Modellbildung und Hochleistungsrechnen

Hochschule Niederrhein. Dein Weg.

IMH - Institut für Modellbildung und Hochleistungsrechnen

Das IMH bietet mathematische Methoden- und Software-Kompetenz auf dem Gebiet des maschinellen Lernens und der CAE-basierten Robust-Design-Optimierung in der virtuellen Produktentwicklung an, mit der es möglich wird, sichere, zuverlässige und optimale Designs und Produkte zu entwickeln unter der Berücksichtigung der umvermeidbaren streuenden Einwirkungen und Systemeigenschaften. Insbesondere ist es möglich, dass innerhalb der Optimierung in den CAE-Prozessen die unvermeidbaren Unsicherheiten und Streuungen der Einwirkungen, der Systemeigenschaften und der Herstellungsprozesse berücksichtigt werden können. Über die State-of-the-Art-Methoden hinaus entwickeln das IMH auf Wunsch numerische Algorithmen im Bereich der Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen, der Optimalsteuerung, der stochastischen Analyse und multidisziplinären Optimierung.

Kernkompetenz des IMH ist die Verbindung von

  • Numerischer Struktur- und Strömungssimulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
  • Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen
  • Parallelem und verteiltem Hochleistungsrechnen (CPU und GPU)
  • Maschinellem Lernen
  • Stochastischer Versuchsplanung und Datenanalyse
  • Optimalsteuerung
  • Design- und Prozess-Optimierung und stochastischer Analyse

Forschung und Entwicklung

Zentrale Themen der aktuellen Forschungsarbeit sind die Entwicklung mathematischer Methoden der stochastischen Struktur- und Strömungssimulation, der Modellierung und der Finite-Elemente-Analyse von Zufallsfeldern und partieller stochastischer Differentialgleichungen, der Robustheits- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse innerhalb der Sicherheitstheorie, des maschinellen Lernens, der multidisziplinären Optimierung sowie die Numerik und Softwareentwicklung für die Entwicklung und Risikobewertung komplexer Systeme unter Berücksichtigung großer Datenmengen in den folgenden Technologien:

  • Industrie 4.0   
  • Cyber-physische Syteme   
  • Digital Twins   
  • Machine Learning   
  • Datenbasierte Optimierung   
  • Big Data Analysis

und den folgenden industriellen Anwendungsbereichen:

  • Flexibilisierung der Kraftwerke, Energieeffizienz   
  • Erneuerbare Energien   
  • Speichertechnologien   
  • Turbomaschinen   
  • Automobilität   
  • Luft- und Raumfahrt   
  • Schifffahrt   
  • Medizintechnik


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Aufgabenstellungen von Unternehmen sowie von Forschungsinstituten beinhalten in einigen Fällen:

  • eine komplexe Physik,
  • eine komplexe Geometrie,
  • die Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung zusätzlicher Software für kommerzielle Softwarepakete,
  • sowie deren Parallelisierung zur Performance-Steigerung

Wir unterstützen Sie

  • bei der Optimierung Ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen
  • bei der Analyse komplexer technischer Aufgabenstellungen in Ihren Forschungsprojekten
  • bei der Entwicklung von math. Modellen und Software
  • Umsetzung einer realen Anlage / Maschine in ein Simulationsmodell
  • Programmieren von zusätzlicher Software
  • Parallelisierung
  • Berechnung von Lösungen des Modells auf Hochleistungsrechenanlagen
  • Mitarbeit bei der Übertragung der Ergebnisse in die Praxis


Rechengitter sind die Voraussetzung für die Anwendung der Numerischen Strömungssimulation. Wir bieten Ihnen

  • Gittergenerierung industrieller Geometrien als Dienstleistung
  • Schulung in Gittergenerierung mit Ansys ICEM CFD
  • Hohe zeitliche Flexibilität
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Unternehmen
  • Erstellen von qualitativ hochwertigen Rechengittern bis zu 50 Millionen Zellen mit dem Ziel einer schnellen Lösungungskonvergenz und einer hohen Genauigkeit
  • Auflösen von feinen Strukturen (auch Strömungsstrukturen), um die "Wirklichkeit" optimal zu treffen

Paralleles und verteiltes Rechnen

Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt im IHM liegt in der Entwicklung von Methoden, um Probleme mit hohen Rechenanforderungen auf eine gegebene Infrastruktur abzubilden. Dabei kann es sich um

  • moderne CPUs mit vielen Kernen und Funktionseineinheiten
  • parallele Grafikprozessoren,
  • Cluster oder
  • weltweit verteilte Rechenressourcen, zusammengeschlossen in einem Grid handeln

Stochastische Versuchsplanung/Datenanalyse

Die entwickelten Gauß-Kovarianznetzwerke sind für Regressionsaufgaben (insbesondere bei wesentlich weniger Experimenten) prognosesicherer als KNN und für Klassifikationsaufgaben geeigneter als Gaußprozesse. Außerdem werden im Gegensatz zu Gaußprozessen auch große Datenmengen und hochdimensionale Parameterräume unterstützt. Da die Topologie der KNN auf das Training der Hyperparameter festgelegt und für beliebige Anwendungen im Bereich ML optimiert ist,  entfällt die kosten- und zeitaufwendige Optimierung der Netztopologie (durch Data-Experten bzw. AutoML-Cloud-Dienste) und gewährleistet durch die hohe Effizienz und dem geringen Hardwarebedarf hochprognosefähige, instationäre, inhomogene, adaptive Gaußprozesse. Durch die Erweiterung auf multi-input/output Gauß-Kovarianznetzwerke können auch für Zeitreihen und 2d/3d-Felddaten ML-Modelle trainiert werden. Die besondere Effizienz in der Experimentplanung resultiert einerseits aus der hohen Prognosefähigkeit der ML-Modelle und anderseits aus sequentiellen, adaptiven Unterraumstichprobenverfahren, die im Sinne einer Bayesian Optimization in Kombination aus Expected (Volume) Improvement, Varianzreduktion der Gaußprozesse und multivariaten, nichtlinearen Sensitivitätsanalyse.

Im Vergleich zur klassischen DoE-Verfahren mit Partial least squares regression, Faktoranalyse und ANOVA ergeben sich für die Versuchplanung folgende Vorteile:

  • Eignung auch für eine hohe Anzahl an Faktoren (Parameter)
  • Eignung für beliebig viele Faktor-Stufen
  • Identifikation von Messfehlern und Zufallseffekten ohne Wiederholung der Experimente
  • Eignung für beliebig nichtlineare, multivariate Zusammenhänge
  • Faktor-Ranking auch für multivariate, komplexe Zusammenhänge
  • Berechnung der lokalen und globalen, statischen Vorhersagequalität als 95%-Konfidenzgebietsintervalle
  • Unterstützung von raum- und zeitabhängigen Mess- bzw. Ergebnisgrößen
  • Unterstützung von Klassifizierungsproblemen
  • Unterstützung von hocheffizienten adaptiven, sequentiellen, stochastischen Stichprobenverfahren
  • Online Learning möglich
  • Minimierung der erforderlichen Anzahl der Experimente
  • Stichprobenverfahren startet mit einem Minimum an Experimenten (z.B. 10) und optimiert sich automatisch im Laufe des Screenings unter Berücksichtigung von Nebenbedingungen, Ausreißern und Ausschlussbereichen


  • Parallelisierung mit OpenMP und MPI
  • Rechnen auf der Grafikkarte mit OpenCL
  • Numerik und Computersimulationen
  • Grid-Computing
  • Modellbildung, Programmierung und Simulation von Partikelbewegungen in strömenden Fluiden
  • Skriptüberwachung im Job-Execution-Monitor für das LHC Computing Grid
  • Virtualisierte Testumgebung für komplexe Untersuchungen in einem weltweiten Rechnerverbund

Veröffentlichungen 2016 - 2020

Trapp, M., Bogoclu, C., Nestorović, T., and Roos, D. (2019). Intelligent optimization and machine learning algorithms for structural anomaly detection using seismic signals. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

Pohle-Fröhlich, R., Bohm, A., Ueberholz, P., Korb, M., and Goebbels, S. (2019). Roof segmentation based on deep neural networks. In Trémeau, A., Farinella, G. M., and Braz, J., editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP 2019, Volume 4: VISAPP, Prague, Czech Republic, February 25-27, 2019. SciTePress. [ DOI | http ]

Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Kroppen, N., Pötschke, L., Roos, D., Rosenbaum, M., Stegschuster, G., and Ueberholz, P. (2019). Electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell with textile carbon fibre anodes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. [ DOI | http ]

Goncalves, E., Zeidan, D., van Gemmeren, L., Ueberholz, P., Farber, P., and Gräbel, J. (2019). Non-equilibrium two-phase flow computations by a mixture model. In Conference Proceeding of the 10th international conference on computational methods, Singapore.

Zeidan, D., Bähr, P., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., and Ueberholz, P. (2019). Numerical investigation of a mixture two-phase flow model in two-dimensional space. Computers & Fluids, 181. [ DOI ]

Minea, A. A., Buonomo, B., Burggraf, J., Ercole, D., Karpaiya, K. R., Pasqua, A. D., Sekrani, G., Steffens, J., Tibaut, J., Wichmann, N., Farber, P., Huminic, A., Huminic, G., Mahu, R., Manca, O., Oprea, C., Poncet, S., and Ravnik, J. (2019). Nanoround: A benchmark study on the numerical approach in nanofluids' simulation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 108. [ DOI ]

Cremanns, K., Roos, D., Hecker, S., Penkner, A., and Musch, C. (2018b). Robust design optimization of a steam turbine labyrinth seal based on surrogate models. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, Oslo, Norway.

Cremanns, K., Penkner, A., Hecker, S., Musch, C., and Roos, D. (2018a). Steam turbine exhaust optimization based on gaussian covariance networks using transient CFD simulations. In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, Oslo, Norway.

Gräbel, J., Zeidan, D., Bähr, P., Ueberholz, P., and Farber, P. (2018). Simulation of mach 3 wind tunnel flow with a step by a two-phase flow model. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1978. [ DOI ]

Vossen, G., Friedlich, N., Hermanns, T., Nießen, M., and Schulz, W. (2018). On a model for laser cutting involving surface tension. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(2).

Cremanns, K. and Roos, D. (2017). Deep Gaussian Covariance Network. ArXiv e-prints. [ arXiv ]

Sen, S., Lake, M., Kroppen, N., Farber, P., Wilden, J., and Schaaf, P. (2017). Self-propagating exothermic reaction analysis in Ti/Al reactive films using experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulation. Applied Surface Science, 396. [ DOI ]

Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., and Ueberholz, P. (2017b). A numerical study of a greenhouse CFD simulation including radiation heat transfer and transpiration. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 9(3). [ DOI ]

Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., and Ueberholz, P. (2017a). A computational fluid dynamics investigation of flow, solar radiation, heat transfer, transpiration and condensation in a greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae. [ DOI ]

Gräbel, J., Zeidan, D., Bähr, P., Ueberholz, P., and Farber, P. (2017). Progress on the simulation of a mixture two-phase flow model. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1863. [ DOI ]

Bogoclu, C. and Roos, D. (2017). Reliability analysis of non-linear and multimodal limit state functions using adaptive Kriging. In 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, ICOSSAR 2017, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 6-10 August.

Vossen, G. (2016). Switching time optimization for a PDE constrained optimal control problem of bang-bang type. PAMM -- Proceedings of Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 16(1).

Tietze, I., Newiadomsky, C., and Vossen, G. (2016). A model for forecasting short-term electricity prices for electric utilities. In Hertweck, D. and Decker, C., editors, Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2016), Lecture Notes in Informatics.

Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Hensel, S., Ueberholz, P., and Zeidan, D. (2016b). Some issues in the simulation of two- phase flows: the relative velocity. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1738. [ DOI ]

Pötschke, L., Heyer, M., Stegschuster, G., Huber, P., Schriever, S., Wortberg, G., Beckers, M., Kroppen, N., Gräbel, J., Ueberholz, P., Bastian, D., Pinnekamp, J., Farber, P., Gries, T., and Rosenbaum, M. A. (2016). Textile carbon anodes for the application of microbial fuel cells for paper mill wastewater treatment. Chem. Ing. Tech., 88(9). [ DOI ]

Cremanns, K., Roos, D., Hecker, S., Dumstorff, P., and Almstedt, H. (2016). Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Of Labyrinth Seal Leakage In Steam Turbines Based On Hybrid Surrogate Models. In Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO 2016: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2016, South Korea, Seoul, June 13-17.

Cremanns, K. and Roos, D. (2016). A new optimized moving least square meta model with maximized prognosis. In Papadrakakis, M., Papadopoulos, V., Stefanou, G., and Plevris, V., editors, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece, 5-10 June.

Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., Reitz, J., and Ueberholz, P. (2016a). Development and validation of a coupled Navier–Stokes/DSMC simulation for rarefied gas flow in the production process for OLEDs. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 272. The 9th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2014. [ DOI | http ]

Wortberg, G., Rosenbaum, M. A., Farber, P., Molls, C., and Klopp, K. (2016a). Textile carbon fiber electrodes for microbial fuel cells and technical textiles. Technische Textilien, 59.

Wortberg, G., Rosenbaum, M. A., Farber, P., Molls, C., and Klopp, K. (2016b). Textile Kohlenstoffelektroden für mikrobielle Brennstoffzellen. Technische Textilien, 59.

Roos, D. (2016). Latin hypercube sampling based on adaptive orthogonal decomposition. In Papadrakakis, M., Papadopoulos, V., Stefanou, G., and Plevris, V., editors, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece, 5-10 June.

Bogoclu, C. and Roos, D. (2016). A benchmark of contemporary metamodeling algorithms. In Papadrakakis, M., Papadopoulos, V., Stefanou, G., and Plevris, V., editors, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece, 5-10 June.

Veröffentlichungen 2011 - 2015

Vossen, G., Struck, A., and Roos, D. (2015c). Optimal control for lithium-ion batteries. In GAMM 86th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Lecce, Italy.

Vossen, G., Struck, A., and Roos, D. (2015b). Optimal control for lithium-ion batteries. PAMM -- Proceedings of Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 15(1).

Vossen, G., Schüttler, J., and Hermanns, T. (2015a). Analysis and optimal control of laser radiation for stabilization of free melt flow boundaries. ZAMM -- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 95(3).

Cremanns, K., Lehmkuhl, H., Roos, D., Wanzek, T., Karschnia, D., Seifert, F., Jasper, J., and Rothgang, S. (2015a). Multi-objective design optimization of an electrical air compressor impeller with subsequent robustness evaluation. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 33th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2015, International Congress on FEM Technology, Bremen, Germany, June 24-26.

Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., and Ueberholz, P. (2015b). An investigation of radiation heat transfer and transpiration in a greenhouse. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, Amman-Jordan.

Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., Reitz, J., and Ueberholz, P. (2015a). A hybrid Navier-Stokes/DSMC simulation for rarefied gas flow for the deposition of nano layers for OLEDs. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1648. [ DOI ]

Cremanns, K., Lehmkuhl, H., Roos, D., Wanzek, T., Karschnia, D., Seifert, F., Jasper, J., and Rothgangb, S. (2015b). Multicriteria optimization and robustness evaluation of a radial compressor. In 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference of the 6th GACM Colloquium, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, July 20-23.

Vossen, G., Roos, D., and Struck, A. (2014). Optimal control for battery management systems. In EngOpt2014 - 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal.

Vossen, G. and Hermanns, T. (2014). On an optimal control problem in laser cutting with mixed finite-/infinite-dimensional constraints. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 10(2).

Vossen, G. (2014). h2,α--norm model reduction for optimal control problems subject to parabolic and hyperbolic evolution equations. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 35(5).

Decker, N., Farber, K., Farber, P., Gräbel, J., Krick, S., and Ueberholz, P. (2014). A computational fluid dynamics investigation of condensation in greenhouses. In Proceedings of the 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM 2014, Porto, Portugal.

Cremanns, K., Roos, D., and Graßmann, A. (2014b). Sequential vs. Multidisciplinary coupled Optimization and efficient Surrogate Modelling of a last Stage and the successive Axial Radial Diffuser in a low Pressure Steam Turbine. In Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 16-20.

Cremanns, K., Roos, D., and Graßmann, A. (2014a). Increased efficiency by optimizing the last stage of a steam turbine. RDO-Journal.

Harries, S., Palluch, J., and Roos, D. (2013). Optimization and Robustness Analysis in Ship Design. RDO-Journal.

Farber, K., Jasper, J., Märtin, M., Schmitt, M., Krick, S., Leisen, J., Beckham, H. W., and Farber, P. (2013). Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the complex geometry of a technical textile. NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, 10.

Cremanns., K., Roos, D., and Graßmann, A. (2013). Conventional partwise optimization vs. multidisciplinary optimization of the last stage of a low pressure steam turbine with an axial radial diffuser. In Proceedings of the eleventh Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 21-22.

Jörres, C., Vossen, G., and Herty, M. (2013). On an inexact gradient method using POD for parabolic optimal control problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 55.

Roos, D., Cremanns, K., and Jasper, T. (2013). Probability and variance-based stochastic design optimization of a radial compressor concerning fluid-structure interaction. In Idelsohn, S., Papadrakakis, M., and Schrefler, B., editors, V International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled Problems 2013), Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain, June 17-19.

Bürgermeister, L., Mikalauskaite, R., Vossen, G., and Schulz, W. (2012). Antimikrobielle Photodynamische Therapie, Analyse und Verbesserung des Ablaufs der chemischen Prozesse. In et al., S. L., editor, Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin; Automed 10 Workshop, volume 17, Aachen, Germany.

Vossen, G. and Volkwein, S. (2012). Model reduction techniques with a-posteriori error analysis for linear-quadratic optimal control problems. Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2(3).

Klindworth, D., Vossen, G., and Grepl, M. (2012). Reduced-basis methods for linear parabolic problems with non-affine source terms. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 209--212.

Gräbel, J., Farber, K., Farber, P., Martin, M., and Ueberholz, P. (2012). Aspects of parallelization of multiphase computational fluid dynamics system models of a textile suction device. In Recent Advances in Systems Science & Mathematikcal Modelling, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Systems (ECS '12). WSEAS press.

Roos, D. (2011a). Multi-domain Adaptive Surrogate Models for Reliability Analysis. In Budelmann, H., Holst, A., and Proske, D., editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Probabilistic Workshop. Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.

Vossen, G. and Schüttler, J. (2011). Mathematical modelling and stability analysis for laser cutting. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 18(4).

Roos, D. (2011b). Optimierung und stochastische Analyse in der Fluid-Struktur-Simulation. DIGITAL Engineering Magazin, 6.

Veröffentlichungen 2006 - 2010

Vossen, G., Schüttler, J., and Nießen, M. (2010). Optimization of partial differential equations for minimizing the roughness of laser cutting surfaces. In M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. J. u. W. M., editor, Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Springer (Berlin-Heidelberg).

Vossen, G. (2010). Switching time optimization for bang--bang and singular controls. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 144(2).

Beelitz, T., Lang, B., Ueberholz, P., and Willems, P. R. (2010). Closing the case t = 3 for 3-d spherical t-designs using a result-verifying nonlinear solver. Reliable Computing, 14.

Schulz, W., Nießen, M., Vossen, G., and Schüttler, J. (2010). Multiphysics modelling and process monitoring of laser processing. In Proceedings of NUSIM Multiphysics Conference.

Bunse-Gerstner, A., Kubalinska, D., Vossen, G., and Wilczek, D. (2010). h2-norm optimal model reduction for large-scale discrete dynamical MIMO systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233(5).

Roos, D., Einzinger, J., and Bayer, V. (2009). Robust Design Optimization applied to Structural, Thermal and Fluid Analysis including Manufacturing Tolerances. In Proceedings of the sixth Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, Oktober 15-16.

Maurer, H. and Vossen, G. (2009). Sufficient conditions and sensitivity analysis for optimal bang-bang control problems with state constraints.

Farber, K., Jasper, J., Märtin, M., Schmitt, M., Krick, S., Leisen, J., Beckham, H. W., and Farber, P. (2009). Numerische Strömungssimulationen der komplexen Geometrie eines technischen Textils. NAFEMS Magazin, 13.

Korytowski, A., Szymkat, M., Maurer, H., and Vossen, G. (2008). Optimal control of a fedbatch fermentation process: numerical methods, sufficient conditions and sensitivity analysis. In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexiko.

Roos, D. (2008). Advanced methods of stochastic and optimization in industrial applications. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Numisheet, Interlaken,Switzerland.

Bayer, V. and Roos, D. (2008). Efficient Modelling and Simulation of Random Fields. In Graubner, Schmidt, P., editor, Proceedings of the 6th International Probabilistic Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, November 26-27. Technical University Darmstadt.

Roos, D. and Hoffmann, R. (2008). Successive robust design optimization of an electronic connector. In Proceedings of the fourth Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 20-21.

E.Ehses, T.Harenberg, D.Huning, P.Mättig, M.Mechtel, T.München, M.Rau, Ueberholz, P., and N.Wulff (2008). Job centric monitoring for atlas jobs in the LHC computing grid. In Speer, T., Carminati, F., and Werlen, M., editors, Proceedings of the XII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis in Physics Research. Sissa Medialab srl.

Roos, D. and Bayer, V. (2008). An efficient robust design optimization approach using advanced surrogate models. In Graubner, Schmidt, P., editor, Proceedings of the 6th International Probabilistic Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, November 26-27. Technical University Darmstadt.

Bayer, V., Roos, D., and Adam, U. (2007). Structural Reliability Analysis by Random Field Modeling with Robustness Methods and Adaptive Response Surfaces. In Proceedings of the CIVIL-COMP2007: The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Civil Comp Ltd., St. Julians, Malta.

Kubalinska, D., Bunse-Gerstner, A., Vossen, G., and Wilczek, D. (2007). h2-optimal interpolation based model reduction for large-scale systems. Proceedings of the 16th ICSS.

Vossen, G., Rehbock, V., and Siburian, A. (2007). Numerical solution methods for singular control with multiple state dependent forms. Optimization Methods and Software, 22(4).

Borovac, S., Harenberg, T., Meder-Marouelli, D., Mättig, P., Mechtel, M., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Neumann, R., William, T., Buchholz, P., Lorenz, D., Uebing, C., Walkowiak, W., Wismüller, R., Ueberholz, P., Manafov, A., Manteufel, R., Penso, V., Preuss, C., Schwarz, K., Duckeck, G., Elmsheuser, J., Mahmoud, T., Schaile, D., Fuhrmann, P., Freitag, S., and Schley, L. (2007). Overview over the high energy physics community grid in germany's d-grid initiative. In Proceedings of the XI International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis in Physics Research. Sissa Medialab srl.

Roos, D., Most, T., Unger, J., and Will, J. (2007). Advanced surrogate models within the robustness evaluation. In Proceedings of the fourth Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 28-29.

Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Neumann, R., William, T., Borovac, S., Harenberg, T., Hüsken, M., Mättig, P., Mechtel, M., Meder-Marouelli, D., Ueberholz, P., Buchholz, P., Lorenz, D., Uebing, C., Walkowiak, W., and Wismüller, R. (2007). User-centric monitoring and steering of the execution of large job sets. In Conference Proceedings German e-Science Conference.

Farber, P. (2007a). Genau ist gut - richtig ist besser. KEM, 9.

Farber, P. (2007b). Über Struktur und Genauigkeit des CFD-Prozesses. NAFEMS Magazin, 7.

Ueberholz, P. (2007). An efficient parallel result-verifying nonlinear solver for large systems. Monograf s.r.l.

Egerland, M., Roos, D., and Will, J. (2007). Optimization of a fan shroud by ANSYS/DesignModeler and optiSLang. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 25th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2007, International Congress on FEM Technology, Dresden, Germany, November 21-23.

Vossen, G. and Maurer, H. (2006). On l1--minimization in optimal control and applications to robotics. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 27.

Vossen, G. (2006). Numerische Lösungsmethoden, hinreichende Optimalitätsbedingungen und Sensitivitätsanalyse für optimale bang-bang und singuläre Steuerungen. PhD thesis, Universität Münster, Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik.

Roos, D., Adams, U., and Bucher, C. (2006c). Robust Design Optimization. In Proceedings of the third Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 23-24.

Roos, D. and Adams, U. (2006). Adaptive Moving Least Square Approximation for the Design Reliability Analysis. In Proceedings of the third Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 23-24.

Roos, D., Adam, U., and Bucher, C. (2006b). Robust Design Optimization. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 24th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2006, International Congress on FEM Technology, Stuttgart, Schwabenlandhalle, Germany, October 25-27.

Roos, D., Bucher, C., and Will, J. (2006d). Speedyne -- Fast Approximation Solution for FEM-based Drop Test Applications using hybrid MBS/FE Technology. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 24th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2006, International Congress on FEM Technology, Stuttgart, Schwabenlandhalle, Germany, October 25-27.

Roos, D., Adam, U., and Bayer, V. (2006a). Design Reliability Analysis. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 24th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2006, International Congress on FEM Technology, Stuttgart, Schwabenlandhalle, Germany, October 25-27.

Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Neumann, R., Borovac, S., Hammad, A., Harenberg, T., Hüsken, M., Mättig, P., Mechtel, M., Meder-Marouelli, D., and Ueberholz, P. (2006). Monitoring of jobs and their execution for the lhc computing grid. In Conference Proceedings "Cracow Grid Workshop".

Bayer, V. and Roos, D. (2006). Non-parametric Structural Reliability Analysis using Random Fields and Robustness Evaluation. In Proceedings of the third Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, November 23-24.

Hammad, A., Harenberg, T., Igdalov, D., Mättig, P., Meder-Marouelli, D., and Ueberholz, P. (2006). A job monitoring system for the LCG computing grid. In 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), Proceedings, 25-29 April 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece. IEEE. [ DOI | http ]

Veröffentlichungen 1985 - 2005

Roos, D. and Bucher, C. (2005). Robust Design and Reliability-based Design Optimization. In Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar on Optimization in Structural Mechanics, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Will, J., Roos, D., Riedel, J., and C., B. (2005). Combination of optimization and robustness evalutation from practical point of view. In Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar on Optimization in Structural Mechanics, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Farber, P. (2005). Washtex - kontinuierliches Breitwaschen von Textilbahnen. TRAFO Forschungsreport.

Maurer, H., Kim, J.-H. R., and Vossen, G. (2005). On a state-constrained control problem in optimal production and maintenance. In Deissenberg, C. and Hartl, R. F., editors, Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Applications in Finance, Management Science and Economics. Springer Verlag.

Gräbel, J., Lang, B., and Ueberholz, P. (2005). Performance optimization for the parallel gauss-seidel smoother. In Special Issue: GAMM Annual Meeting 2005 – Luxembourg, volume 5 of PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. WILEY-Vch Verlag. [ DOI | http ]

Roos, D., Groth, C., Junk, A., and Brinkmann, D. (2004). Optimierung und Sensitivitätsanalyse zur Parameteridentifikation in der numerischen Simulation der Gefügekinetik im Schweißprozess. In Proceedings of the ANSYS Conference & 22th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2006, International Congress on FEM Technology, Dresden, International Congress Center Dresden, Germany, November 12-14.

Roos, D. and Bucher, C. (2004). Methoden der stochastischen Optimierung. In Proceedings of the first Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, December 2-3.

Unger, J. and Roos, D. (2004). Investigation and benchmark of algorithms for reliability analysis. In Proceedings of the first Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days. Weimar, Germany, December 2-3.

Chyba, M., Sussmann, H., Maurer, H., and Vossen, G. (2004). Underwater vehicles: The minimum time problem. In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, The Bahamas. IEEE Control Society.

Will, J., Roos, D., Riedel, J., and Bucher, C. (2003). Robustheitsbewertung in der stochastischen Strukturmechanik. In Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar on Use of Stochastics in FEM Analyses, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Roos, D. and Bucher, C. (2003). Adaptive Response Surfaces for Structural Reliability of Nonlinear Finite Element Structures. In Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar: Use of Stochastics in FEM Analyses, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Roos, D., Nelz, J., Grosche, A., and Stoll, P. (2003). Workflow-Konzepte zum benutzerfreundlichen, robusten und sicheren Einsatz automatischer Optimierungsmethoden. In Proceedings of 21th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2003, International Congress on FEM Technology, Potsdam, Germany, November 12-14.

Roos, D., Will, J., and Vogel, F. (2002). TopoSLang 1.0 - A Software Package for Structural Optimization of Solid Components, Biological Growth Strategies and Mesh Smoothing. In Proceedings of 20th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, International Congress on FEM Technology, Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance, Germany, October 9-11.

Roos, D. (2002). Approximation und Interpolation von Grenzzustandsfunktionen zur Sicherheitsbewertung nichtlinearer Finite-Elemente-Strukturen. Dissertation. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Strukturmechanik, Nr. 02-1. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.

Struckmann, T., Schilling, K., Bali, G., Eicker, N., Güsken, S., Lippert, T., Neff, H., Orth, B., Schroers, W., Viehoff, J., and Ueberholz, P. (2001). Flavor singlet pseudoscalar masses in Nf=2 QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 63(7). [ DOI | http ]

Roos, D., Will, J., and Vogel, F. (2001). Structural Optimization of Solid Components with Topology Optimizing Structural Language. In Proceedings of 19th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2001, International Congress on FEM Technology, Potsdam, Germany, October 17-19.

Roos, D. and Bucher, C. (2001). An Adaptive Response Surface Method using Weighted Radii. In 8th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 17-21.

Bolder, B., Struckmann, T., Bali, G. S., Eicker, N., Lippert, T., Orth, B., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (2001). High precision study of the Q potential from Wilson loops at large distances. Phys. Rev. D, 63(7). [ DOI | http ]

Lippert, T., Arnold, G., Eicker, N., Schilling, K., Ueberholz, P., Arndt, H., and Frommer, A. (2000). First Experiences with the Wuppertal Alpha-Linux-Cluster-Engine. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing. IEEE Computer Society.

Struckmann, T., Schilling, K., Ueberholz, P., Eicker, N., Guesken, S., Lippert, T., Neff, H., Orth, B., and Viehoff, J. (2000). Probing the QCD vacuum with flavour singlet objects: η' on the lattice. In Conference Proceedings of “Confinement 99”. [ arXiv ]

Ueberholz, P. and Weinberg, A. (2000). Alice im wupperland. IX, 3.

Macke, M., Roos, D., and Riedel, J. (2000). An Adaptive Response Surface Method Utilizing Error Estimates. In Kareem, A., Haldar, A., B.F. Spencer, J., and Johnson, E., editors, 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, July 24-26.

Roos, D. (2000). Adaptive Approximation von Grenzzustandsflächen zur Sicherheitsbewertung nichtlinearer Strukturen. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Strukturmechanik, Nr. 00-1. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.

Bucher, C., Hintze, D., and Roos, D. (2000). Advanced Analysis of Structural Reliability Using Commercial FE-Codes. In ECCOMAS 2000: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, September.

Bali, G., Bolder, B., Eicker, N., Lippert, T., Orth, B., Ueberholz, P., Schilling, K., and Struckmann, T. (2000). Static potentials and glueball masses from QCD simulations with wilson sea quarks. Physical Review D, 62. [ DOI ]

Lippert, T., Allés, B., Bali, G., D'Elia, M., Giacomo, A. D., Eicker, N., Güsken, S., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., Struckmann, T., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1999). Decorrelating topology with HMC. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 73(1). [ DOI ]

Spitz, A., Hoeber, H., Eicker, N., Güsken, S., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Struckmann, T., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1999). αs from υ spectroscopy with dynamical wilson fermions. Physical Review D, 60. [ DOI ]

Güsken, S., Ueberholz, P., Viehoff, J., Eicker, N., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., and Struckmann, T. (1999). Flavor singlet axial vector coupling of the proton with dynamical wilson fermions. Physical Review D, 59(11). [ DOI ]

Gusken, S., Ueberholz, P., Viehoff, J., Eicker, N., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., and Struckmann, T. (1999). The Pion nucleon sigma term with dynamical Wilson fermions. Phys. Rev. D, 59. [ DOI ]

Roos, D., Bucher, C., and Bayer, V. (1999a). Polyhedral response surfaces for structural reliability assessment. In Melchers, R. and Stewart, M., editors, Proc. International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability, 12-15 December 1999. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, Sydney, Australia.

Roos, D., Bucher, C., Beucke, K., and Grosche, A. (1999b). Probabilistic numerical analysis based on a component software model. In Melchers, R. and Stewart, M., editors, European Conference on Computational Mechanics, München, Germany, August 31 -- September 3.

Best, C., Peardon, M., Eicker, N., Ueberholz, P., Lippert, T., and Schilling, K. (1999). Lattice field theory on cluster computers: Vector- vs. cache-centric programming. In 1st International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC '99), 2-3 December 1999, Melbourne, Australia. IEEE Computer Society. [ DOI | http ]

Bucher, C., Hintze, D., and Roos, D. (1999). Stochastics and Finite Elements - Challenges and Chances. In Proceedings of 17th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 1999, International Congress on FEM Technology, Sonthofen (Allgäu), Germany, October 6-8.

Lippert, T., Bali, G., Eicker, N., Giusti, L., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998). SESAM and TχL results for wilson action — a status report. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 60(1). [ DOI | http ]

Spitz, A., Eicker, N., Guesken, S., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Struckmann, T., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998). An Estimate of αs from Bottomonium in Unquenched QCD. Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl., 73.

Güsken, S., Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998). Quark masses with full QCD simulations. Nuclear Physics A, 629(1). Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics. [ DOI ]

Attig, N., Güsken, S., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998). Running a code for lattice quantum chromodynamics efficiently on CRAY T3E systems. In Sloot, P. M. A., Bubak, M., and Hertzberger, L. O., editors, High-Performance Computing and Networking, International Conference and Exhibition, HPCN Europe 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-23, 1998, Proceedings, volume 1401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. [ DOI | http ]

Eicker, N., Lacock, P., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lippert, T., Struckmann, T., Ueberholz, P., Viehoff, J., and Ritzenhöfer, G. (1998). Light and strange hadron spectroscopy with dynamical wilson fermions. Physical Review D, 59(1). [ DOI ]

Bowler, K. C., Kenway, R. D., Lellouch, L., Nieves, J., Oliveira, O., Richards, D. G., Sachrajda, C. T., Stella, N., and Ueberholz, P. (1998). First lattice study of semileptonic decays of λb and xib baryons. Physical Review D, 57(11). [ DOI ]

Viehoff, J., Eicker, N., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., and Ueberholz, P. (1998). Improving stochastic estimator techniques for disconnected diagrams. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 63(1). Proceedings of the XVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. [ DOI ]

Roos, D. (1998). Lineare Stabilitätsanalyse der Kreiszylinderschale unter Axialdruck. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Strukturmechanik, Nr. 98-2. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.

Allés, B., Bali, G., D'Elia, M., Giacomo, A. D., Eicker, N., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lippert, T., Struckmann, T., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998). Scanning the topological sectors of the QCD vacuum with the hybrid monte carlo algorithm. Physical Review D, 58(7). [ DOI ]

SESAM, Hoeber, H., Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., Viehoff, J., Giusti, L., Martinelli, G., and Rapuano, F. (1998b). Light quark physics with dynamical wilson fermions. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 63(1). Proceedings of the XVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. [ DOI ]

SESAM, Bali, G., Eicker, N., Giusti, L., Glässner, U., Guesken, S., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Martinelli, G., Rapuano, F., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1998a). Glueballs and string breaking from full QCD. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 63(1). Proceedings of the XVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. [ DOI ]

Attig, N., Güsken, S., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1997). Highly optimized code for lattice quantum chromodynamics on the CRAY T3E. In D'Hollander, E. H., Joubert, G. R., Peters, F. J., and Trottenberg, U., editors, Parallel Computing: Fundamentals, Applications and New Directions, Proceedings of the Conference ParCo'97, 19-22 September 1997, Bonn, Germany, volume 12 of Advances in Parallel Computing. Elsevier.

Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lippert, T., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1997c). The pion nucleon sigma term with dynamical wilson fermions, a feasibility study. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 53(1). Lattice 96. [ DOI ]

Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lacock, P., Lippert, T., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1997a). Light quark masses with dynamical wilson fermions. Physics Letters B, 407(3). [ DOI ]

K"oppler, H., Roos, D., and Burkhardt, G. (1997). Zur Berechnung vielschichtiger Schalen mit orthotropen Schichten. In Internationales Kolloquium "uber die Anwendung der Informatik und Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar, Germany, February 26 - March 1. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lippert, T., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., P., U., and Viehoff, J. (1997b). Full QCD with Wilson Fermions: Recent Results from the SESAM Collaboration. In Proceedings, Multiscale Phenomena and Their Simulation. Worl Scientific.

Roos, D. (1997). Transformation lokaler Rotations-Freiheitsgrade eines gekrümmten isoparametrischen Schalenelementes. In Mitteilungen des Instituts für Strukturmechanik, Nr. 97-1. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.

Eicker, N., Glässner, U., Güsken, S., Hoeber, H., Lippert, T., Ritzenhöfer, G., Schilling, K., Siegert, G., Spitz, A., Ueberholz, P., and Viehoff, J. (1996). Evaluating sea quark contributions to flavour-singlet operators in lattice QCD. Physics Letters B, 389(4). [ DOI ]

Bowler, K. C., Kenway, R. D., Oliveira, O., Richards, D. G., Ueberholz, P., Lellouch, L., Nieves, J., Sachrajda, C. T., Stella, N., and Wittig, H. (1996). Heavy baryon spectroscopy from the lattice. Phys. Rev. D, 54(5). [ DOI | http ]

Ueberholz, P. (1995). Results from lattice QCD for baryons containing a heavy quark. In High-energy physics. Proceedings, International Europhysics Conference, HEP '95, Brussels, Belgium, July 27-August 2, 1995. Worl Scientific.

Hulsebos, A. and Ueberholz, P. (1995). Topological updating schemes: A case study in 3-d u(1). Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 42(1). [ DOI | http ]

Bode, A., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1994b). Mimd vs. data parallel. determination of monopole current clusters in 4-dimensional quantum-electrodynamics. In Science on the Connection Machine, Proceedings of the Second European CM Users Meeting.

Bode, A., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1994c). Monopoles and critical dynamics in u(1) lattice gauge theory: A parallel cluster algorithm. In Physics Computing '94. Worl Scientific.

Bode, A., Eicker, N., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1994a). Visualizing the critical dynamics of monopole current clusters - global/local programming on the connection machine CM-5. In Dongarra, J. J. and Wasniewski, J., editors, Parallel Scientific Computing, First International Workshop, PARA '94, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 1994, Proceedings, volume 879 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. [ DOI | http ]

Lippert, T., Bhanot, G., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1993a). Weight ratio fixing for abelian gauge theory. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 30. Proceedings of the International Symposium on. [ DOI | http ]

Lippert, T., Bode, A., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1993b). Data-parallel vs. message-passing algorithms for the investigation of current-loops on the connection machine CM-5. In Joubert, G. R., Trystram, D., Peters, F. J., and Evans, D. J., editors, Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications, PARCO 1993, Grenoble, France. Elsevier.

Karbach, M., Mütter, K.-H., Ueberholz, P., and Kröger, H. (1993). Approach to the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg model. Phys. Rev. B, 48(18). [ DOI | http ]

Burkitt, A. and Ueberholz, P. (1993b). Refined pruning techniques for feed-forward neural networks. In de Groot, R. A. and Nadrchal, J., editors, Physics Computing '92. Worl Scientific.

Burkitt, A. and Ueberholz, P. (1993a). Pruning feed-forward neural networks. In Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks.

Bode, A., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1993). Determination Of Monopole Current Clusters In Four-Dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics. International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), 4(06). [ DOI | .html ]

Schilling, K., Lippert, T., and Ueberholz, P., editors (1993). Science on the Connection Machine, First European CM Users Meeting. World Scientific.

Adler, S. L., Bhanot, G., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Uerberholz, P. (1992). Defeating critical slowing down for abelian gauge dynamics. Nuclear Physics B, 368(3). [ DOI | http ]

Gallas, J., Grassberger, P., Herrmann, H., and Ueberholz, P. (1992). Noisy collective behaviour in deterministic cellular automata. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 180(1). [ DOI | http ]

Bhanot, G., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1992c). Weight ratio fixing at first order phase transitions. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 3(05). [ DOI ]

Bhanot, G., Lippert, T., Petkov, N., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1992a). Accelerating lattice gauge computations on the connection machine CM-2. In Parallel Computing ParCo'91, Advances in Parallel Computing. Elsevier.

Bhanot, G., Lippert, T., Schilling, K., and Ueberholz, P. (1992b). First-order transitions and the multihistogram method. Nuclear Physics B, 378(3). [ DOI ]

Burkitt, A. and Ueberholz, P. (1992). Refined pruning techniques for feed-forward neural networks. Complex Systems, 6.

Fabricius, K., Löw, U., Mütter, K.-H., and Ueberholz, P. (1991). Complete solution of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg rings with n=12--16 sites. Phys. Rev. B, 44(14). [ DOI | http ]

Mütter, K.-H. and Ueberholz, P. (1990). The u(1)-lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions. Nuclear Physics B, 341(2). [ DOI | http ]

Burkitt, A., Mütter, K.-H., and Ueberholz, P. (1988). A simple statistical system simulating dynamical ferminns in the strong coupling limit. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 4. [ DOI | http ]

Hsue, C. S., Kümmel, H., and Ueberholz, P. (1985). Coupled cluster description of field theories: Procedures and their application to the vacuum sector in (1+1)-dimensional Φ4 field theories. Phys. Rev. D, 32(6). [ DOI | http ]

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Sabine Rast
Sekretariat ILOC - Institut für Lacke und Oberflächenchemie
Computer Simulation & Design Optimization Institutsleiter Institut für Modellbildung und Hochleistungsrechnen

IMH - Institut für Modellbildung und Hochleistungsrechnen

Jens Gräbel, M. Sc.
GLI - Gemeinschaftslabor Informatik IMH - Institut für Modellbildung und Hochleistungsrechnen
Angewandte Mathematik und rechnergestützte Simulation Vorsitzender des Hochschulprüfungsausschusses

Externe Doktoranden

Jannis Ebling, M. Sc.

Nicolai Friedlich, M. Sc.

Sven Lämmle, M. Sc.

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Dr.-Ing. Hansjörg Lehmkuhl

Dr.-Ing. Kevin Cremanns

Dr. rer. nat. Robert Voßhall

Can Bogoclu, PhD

Nicolai Friedlich, M. Sc.

Abgeschlossene Promotionen

Kevin Cremanns: Probabilistic Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition and Design Exploration, 07/2016 – 01/2021
Kooperative Promotion zusammen mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Reh, DLR, Institut für Werkstoff-Forschung

Can Bogoclu: Adaptive Machine Learning for Sample efficient Probabilistic Analysis, 12/2014 – 06/2022
Kooperative Promotion zusammen mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara Nestorović, Institut für Computational Engineering, RUB

Laufende Promotionen

Methods for Efficient Model Validation for Digital Twins, Sven Lämmle

Methods for Multifidelity Regression based on Covariance Networks, Semih Sirin

Using Predictive Maintenance for Optimization and Downtime Reduction in Industrial Machinery, Jannis Ebling

Methoden der Optimalsteuerung und des Reinforcement Learning für einen Aufheizvorgang von Turbinenkomponenten. Nicolai Friedlich
