22. Kalitukha, L., Bleha, R., Synytsya, A., Kraska, J., Sari, M. Hydrocolloids from the Mushroom Auricularia heimuer: Composition and Properties. Journal of fungi, 2023, 9, 681.
21. Dicks, L., Jakobs, L., Sari, M., Hambitzer, R., Ludwig, N., Simon, M.C., Stehle, P., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Helfrich, H.P., Ahlborn, J., Rühl, M., Hartmann, B., Holst, J.J., Ellinger, S.: Fortifying a meal with oyster mushroom powder beneficially affects glucagon-like peptide-1, non-esterified free fatty acids and hunger sensation in adults with impaired glucose tolerance – a double-blind randomized controlled crossover trial. European Journal of Nutrition, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s00394-021-02674-1.
20. Dicks, L. & Ellinger, S.: Effect of the Intake of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) on Cardiometabolic Parameters- A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. Nutrients, 2020, 12: 1134.
19. Sari, M.; Toepler, K.; Roth, C.; Teusch, N.; Hambitzer, R.: The Birch Bracket Medicinal Mushroom, Fomitopsis betulina (Agarycomycetes) - Bioactive source for beta-glucan fraction with tumor cell migration blocking ability. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2020, 22 (1), 1-13.
18. Schlösser, I. & Prange, A.: Antifungal activity of selected natural preservatives against Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Penicillium verrucosum and the interactions of these preservatives with food components. Journal of Food Protection, 2019, 82 (10), 1751-1760.
17. Schlösser, I. & Prange, A.: Effects of selected natural preservatives on the mycelial growth and ochratoxin A production of the food-related moulds Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Penicillium verrucosum. Food Additives and Contaminants, 2019, 36 (9), 1411-1418.
16. Prange, A.; Sari, M.; von Ameln, S.; Hajdu, C.; Hambitzer, R.; Ellinger, S.; Hormes, J.: Characterization of selenium speciation in selenium-enriched button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and selenized yeasts (dietary supplement) using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Journal of Trace Elements, 2019, 51, 164-168.
15. Sari, M.; Toepler, K.; Nickisch-Hartfiel, A.; Teusch, N.; Hambitzer, R.: Aqueous Cold Water Extracted Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes) Cross Flow Ultra Filtration Fractions Exhibit Apoptosis in Tumor Cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2018, 20 (11), 1107-1119.
14. Lelley, I.J.; Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Kulturspeisepilze. ErnährungsUmschau-Sonderheft Lebensmittel 2018, S. 18-27.
13. Etter, D.; Rupp, A.; Prange, A.; Drissner, D.: Inactivation of mould spores in a model system on raisins by low energy beam. Food Control, 2018, 92, 357-361.
12. Schlösser, I.; Prange, A.: Antifungal activity of selected natural preservatives on the foodborne molds Penicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus westerdijkiae. FEMS Microbiology Letters 365, 2018, 1-8.
11. Von Ameln, S.; Dicks, L.; Prange, A.; Ellinger, S.: Dietary supplements made from mushrooms. An overview of health-related aspects with a focus on cardio-metabolic effects and an overview on food law regulations. Ernaehrungsumschau-International, 2018, 65 (6), 92-99.
10. Von Ameln, S.; Prange, A.: Das neue Schweizer Lebensmittelrecht – ein Überblick. DLR – Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau – Analytik, Forschung, Prozesse, Recht 114, 06/2018, 263-268.
9. Schlösser, I.; von Ameln, S.; Prange, A.: Naturhemmstoffe- eine Alternative für chemische Konservierungsstoffe im Kampf gegen Schimmelpilze? Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung. 2018, 1: 18-22.
8. Sari, M.: Biofunktionale Inhaltsstoffe (Beta-Glucane) in Heil- und Speisepilzen. Dissertation, 2017. Universität Witten/Herdecke.
(ausgezeichnet mit dem Niederrheinischen Dissertationspreis 2018)
7. Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Versatile Mushrooms. A Key Driver for Culinary and Health Innovations. G.I.T. Laboratory Journal. 2017, 1-2: 36-38.
6. Sari, M.; Prange, A.; Lelley, J.; Hambitzer, R.: Screening of ß-glucan contents in commercially cultivated and wild growing mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 2017, 216: 45-51.
5. Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.; Lelley, J.; Toepler, K.; Teusch, N.; Nickisch-Hartfiel, A.:Characterization of cross flow ultra filtration fractions from Grifola frondosa (Agaricomycetes) reveals distinct cytotoxicity in tumor cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2016,18 (8): 671-680.
4. Grube, S.: Entwicklung eines Multiplex real-time PCR Nachweise zur simultanen Detektion lebensmittelrelevanter Schimmelpilzgattungen. Dissertation, 2015. Universität Witten/Herdecke.
3. Grube, S., Schönling, J.; Prange, A.: Comparison of different methods for the recovery of DNA from spores of mycotoxin producing moulds in spiked food samples. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2015, 60: 524-530.
2. Grube, S.; Schönling, J.; Prange, A.: Development and evaluation of a triplex-real-time PCR system to detect the plant-pathogen molds Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and C. purpurea. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2015, 119: 180-188.
1. Lelley, J.; Sari, M,; Hambitzer, R.: Kulturspeisepilze. Ernährungs Umschau, 2015, 62: 352-362.