MINT Forum

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Welcome to the MINT Forum!

STEM Degree programmes today are more vibrant, diverse and exciting than ever before and far from typical stereotypes. Nevertheless, the number of women in technical, scientific Degree programmes is still low. The MINT Forum is a network that connects women within the university as well as facilitates contacts with the regional economy.

  • Support at the start of studies
  • Networking in everyday university life
  • Experienced female students as contacts
  • Talks & presentations with and by career women
  • Soft skills workshops
  • Preparation for professional life
  • Mentoring
  • Startup

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Be there and network with us!

Several times a semester you have the opportunity to take part in exciting workshops, meet interesting career women or exchange ideas with other female students. Our offer is always updated and adapted to your needs.

Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding our events?

Then let us know and send an email to mintforum(at)!


current events:

You can register for the workshops at any time

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workshops held:


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Consultation in the faculty

Here you will be introduced to students from the faculties who you can contact if you need support at the beginning of your studies or during your studies.

If you would like to become a supporter in your faculty, please contact us at mintforum(at)!

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Current programs: Mentoring: "Taking the lead as a woman".

To support female students as they enter the workforce or parallel to their studies, a new mentoring program is starting this year as part of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering's Women's Advancement Program. The project, which is accompanied by experienced managers, offers support with the questions:

- What's next?
- What do I want to achieve professionally?
- Which industry is interesting for me?
- I am aiming for a management position - how can I reach my goal as a woman?
- Who can encourage and accompany me on my way?


Introductory workshop

In an introductory workshop at the Hochschule Niederrhein, 11 female students prepared for the mentoring program "Leading as a Woman" on Jan. 24-23. The Hochschule Niederrhein project takes place in cooperation with the Unternehmerschaft Niederrhein and the Krefeld network "Leading Ladies in Town". The ambitious young women are accompanied on their career path by their mentors, executives from Lower Rhine companies. The mentoring will start in mid-February. Prof. Ralf Kampker, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Dr. Sandra Laumen, Equal Opportunities at HSNR, and Dr. Inge Röhnelt, Project Manager, are looking forward to the pilot project, which they will accompany with workshops on profile building and impulses on future topics of the companies.

Kick-off event

The Hochschule Niederrhein's mentoring program has been launched in cooperation with the Lower Rhine Employers' Association and the Krefeld network "Leading Ladies in Town". At the kick-off event in the premises of the employers' association, ten female graduates from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management met the mentors who will accompany them on their career paths in the future. The ambitious young women are thus assisted by executives from companies in the Lower Rhine region, who now meet monthly with the mentees, who so far have little professional experience, and want to engage in an exchange.

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Programs that took place: Mentoring

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers a mentoring program together with the competence centre Frau & Beruf Mittlerer Niederrhein (Women & Career Middle Lower Rhine) to make students fit for their career entry. Small and medium-sized companies from the region provide non-material support for the students.

The program "Mentoring: Focus on New Specialists" is aimed at all female students at the Hochschule Niederrhein. Each student is assigned a mentor. These mentors are available for their mentees for one year. The time can be individually arranged by the individual mentoring pairs.

As part of the mentoring program, selected female students have the opportunity to be professionally mentored by managing directors or owners of the region for one year.

In preparation for the program, a series of workshops will be held on three dates.
Topics are:

  • Networking, when and how?
  • The hidden value of indirect contacts
  • Expectations of the mentees
  • Guidelines for the mentoring program
  • Elevator pitch
  • Everyday sexism
  • Career planning and family responsibilities

Trainer: Ines Dauth

The 3rd round will start in the winter semester 2021/22 with a kick-off on Oct. 29, 2021. During the kick-off, the baton of the 2021/2022 mentoring program will be passed to the new group. The new tandems get to know each other. The "old" and the "new" can expand their own network many times over. We are starting the 3rd round with 7 pairs.

Funding is provided by the Gleichstellung der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Click here for further information and registration.

We are looking forward to the 3rd round!

If you have any questions please contactbeate.brungs(at)

The MINT Forum as a network for women

The MINT Forum was founded in 2013 and has developed into an active network over time. It aims to connect women from STEM fields and to accompany women on their way into their later professional life. In the meantime, we enjoy strong cooperation partners at our side, who optimally expand and help shape our network.

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MINT DUAL - Women test studies and career

The project remains the same, only the surname changes!

Do you already have your Abitur or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences in your pocket or are you about to graduate? You still have doubts whether technical studies are the right thing for you?

You have the opportunity to look into technical Degree programmes at the Hochschule Niederrhein. At the same time you can get to know the working areas of an engineer at a company. Through our network, you will get to know female students, engineers or scientists and get a realistic view of the requirements of studies and careers.

How does this work? Through a 6-month program to try out your desired course of study or career path:

Degree programmes are available in the following faculties

  • Chemistry
  • Electrical engineering and computer science
  • Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • Business informatics
  • Industrial engineering

Upon completion of the degree program, you will receive a certificate, which you can also use to prove your commitment in your resume. You will receive a certificate from the company confirming your activities.

We will be happy to advise you in good time and plan together with you according to your ideas.
If you are interested or have any questions, please send an e-mail to mint-dual(at)

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Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Our MINT Blog

Here you can read and browse exciting articles and reports on various topics in the field of STEM and studies. The texts are written by various STEM students and also female employees of the university.

Do you have an exciting topic you would like to report on? You too can actively contribute to our blog and share your interesting topics with us!

Just send us your texts to

We are looking forward to exciting contributions from you!



Field report: Mentoring program "Taking the lead as a woman"

This year, I was able to take part in the mentoring program "Taking the lead as a woman", which was offered for the first time by Faculty 09 in…

Field report: Mentoring program

I am in my eighth semester studying Faculty of Industrial Engineering and am taking part in this year's mentoring program "Taking the Lead as a…

You have questions? Write us!

Whether you need support or have general questions about the MINT Forum.
We are here for you!
Contact us via the form below and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

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Coordinator of the MINT Forum

Beate Brungs
MINT Forum / Mentoring