As part of the quality development of studies and teaching education, evaluation is an instrument with which, on the one hand, the fulfillment of university tasks and, on the other hand, existing measures can be checked for their efficiency. Based on the PDCA cycle, measures are reviewed at various levels from the perspective of all those involved: from the individual course to university-wide projects. The regulations for evaluating studies and teaching education at The Hochschule Niederrhein can be found in the quality management and evaluation regulations.
The Coordination Office for Evaluation supports lecturers in obtaining structured feedback from students on their teaching education. The self-critical examination of this feedback provides a foundation course for the further development of one's own teaching education. The standardized survey is one of the evaluation instruments at The Hochschule Niederrhein. A university version of the survey software SoSci Survey was introduced to enable online surveys to be carried out using state-of-the-art technology and in compliance with data protection regulations. Lecturers at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences can also use this software for surveys in the context of research and teaching education.