Coordination Office for Evaluation

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Good teaching education is important to us!

As part of the quality development of studies and teaching education, evaluation is an instrument with which, on the one hand, the fulfillment of university tasks and, on the other hand, existing measures can be checked for their efficiency. Based on the PDCA cycle, measures are reviewed at various levels from the perspective of all those involved: from the individual course to university-wide projects. The regulations for evaluating studies and teaching education at The Hochschule Niederrhein can be found in the quality management and evaluation regulations.

The Coordination Office for Evaluation supports lecturers in obtaining structured feedback from students on their teaching education. The self-critical examination of this feedback provides a foundation course for the further development of one's own teaching education. The standardized survey is one of the evaluation instruments at The Hochschule Niederrhein. A university version of the survey software SoSci Survey was introduced to enable online surveys to be carried out using state-of-the-art technology and in compliance with data protection regulations. Lecturers at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences can also use this software for surveys in the context of research and teaching education.

Evaluation at The Hochschule Niederrhein

As part of the internal evaluation, members of The Hochschule Niederrhein (first-year students, students in higher specialization semesters, staff and lecturers) are surveyed on various aspects of studies and teaching education as well as the general conditions in the faculty and at the university using various questionnaires. The results enable the faculties to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to develop and implement measures for improvement.

Independently of this, graduates and exmatriculated students at the university are surveyed annually about their studies. The survey of graduates is carried out as part of the cooperation project Graduate Studies (KOAB) and the University of Kassel, while exmatriculates are surveyed directly by the Evaluation Coordination Office. All graduates and exmatriculants who have completed their studies one to one and a half years previously are surveyed. The results are incorporated into the development of study conditions at university and department level and are used to further develop the degree programmes.

Student course evaluations are carried out across the board in all ten faculties at The Hochschule Niederrhein. The evaluation regulations stipulate that every lecturer should have their courses evaluated by students every two years. The re-registration by students gives university teachers / lecturers the opportunity to take a critical look at their own teaching education and, if necessary, derive measures to improve the course. In addition to lecturers and contract lecturers, specialist tutors and revision tutors also have the opportunity to have their courses evaluated by participants.

Further surveys on the quality of studies and teaching education form the third pillar of the evaluation procedure. For example, surveys are conducted on the introductory days of the faculties, language courses at the language centers or the key qualifications and summer and winter academies. In addition, the Evaluation Coordination Office prepares statistical evaluations, e.g. for the Student Degree Programme Counselling or the Lecturer Pool and Language Centres Service Point, based on survey data or event/participant data.

Coordination Office for Evaluation


The Coordination Office for Evaluation was set up to support the Presidential Board, the faculties, the central facilities and central operating units of the university in carrying out their evaluation procedures. This includes, on the one hand, scientific advice and support in the design, execution and implementation of evaluation activities and, on the other hand, the implementation of evaluations as separate research projects.

In addition, the staff of the Coordination Office for Evaluation support university members in classifying and dealing with their evaluation results.

The Coordination Office for Evaluation supports lecturers and employees of The Hochschule Niederrhein by providing operational, content-related and operational (technical) support for their survey projects to ensure that online surveys can be carried out easily and in compliance with the law in the context of research and teaching education.

EvaSys evaluation system

The Hochschule Niederrhein uses the EvaSys evaluation software to carry out student course evaluations. This enables lecturers to access the results of their course evaluations at any time via an online portal.

Direct link to EvaSys

Survey software SoSci Survey

The university's own version of the survey software SoSci Survey is available for the data protection-compliant and secure implementation of online surveys in the area of research and teaching. You can find information about using and conducting surveys as well as tools in the moodle course "Datenschutz für Lehr- und Forschungsprojekte" (registration key: Datenschutz).

Direct link to SoSci Survey

Literature until 2010

  • Richthofen, A.v., Voigt, I. & Lent, M. (2010). Further development of appointment procedures at universities. Part 2 - Field reports. In: Personnel and organizational development. 5th vol. 1/2010, pp. 19-23.
  • Richthofen, A. v. (2009). Improving the professional competence of university graduates. In: Benz, Kohler & Landfried. Handbook of quality in studies and teaching education. Berlin. HQSL E 3.5.
  • Richthofen, A.v. (2009). Central coordination of evaluation and continuing education in higher education didactics. In: Richthofen, A.v. & Lent, M. (eds.). Quality development in studies and teaching education. Bielefeld. S. 65 - 75.
  • Lent, M. & Richthofen, A.v. (eds.) (2008). Insight into the teaching education of others. Results of an interdepartmental exchange on issues relating to the quality of teaching education. Aachen.
  • Richthofen, A. v. & Lent, M. (2008). Quality development of university lecturers with evaluation. In: B. Berendt, H.-P. Voss & J. Wildt: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre. Berlin. NHHL I 2.7.
  • Richthofen, A. v. (2008). Quality development at The Hochschule Niederrhein on the basis of a central evaluation procedure. In: (Rudinger, G., Krahn, B. & Rietz, C. (Eds.): Evaluation and quality assurance of research and teaching education in the Bologna Process. Bonn. Conference proceedings.
  • Lent, M. & Richthofen, A.v. & Peters, D. (2007): The extracurricular teaching offer. Evaluation of utilization. Poster for the 2nd Forum Hochschullehre.
  • Voigt, I. & Richthofen, A.v. (2007). Further development of appointment procedures at universities. In: Personnel and organizational development. 2nd Vol. 2007, H. 2, pp. 30 - 34
  • Richthofen, A.v. (2006). Leadership styles of department heads. In: University management. Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtugen. 1st Vol. 2006, H. 2, pp. 42-46
  • Richthofen, A. v. (2005). The survey of employers on the requirements for university graduates. In: SQ-Forum. Key qualifications in teaching education, research and practical application, 2nd edition.
  • Richthofen, A.v. & Wentzlaff, G. (2005). Key competencies of graduates - The perspective of employers in the context of evaluation procedures. In: New handbook of university lecturers. Berlin. I 2.5
  • Richthofen, A. v. (2004). Possibilities for department heads to influence the goal orientation of lecturers in the implementation of study reforms. Aachen. Access. Diss. University of Dortmund.
  • Wentzlaff, G.; Richthofen, A.v.: (2002). Continuous evaluation process at The Hochschule Niederrhein. Status report on the 1st European AQAS conference on quality assurance in studies. Cologne, June 17 and 18, 2002. conference proceedings.
  • Klotz, M.-L., Richthofen, A.v. (2001). The evaluation process at The Hochschule Niederrhein. In: Handbuch Hochschullehre. D 3.12

David Peters, M.A.
Head of the Coordination Office for Evaluation

Nadine Israel, M.A, M.Sc.
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Evaluation)

Stefanie Masella, M.Sc.
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Evaluation)

Alexander Sachse
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Academic Controlling)