Animal-assisted therapy and education

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Current information

Are you interested in the course but would like more information?

  • The course instructor, Prof. Dr. Kaestele, offers several open Consultation hours for the course.
    These take place on:
    Sat, 27.07.2024 18.30 - 19.30
    Wed., 25.09.2024 18.00 - 19.00
    Feel free to bring your questions and join the Zoom meeting. You do not need to register for this.
    Here are the meeting link and dial-in details:
    Meeting ID: 518 346 5120 | Passcode/password: 520943
  • On Sunday, 08.09.2024 from 10 am to 5 pm there will be a taster day at the Riedlingshof for interested and already registered participants of the certificate course - including self-awareness and action-oriented learning units with trained horses and dogs.
    Costs: €65 with own catering, drinks are provided | The costs will be reimbursed as part of the course invoice if you take part in the course.
    Address: Riedlingstiere vom Veybach, Am Wald 18, 53894 Mechernich-Katzvey
    Please register by sending your contact details to weiterbildung(at)
About the certificate course

Animals are an important point of reference in many people's lives. They are loyal companions in all situations and are perceived as relationship partners. The positive bio-psycho-social effects of human-animal interaction are continuously being researched and confirmed in many studies. Today, animals are used in professional counseling and therapy settings in outpatient and inpatient facilities. Possible places of use can be hospices, retirement and nursing homes, hospitals, therapeutic practices and educational institutions, schools and youth welfare facilities.

In order to carry out animal-related educational and therapeutic activities professionally, a well-trained human-animal team is required. This is exactly where the university certificate course comes in: The continuing education is designed at a high academic level and combines current findings from science and research with the practical elements of animal-assisted work. The focus is therefore on developing a basic professional attitude and building up specialist knowledge in dealing with different animal species.

The theoretical foundation courses are taught in online events that take place at weekends. In addition, two practical block weeks and an extended practical weekend are held to enable direct transfer into practical application.

Course objectives

On successful completion of the course you will be able to

  • Design therapeutic and educational work processes with animals on the basis of a broad and theoretically sound knowledge.
  • Use your knowledge of the bio-psycho-social effects of animal-assisted work in practical application.
  • professionally plan, implement and evaluate their own animal-assisted educational and therapeutic projects.
  • Implement legal, hygienic and administrative requirements for the practical application of animals.
  • Apply practical knowledge about the possible use of different animal species in preventive, rehabilitative and educational professional fields.
  • Qualification for animal-assisted work through academically sound continuing education with speakers from various scientific disciplines, such as psychology, education, veterinary medicine and behavioral research.
  • Opening up new professional opportunities and networks.
  • To do justice to the increasing importance of animal-assisted measures in institutional settings using professional methods.
  • Optimization of previous animal-assisted activities.
  • Personal growth through self-awareness.
Target group

Psychologists, medical and non-medical psychotherapists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists, alternative practitioners, professional groups working in a counseling capacity (social workers, social pedagogues), teachers and educators and other professional groups working in educational institutions and in health management and care professions.

Form of teaching and learning

The university certificate course takes place in a combination of online events, face-to-face and self-study units:

In the online events, the theoretical foundation courses of animal-assisted work are taught by lecturers from a wide range of specialist areas. The first event is scheduled to take place in person at the university to allow students to get to know each other personally.

During thetwo practical weeks and the additional extended practical weekend, participants gain intensive experience and learn about educational and therapeutic work with different animal species in practice. They exchange ideas in the group and network with other participants. In the self-study phases, participants deepen the content taught and expand their knowledge of animal-assisted interventions through literature study and self-reflection.

In addition, participants complete an internship, which enables them to apply the training content directly in practical application and expand their own skills. The preparation of a term paper serves the individual advanced course of what has been learned, taking into account the quality criteria of scientific work. The term paper is supervised by the course director, Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele.

The combination of online events, practical phases and self-study phases makes it possible to complete the comprehensive continuing education program within 12 months.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the brochure and in the download area.

Introductory event presence / 13.04.2024

Sat., 13.04.2024 | Presence | 8 h
The Hochschule Niederrhein, Campus Mönchengladbach
Sun., 14.04.2024 | Online | 8 h

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele and Kristin Bruks


  • Foundation course of the animal-human relationship
  • TGI with refugees

Animals and us: Cognition in animals

Sat., 11.05 - Sun., 12.05.2024 | Online | 16 h

Universityteacher / lecturer: Dr. Karsten Brensing


  • Current research questions in behavioral biology
  • Cultural-historical development of the human-animal relationship
  • Social science: human-animal interaction
  • Psychology: Human-animal interaction
  • How do animals communicate? The example of dolphins
  • Empathy transfer between humans and animals
  • Contributions from current scientific research

Lühlerheide practice week

Mon, 17.06. - Fri, 21.06.2024 | Attendance | 40 h
Lühlerheide, Marienthaler Straße 10, 46514 Schermbeck

Lecturers: Antje Kulms, Elke Willems, Kristin Bruks and Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele


  • Getting to know the farm and the animal species
  • Expertise/systemic TGI with ark farm and farm animals
  • TGI with donkeys
  • TGI with goats
  • Conducting TGI with homeless people, senior citizens, people with disabilities and/or dementia
  • Presentation of the learning farm project; pedagogical teaching of foundation courses: theory and practice
  • Creation of a personal competence profile
  • TGI triangle and/or TGI square
  • TGI theory: mindfulness and relaxation exercises
  • Learning by doing: toolbox/working with training videos

Veterinary and biological aspects

Sat., 13.07. - Sun., 14.07.2024 | Online | 16 h

Lecturer: Elena Kaschubat


  • Basic veterinary knowledge
  • Anatomical, physiological and pathological foundation courses
  • Animal welfare and hygiene regulations
  • Pathogens and relevant diseases in dogs and frequently used animals in the TGI
  • Foundation courses for the use of animals in facilities
  • Stresses on the dog in the context of animal-assisted use
  • Animal husbandry and animal suitability/animal breeding
  • Registration of animals with the veterinary office
  • Dangers of animal-assisted use
  • Transmission of diseases to humans (zoonoses)
  • Legal foundation courses (Infection Protection Act § 6-§ 8) and paragraphs of the Animal Welfare Act relevant to the assignment (e.g. on the duration of the animal-assisted assignment)
  • Questions on liability and insurance


Practice week Reedling animals

Mon, 26.08. - 30.08.2024 | Presence | 40 h
: Riedlingstiere vom Veybach, Am Wald 18, 53894 Mechernich-Katzvey

Lecturers: Isabell Riedling and Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele


  • Getting to know the farm and the animal species
  • TGI with horses: Selection and species-appropriate training of horses in therapeutic and educational settings | RT and RP settings (with flood victim children, APS, ADHD, ADD, physically disabled people) | horses in traumatology | apprenticeship and health maintenance of therapy horses, legal and animal welfare aspects.
  • TGI with dogs: Selection, suitability and apprenticeship of therapy dogs | The dog as a social partner of humans, legal and animal welfare aspects, zoonoses | Areas of application, effectiveness, possibilities and limitations in HGT + HGP | Best practices
  • TGI with poultry
  • The lighthouse principle; marketing of animal-assisted services

Practice location Korschenbroich and Willich

Fri, 13 - Sun, 15.09.2024 | Presence | 24 h
Locations: SmiLa-Hof Korschenbroich, Am Graben 46, 41352 Korschenbroich
and farm kindergarten Willich, Darderhöfe 3, 47877 Willich

Lecturers: Jenny Bettin, Birgit Sauer and Annette Bergmann


Animal-assisted interventions with New World camelids

  • Setting, areas of application and potential target groups
  • What does a llama need to be happy?
  • Characteristics of llamas: communication and behavior
  • Do's and don'ts in contact with llamas
  • Recognizing and reducing stress in humans and animals
  • Llama quiz: knowledge questions for the participants

Willich farm kindergarten

  • Getting to know the farm kindergarten and the animal species
  • Nature-based education through animal support in theory and practice
  • Foundation courses in developmental psychology
  • Trying out selected exercises with invited children
  • Foundation courses in systemic nature therapy; self-awareness in nature

Foundation courses in human medicine

Sat., 16.11. - Sun., 17.11.2024 | Online | 16 h

University teacher /lecturer: Dr. med. Roger Braas


  • Medical-historical development of psychiatry and "psychotherapeutic models"
  • Model of mental disorders
  • Etiology: multifactorial causation
  • Psychopathology foundation course
  • Therapeutic possibilities of different models
  • Limits of therapeutic approaches
  • First responder coping with crisis situations
  • Self-awareness in the application of therapeutic procedures

Humans and animals / Animal ethics

Introduction to animal ethics

Sat., 11.01 - Sun., 12.01.2025 | Online | 16 h

Universityteacher / lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michael Rosenberger


  • Intentionality and sentience in animals
  • animal philosophical paradigm shift and interdisciplinary animal ethics
  • Interdisciplinary methods and issues in animal ethics
  • Basic knowledge of the most important approaches to animal ethics in the past and present
  • Discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches
  • Ability to independently develop and defend ethical judgments in important areas of conflict in the human-animal relationship
  • Traces of animal ethics in the Bible
  • Concrete areas of animal ethics: animal testing, livestock farming and killing
  • Animal ethics in the area of conflict between animal welfare, agriculture and agricultural policy

Dog-assisted pedagogy in schools

Sat., 22.02. - Sun., 23.02.2025 | Online | 16 h

Lecturer: Dr. Mona Mombeck


  • Current research results on animal-assisted pedagogy (with dogs) in schools
  • Animal welfare
  • Pupils' view of animal-assisted pedagogy
  • Effects on the social structures of a school class
  • Promotion of emotional and social competence and social participation
  • Influence on social roles
  • Role of the dog handler in animal-assisted settings
  • Inclusive attitude of the dog handler in relation to humans and animals in the animal-assisted setting
  • Animal-assisted pedagogy: a multi-species approach

Dog-assisted trauma therapy

Sat., 15.03.2025 | Online | 8 h

Universityteacher / lecturer: Dr. Dirk Walter


  • Historical context of psychotraumatology
  • Trauma disorders: Pathogenesis, neurobiological foundation courses, diagnostic criteria, treatment approaches Trauma confrontative procedures
  • The dog as a co-therapist in the treatment of trauma sequelae
  • Psychotherapeutic aspects of a TGI: the dog as a third force in the room (triangulation)
  • Approaches to dog-assisted trauma therapy
  • Developmental psychological theories, attachment theories and types
  • Hypotheses, methods and results in the context of an evaluation in a specialist practice for trauma-related disorders
  • Case study of dog-assisted trauma therapy
  • Dogs in psychotherapeutic and neurological research: Oxytocin model n. Julius (2014)

Animal assisted projects _1. aid for dogs

Sat., 12.04. - Sun., 13.04.2025 | Online | 12 h

Lecturers: Anja Breiding and Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele


Planning and implementation of animal-assisted projects

  • From the initial idea to the implementation of projects

First aid for dogs

  • Animal welfare, stress and pain recognition
  • Preparing the animals for use

Presentation of homework, feedback and conclusion


  • The continuing education program extends over a period of one year from 13.04.2024 to 13.04.2025.
    During this period, there will be an introductory day at The Hochschule Niederrhein, 14 online day events on a total of 8 weekends as well as two practical block weeks and an extended practical weekend.
  • Registration deadline: 22.03.2024
  • Number of participants: approx. 20 people
  • Location: Online format and several practical locations (Mönchengladbach, Schermbeck, Mechernich-Katzey, Korschenbroich, Willich)

Kick-off event in presence:

  • Sat. 13.04.2024 at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach campus

Block weeks in presence - 5 days each

  • Mon, 17 - Fri, 21.06.2024: Lühlerheide, Schermbeck
  • Mon, 26 - Fri, 30.08.2024: Riedlingstiere vom Veybach, Mechernich-Katzvey

Practical application weekend - 3 days

  • Fri. 13.09. - Sun. 15.09.2024: SmiLa-Hof, Korschenbroich / farm kindergarten, Willich

Online presence events

  • Sun., 14.04.2024 | Sat., 11.05. and Sun., 12.05.2024 | Sat., 13.07. and Sun., 14.07.2024 | Sat., 16.11. and Sun., 17.11.2024 | Sat, 11.01. and Sun., 12.01.2025 | Sat., 22.02. and Sun., 23.02.2025 | Sat., 15.03.2025 and Sat., 12.04. and Sun., 13.04.2025
  • Participation fee: € 4,500 | alumni € 4,275 (5% discount)
    The fee can be paid in three installments of € 1,500 each if desired. The first installment is due before the start of the course, the second payment by 30.09.2024 and the last installment by 28.02.2025.
    Participants incur additional costs for accommodation and meals on attendance dates and during practical phases.
  • Participation requirements: University degree or other professionally qualifying degree with relevant professional experience.
  • Scope (workload): 520 h, of which 220 h (online) attendance, 20 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

All participants receive a certificate of attendance if at least 75% of the course is attended.

In order to obtain the university certificate in "Animal-assisted therapy and education" (20 ECTS credits), you must provide proof of performance and successfully complete the examination.

  • The following certificates of achievement must be submitted:
    - Internship certificate and internship report (self-reflection): minimum duration 120 h (60 h of which can be your own practical project). If necessary, the course instructor, Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele, can recommend a practical location.
    - Oral presentation in the form of a lecture: 30 h workload, duration 20 to 30 minutes
  • Examination | approx. 150 h workload:
    Preparation of a written term paper, 30 to 40 pages, duration: approx. 4 months

Three questions for the course instructor, Prof. Dr. Leonina Gina Kaestele:

Why is continuing education in "specialist in animal-assisted therapy and education" currently of interest to many professionals?
Human-animal interactions have been the subject of intensive research for several years and the positive effects have now been proven in numerous studies. As a result, the possible applications and locations have become very diverse and the demand for well-trained specialists is increasing. I believe that our continuing education program contains the right mix of theory and practice and that new career opportunities and prospects can open up for participants after graduation with the university certificate.

What are you particularly looking forward to about this university certificate course?
For me, the apprenticeship in the field of animal-assisted therapy and education is a project close to my heart, so I'm really looking forward to getting to know the participants and supporting them in their continuing education. I always find the practical phases in particular very enriching.

And what can the participants look forward to?
Participants can look forward to a professionally qualifying continuing education program in which theory and practice are very well combined. The continuing education contributes to their personal and professional development. Learning in a group of like-minded people has proved to be very successful so far. Good contacts have been made, which have also contributed to an in-depth professional exchange after the degree of continuing education.


Where can I stay overnight during the block weeks?
A list of hotels and guesthouses in the vicinity of the practice centers will be provided.

Can I bring my pet to the on-campus events?
It is possible to bring pets to individual practice locations on request.

What is the difference between a "certificate of attendance" and a "certificate"?
A certificate of attendance can be issued to all graduates who were present for at least 75% of the attendance time of the course.
A certificate is only issued if participants have successfully completed the examination (proof of internship, term paper). A certificate thus attests to much more than mere participation in the certificate course and also entitles the holder to have up to 20 ECTS points credited towards a Master's degree programme. However, the university at which the studies are to be taken up always decides whether they can be credited.

Making up attendance or examinations
Attendance or examinations can only be made up for a fee and only if the course is offered again.

Can I call myself a "specialist in animal-assisted therapy and education" after completing the continuing education course?
Yes, by successfully completing the certificate course, you will have completed an academic continuing education program that meets all the requirements for a specialist.

How and when can I do the internship?
The internship is a course-related self-study phase and is 120 hours long. It must be related to the certificate course so that it can be credited. You should have officially registered for the course before you start the internship and have submitted the internship certificate by the time you complete your degree.

Prof. Dr. (emer.) Leonina Gina Kaestele
Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit, insb. Beratungsverfahren

Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition