We rely on good, cooperative team work and are convinced that, even in times of rapid and intensive change, we can successfully master the challenges of the future together. This includes promoting the professional development of our employees. In this way, we create individual career prospects and at the same time ensure a high standard within the university organization. After all, a well-trained team that is up to date in terms of content and methodology provides the basis for realizing our aspirations.
We create the best possible framework conditions for our professors to advance application-oriented research. With the Research and Transfer Department, we provide support in the application process, in the registration of inventions or patents, or in legal matters. We encourage the formation of competence centres, which can be upgraded to institutes if they achieve above-average success with third-party funding. Scientists benefit from this as well as from our efforts to implement a regulated path to a professorship. We create an attractive environment for research and teaching education and enable the professional and personal development of dedicated scientists.
By the way: According to a survey by the online portal Statista, The Hochschule Niederrhein is one of Krefeld's most attractive employers in 2019.
Those who work for us make their way.