HumYs Rike also told me that they observed something called hysteresis. Scientifical- ly speaking, it is is the dependence of the state of a system on its history. For HumY that meant that at same humidity content, the measured values are higher during de- sorption than before during adsorption. So they react differently depending on whether they come from a low or high humidity en- vironment. Looking at the diagram at page 37, one could imagine that hysteresis is bigger for twice wrapped yarns, but when we actually put the hysteresis per humidity level in relation to the change in capacity, we actually see that a double layer of vi- scose slightly reduces hysteresis. The hys- teresis effects are particularly effective at high humidity. Rike told me that the hyste- resis of the HumYs is due to the adsorption behaviour of viscose towards water. Due to intramolecular hydrogen bonds between cellulose and water molecules, more water remain in the fibre during desorption than during adsorption at same humidity con- tent. So actually, Rike and her team expec- ted that hysteresis effects would occur. To be usuable in clothing the HumYs should not only detect humidity but also ac- tual wetness. Because if you imagine inte- Hysteresis effect of HumYs ] % [ A C - D C / C ∆ 25 20 15 10 5 0 24,4 18,5 11,2 5,6 2,0 24,0 20,5 12,6 6,7 2,8 23,2 15,4 7,4 3,9 2,0 23,1 15,2 9,2 4,6 2,1 22,1 18,6 14,6 8,0 4,5 22,4 19,2 10,7 5,5 3,1 HighFlex HighFlex Bekinox Bekinox Polysol Polysol once wrapped twice wrapped once wrapped twice wrapped once wrapped twice wrapped 30 rH 40 rH 50 rH 60 rH 70 rH 38