Topics & offers

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Teleworking | mobile working

The term teleworking/mobile working covers flexible forms of work in which our employees carry out part of their work outside the university buildings. Within the scope of the possibilities of the respective position, we offer home office work to support the better reconciliation of family/care and career. The service agreements for this area are currently being revised.

Flexible working hours

All employees of The Hochschule Niederrhein have the option of working flexible hours to better align their work with their individual needs.

Part-time apprenticeship and career

Manage work and family! Do you have family responsibilities or other personal reasons that require you to reduce your working hours / work part-time? The Hochschule Niederrhein follows the principle of accommodating your working hours as far as possible. Why? We want you to be able to manage your life well in all areas.

With us, you can advance your career on a part-time basis. We make sure that management responsibilities can also be taken on part-time if this is possible for work-related reasons. Many further training courses for employees can also be taken part-time. We attach great importance to this when selecting providers. If this is not possible, we prefer offers that organize childcare.

Take the opportunity of a part-time apprenticeship. As a committed parent caring for a relative, we want to give you the chance to complete a good apprenticeship and gain a professional qualification. To this end, we offer you family-friendly conditions. Part-time apprenticeships are currently available in our administration department. If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with more information about part-time apprenticeships.

Job sharing

One job - two jobs With us, it is generally possible to share a job(job-sharing). If the position allows, we implement a variety of individual models. In practical application, we initially assign a vacancy on a part-time basis and then look for a suitable counterpart after the contract has been signed, also on a part-time basis.

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!
... in studies
Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!
... in teaching education
Gruppenbild der Preisträger:innen (vorn) und Laudator:innen
Gruppenbild der Preisträger:innen (vorn) und Laudator:innen



On 29 October 2024, the winners of this year's Equal Opportunities Commission ideas competition were honoured in the Shedhalle of the Faculty of Design at The Hochschule Niederrhein.

In spring, students and employees were able to submit their ideas and suggestions under the motto "Shape life at your university", which included equality, diversity, studying and working with family responsibilities, gender identity and care.

A jury consisting of members of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Senate evaluated the submissions according to the criteria of feasibility, innovation and benefit for the university.

After a welcome address by Professor Stockmanns, Vice President for Teaching Education and Studies, five prizes and certificates were awarded.

Desirée Krüger received the first prize from Professor Donja Amirpur, Vice President for University Culture and Diversity, for her idea "Allyship - Diversity Ralley".

Second place went to Sinem Celik with her idea of a "mentoring program by first-time academics for first-time academics".

Third place went to Ashtar Abnoel with the idea "Beyond Stereotypes - against common gender stereotypes in studies and career choices".

Anastasiia Drachyshyna came fourth with her idea "Celebrating diversity - working together against racism and discrimination at The Hochschule Niederrhein".

The "Introduction to a Diversity Day - Diversity and Equality Day" was the idea of Miriam Tetzlaff, who took fifth place.

A special prize was also awarded to Cäcilia Sander and Florian Grebe, who dealt with the topic of accessibility.


Professor Markus Lake, Chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission, and Sandra Laumen, Equal Opportunities Officer at the university, thanked all participants on behalf of the university's Equal Opportunities Commission for their commitment to equality and diversity at The Hochschule Niederrhein and were delighted with the great ideas!


The next competition is planned for 2027.


Award winners:inside 2021

1st prize: Establishment of an anti-discrimination office for all status groups

2nd and 3rd prize: Making people with family responsibilities visible I Raising awareness of the challenges of care responsibilities

4th prize: A second life for laptops and cell phones

5th prize:Raising awareness I Continuing education on the topic of racism


Award winners 2017

1st prize: Establishment of a parent-child time in the library

2nd prize: Setting up a care pool to support childcare during lectures and examinations

3rd prize: family-oriented design of the canteen

Special mobility prize: Purchase of cargo and rental bikes

Status of the projects

The Equal Opportunities Commission and all other responsible boards and committees are doing their best to ensure that the award winners' ideas are implemented. The winning ideas from 2017 and 2021 were implemented in full: The AGG complaints office deals with cases of discrimination against all status groups, including students. Children can be taken into the library; a children's corner has been set up.

Making people with care responsibilities visible is in full swing. In addition to various past and future events, a campaign on the topic is currently being developed. Regular events are also held to raise awareness and provide continuing education on racism.

We would like to thank all participants for their commitment to equality at The Hochschule Niederrhein!

Next ideas competition

The next Equal Opportunities Commission ideas competition is expected to start in 2027.
