course in May

In cooperation with the association empty hands e.V. from Mönchengladbach, Gleichstellung in Krefeld offers a self-assertion course consisting of…

Advice and support

Offer of open Consultation hours of the Equal Opportunities Officer in February 2025

On 17.02.2025, 9-12 a.m. I offer you the opportunity for digital exchange. You will find me in the Zoom room:



Meeting-ID: 646 9053 5734

Kenncode/Passwort: 126032

Just drop in if you have any questions and/or suggestions on topics such as equality, sexual discrimination or compatibility and take the opportunity to exchange ideas. If necessary, we can then arrange an appointment on site.

No registration is necessary.


You can find contact details for the equal opportunities officers in the faculties here.

Discrimination | Sexism | Harassment


All people have the same dignity and the same rights. We want to prevent discrimination of any kind at all levels. No one should be discriminated against because of their gender. Equality is actively committed to preventing sexism in all forms and at all levels.

Have you experienced a sexist assault or do you feel disadvantaged because of your gender?

Get in contact with us, we can help!

Compatibility | family service

The Hochschule Niederrhein supports the compatibility of family and studies or career.

In addition to the strategic handling of the topic by the Equal Opportunities Officer, the family service is a permanent offering at The Hochschule Niederrhein. At both locations, offers are made to promote the compatibility of studies, career and family responsibilities. These include the possibility of advice, the provision of U3 places in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach as well as the provision of general information on the childcare landscape, the offer of parent-child rooms as well as breastfeeding and changing rooms, information on parent-child parking spaces and play corners in the library.

You can find more information on the topic of compatibilityhere.

To the family service

Orientation | MINT promotion

Orientation measures on studies and apprenticeships at The Hochschule Niederrhein are organized for pupils to help them broaden their perspectives and make decisions about their future careers free from traditional gender roles.

A selection of the projects:

Girls' & Boys' Day


Projects in and with schools

MINT Forum


Further education | Events

Equality regularly organizes lectures, seminars and workshops on gender equality issues, also with the involvement of cooperation partners.

One specialization is the promotion of women with regard to their careers, as women are often disadvantaged in professional life despite having the same performance and often better degrees. In order to counteract this disadvantage, we provide women with knowledge and skills in seminars that enable them to market themselves more effectively.

You can view our current offers in Event Management Ant or under News. We also regularly publish the dates in the university's internal newsletters.

Appointment and recruitment procedures

By law, equal opportunities are involved in selection procedures for professorships(appointment procedures) and employees.

When making a career decision for The Hochschule Niederrhein, a decision also depends on the private circumstances for all those who are affected by your change of location or career. That is why we are there for all those affected.

We are a member of the Dual Career Network Rhinelanda network of universities and research facilities. The aim is to attract excellent scientists to the Rhineland region. To this end, the network partners not only offer excellent job opportunities, but also enable dual-career couples to combine career and partnership/family. Academic couples in particular find support here.

Equality concept for parity

The Gender Equality Concept for Parity is an official annex to the University Development Plan (HEP). You can find it here.

To the HEP

Framework plan | Gender equality plans

The framework plan and the university's equality plans are published on the intranet website.

To the intranet
Mentoring and MINT support
for female students and pupils

MINT is a German acronym for the four scientific fields:

Mathematics | Computer Science (German: Informatik) | Natural Sciences | Technology

It is the aequivalent of the English acronym STEM.

Equal opportunities is actively committed to promoting women in the MINT/STEM disciplines. The Hochschule Niederrhein takes part in the nationwide Girls' Day every year to break down stereotypes when choosing a course of study. Pupils have the opportunity to get a taste of MINT/STEM subjects as part of this day of action.

Mentoring programs for female students are designed to facilitate career entry, especially for female MINT/STEM students.

Your future day
It's that time again on April 3, 2025!

A day especially for you, where you can discover new professions and test yourself and your skills. All girls* and boys* aged 14 and over can take part.

*We perceive you as the identity that you perceive yourself to be. No matter what others say. What counts is how you feel. Your identity, your reality.

The Hochschule Niederrhein is also offering many interesting projects on this day in 2025.

If you're interested, take a look at what's on offer here or in the Girls' Day or Boys' Day Radar. You can only register there.

The university's queer network

The Hochschule Niederrhein as a trailblazer offers many paths and opportunities for its members. With "PrideProgress@HSNR", the university creates space for all employees and students who feel part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The "PrideProgress@HSNR" network connects employees and students across the university. It offers a platform and safe space for sharing experiences and mutual support. The initiative aims to represent the LGBTQIA+ community inside and outside the university and sees itself as a mouthpiece for queer issues. The surname "PrideProgress" also stands for the representation of the queer BIPOC community.

Dr. Sandra Laumen, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.
Equal Opportunity Officer
Equality in the faculties

The team of Equal Opportunities Officers is represented in the individual faculties. The Equal Opportunities Officers offer advice, support and information for all students and employees directly where their everyday lives take place.

Our auxiliary staff

Equality and PrideProgress is currently supported by Janyn Drexler.

Jacqueline Kiefer, B.A.
Equal opportunities employee
Gruppenbild der Preisträger:innen (vorn) und Laudator:innen
Equal Opportunities Commission

Representatives from administration, teaching education, research, elected students and employees make up the university's Equal Opportunities Commission. Together, they support the work of equal opportunities at The Hochschule Niederrhein with their everyday experience and expertise for one term of office.
