University IT
for students

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

IT- Support of the Hochschule Niederrhein

IT- Support deals with all problems and questions that may arise in dealing with the IT services and systems of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Building D in Krefeld
IT Service Center Krefeld South

47805 Krefeld
Room: D E15 (side entrance)

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Building N in Mönchengladbach (NEW Blauhaus)
IT Service Center Mönchengladbach

41065 Mönchengladbach
Room: N E25 (in the foyer on the right)

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Frankenring building in Krefeld
IT Service Center Krefeld West

Frankenring 20
47798 Krefeld
Room: P 113

Wednesday: 10:00 - 15:00

You can also send us a request via our contact form.

University account

How HN Identity Manager works

User ID for IT services

All enrolled students of the Hochschule Niederrhein receive a personal user ID ("university account").

The university account is managed via the HN Identity Manager.
Before you can use the university account, you must log in to the HN Identity Manager once with your initial password and assign a password of your choice.
Please keep your initial password in a safe place. If you forget your personal password, it can be reset to your initial password at any time, which you can use to assign yourself a personal password again.

Various IT services of the Hochschule Niederrhein are linked to your university account - i.e. you can use them with your user ID and your self-assigned password.

Attention! The services connected to the university account cannot be used with the initial password. Only after changing the password you will have access to these services.

The university account for the students is set up according to §3 paragraph 6 of the enrollment regulations of the Hochschule Niederrhein from April 8, 2011.

HN Identity Manager

iHN - University App

iHN - image

The official app of the Hochschule Niederrhein is available free of charge in theApp Store (for iOS), the Google Play Store (for Android) and the Windows Phone Store. The app provides access to many of the university's online services, including:

  • News
  • Facebook
  • Who's Who
  • Webmail
  • Study Tools
  • Mensa
  • Grade request
  • Info
  • Campus Map
  • Semester ticket
  • Newsletter "Niuswoche

The iHN app is currently under development for Windows 10. However, version 2.1.1 will remain available.




WLAN at the HS Niederrhein

The Hochschule Niederrhein provides WLAN coverage throughout the university. Starting with the winter semester 2013/2014, you can access the WLAN with the data of your university account.

The access to the WLAN is done with the data of the university account. The password for the university account - and thus also for the use of the WLAN - is managed via the HN Identity Manager.

Attention! The WLAN cannot be used with the initial password. Only after changing the password you will have access.

For the offered file downloads we provide you with the checksums on a separate page.

  • For Windows, we provide you with a configuration tool.
  • For iOS and MacOSX we provide a configuration file.
  • For mobile devices with iOS, HN1X can also be set up via the iHN app.


All instructions and files


eduroam logo

eduroam is a European initiative that enables students and employees of a university not only to access the WLAN of their own university, but also to easily access the network via WLAN when staying at another participating university/organization (e.g., during a conference).

Meanwhile, almost all European countries are represented at eduroam and more and more universities of the respective countries are joining. There are also many universities outside Europe that participate in eduroam. The uniform surname for the WLAN at all participating institutions is "eduroam".

The access to eduroam is done with the data of the university account with the addition "". The password for the university account - and thus also for the use of eduroam - is managed via the HN Identity Manager.

Attention! eduroam cannot be used with the initial password. Only after changing the password you will have access.

For the offered file downloads we provide you with the checksums on a separate page.

  • For Windows, we provide you with a configuration tool.
  • For iOS and MacOSX we provide a configuration file.
  • For mobile devices with iOS, eduroam can also be set up via the iHN app.
All instructions and files


Internal services from home

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers the possibility to access intranet resources outside the university network via VPN access. This includes, for example, the license servers for MatLab and SPSS.

To use VPN, the virtual private network, you need a valid user ID or e-mail address of the Hochschule Niederrhein. You can fill out the application for your personal VPN key directly on these pages.

After successful application you will receive a confirmation e-mail to your university e-mail address.

Once the certificate files have been generated, they will be made available online via a cloud storage that you can access with your university account (IAM). You will receive detailed information about this automatically after the certificate files required for VPN access have been issued via two further e-mails to your university e-mail address.

If you have any questions or problems regarding VPN, our IT support will be happy to assist you.

Instructions and configuration files

Certificate application

Email for students

All students of the Hochschule Niederrhein automatically receive a personally assigned e-mail address under the domain "". The students are obliged to use this e-mail address in their communication with the Hochschule Niederrhein and to check it at least once a week.

This is regulated in the enrollment regulations of The Hochschule Niederrhein dated April 8, 2011 (§3 para.6 and §12 para.3).

A webmailer is available to students to access their personal e-mails. Alternatively, it is also possible to retrieve the e-mails via common e-mail programs.

The e-mail address remains valid until 31 days after exmatriculation and will be permanently deleted automatically after a further six months.

The access to the e-mails is done with the data of the university account. The password for the university account - and thus also for accessing the e-mails - is managed via the HN Identity Manager.

Attention. The e-mail address cannot be used with the initial password. Only after changing the password you will have access to your e-mails.



Online exam management

They can register for and deregister from their examinations online, as well as view their grade report and print their status sheet.

TANs are required for exam registration and deregistration.

Exam administration is done in the online portal.


You can generate a new TAN list yourself if this becomes necessary. You will be notified of this by the system in good time. You will find instructions in our Moodle course "IT Support".

If you no longer have a valid TAN list, please contact our IT service center.


sciebo - the campus cloud

sciebo logo

sciebo is a non-commercial, free cloud storage for research and teaching education. It is jointly operated by 22 universities in NRW and funded by the state of NRW. The data is stored and processed exclusively at three locations in NRW. As a result, the data is particularly protected by Germany's strict data protection laws.

All students at HS Niederrhein have 30GB of storage available in sciebo. Documents can be shared with other students and employees, but also with non-university members.

The data can be accessed worldwide via a client and a web interface. You can synchronize the documents with any end device and thus access the latest version at any time.

The account at sciebo is valid for 6 months. You have to authenticate yourself with the data of your university account during the registration as well as during the renewal of the account.

sciebo help center

Semester ticket

The Hochschule Niederrhein is the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to offer the option of using the semester ticket in an app.

It is also possible to print it out in credit card format via the website for the university app iHN.



Online course catalog

The course catalog is fully available online.

You can compile your personal course schedule, which can then also be accessed at any time via the university app iHN.

Registration for courses with limited attendance is also carried out in part via the online course catalog.


Online portal

All students at The Hochschule Niederrhein can use the online portal to view various details relevant to their studies, e.g.

  • Contact details (changes are also possible here)
  • Study status
  • Invoices and payments (as part of re-registration)
  • Online course catalog
  • Online examination administration

Various certificates can also be printed out here yourself.



ZOOM video conferencing service

You can use the Zoom video conferencing tool for study purposes, for example for group work. You can log in at with the data from your Hochschule Niederrhein account.

Meetings with up to 300 participants are possible without time limit.

Information on how to create meetings and how to participate can be found in the elearning section of the HS Niederrhein.

Please also note the information on data protection.




The Hochschule Niederrhein has a Matlab "Total Academic Headcount" (TAH) license. Thus, all members of the university have the possibility to use the MATLAB software via a license server. The license server is accessible via Wlan, VPN and the network of the Hochschule Niederrhein.


The scope of the software includes

  • Aerospace Toolbox (AT)
  • Audio System Toolbox (AU)
  • Automated Driving System Toolbox (DR)
  • Communications System Toolbox (CM)
  • Computer Vision System Toolbox (VP)
  • Embedded Coder (EC)
  • Fixed-Point Designer (PO)
  • Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (FL)
  • Global Optimization Toolbox (GD)
  • Image Acquisition Toolbox (IA)
  • MATLAB Coder (ME)
  • MATLAB Compiler (CO)
  • MA TLAB Compiler SDK (MJ)
  • Model Predictive Control Toolbox (1r!P)
  • Neural-Network Toolbox (NN)
  • OPC Toolbox (OT)
  • Partial Differential Equation Toolbox (PD)
  • Phased Array System Toolbox (AR)
  • Predictive Maintenance Toolbox (PM)
  • Robust Control Toolbox (RC)
  • Simscape Driveline (LD)
  • Simscape Electronics (SN)
  • Simscape Fluids (SH)
  • Simscape Power Systems (PS)
  • Simulink 3D Animation (VR)
  • Simulink Coder (RT)
  • Simulink Design Optimization (SO)
  • Simulink Desktop Real-Tin,te (WT)
  • Simulink PLC Coder (PL)
  • Simulink Real-Time (XP)
  • Standard Suite (THSS)
  • MATLAB Distributed Computing Server (DW)
Files and instructions

SophosHomePremium for students

All students at The Hochschule Niederrhein can use SophosHomePremium, a very effective security software, free of charge through the framework agreement of the state of NRW.

SophosHomePremium includes:

  • Real-time virus protection
  • Advanced web protection
  • AI threat detection
  • Ransomware protection
  • Online banking protection
  • Privacy and identity protection
  • Malware scanning and cleanup
  • Scheduled scans
  • Automatic updates

Installation is possible on up to ten devices with Windows or Mac (Mac OS X, iOS).

The period of use is tied to affiliation with The Hochschule Niederrhein and expires upon exmatriculation.

The service is provided by Sophos.


Important: The Hochschule Niederrhein does not provide support for the installation and use of Sophos. Support is provided by Sophos itself.

Request registration link

Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus

MS Office 365 ProPlus

All students at The Hochschule Niederrhein can obtain Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus for a deployment fee of 4.99 euros/year. These are not pure cloud software, but downloadable packages.

MS Office 365 ProPlus contains:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • Publisher (for Windows only)
  • Access (for Windows only)
  • OneNote
  • Lync


The latest version of Office is always automatically provided for the duration of the subscription.

The license includes installation on up to ten devices with Windows or Mac (Mac OS X, iOS).


The period of use is bound to the affiliation with The Hochschule Niederrhein and expires with exmatriculation.


The service is provided by our partner DrVis Software GmbH. There are no further costs. When registering to use MS Office365 ProPlus, authentication via your university account is required.

For further information and ordering please contact DrVis Software GmbH.


Important: All orders are placed directly with DrVis Software GmbH, which means that The Hochschule Niederrhein cannot provide any help or support regarding the usage.

Support e-mail: officesupport(at)



To the "Education365" portal

Free Software

Free Software

There are a large number of free software products that are free of charge for the end user. The range of functions of these programs is often in no way inferior to commercial products.

However, free software does not only mean that you can use these programs freely and also pass them on. You can also view the program code and improve or adapt the programs for your purposes.

The programs presented here are only a small selection of free software. What they have in common is that they are all available for the three major platforms Windows, Mac and Linux.

Free Software - Links

MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

MS programs for students

Under the surname MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching, the company Microsoft provides software for students. Whether and which programs are available to you depends on your faculty. However, Microsoft Office is not available in any case.

If you have any questions about the MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching program, please contact your faculty.

There is a separate portal at Microsoft for each faculty participating in the program:


The previous surnames of the program were Imagine, DreamSpark, and MSDNAA.


Literature management

Managing knowledge in books or on index cards, as well as in overflowing folders, can quickly become confusing.

Citavi supports you in organizing your teaching materials. It helps you write oral presentations and theses. Citavi inserts citations into texts at the click of a mouse and automatically creates bibliographies. Citavi takes care of the ancillary work, so you can concentrate on the essentials.

In short: Citavi helps you to keep track of your studies, your exams and your life afterwards - completely free of charge.

The software is provided to you by the university library via a campus license.

All important links and information about Citavi can be found on the pages of the library.

Library information

IBM SPSS Statistics for students

IBM SPSS Statistics is a program for statistics and data analysis. The software IBM SPSS Statistics provided at the Hochschule Niederrhein currently contains the following modules:

  • IBM SPSS Statistics
  • IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics
  • IBM SPSS Bootstrapping
  • IBM SPSS Categories
  • IBM SPSS Complex Samples
  • IBM SPSS Conjoint
  • IBM SPSS Custom Tables
  • IBM SPSS Data Preparation
  • IBM SPSS Decision Trees
  • IBM SPSS Direct Marketing
  • IBM SPSS Exact Tests
  • IBM SPSS Forecasting
  • IBM SPSS Missing Values
  • IBM SPSS Neural Networks
  • IBM SPSS Regression
  • IBM SPSS Statistics Base


The current version is 29.

The software is available for Windows and Macintosh.

Attention! MacOSX 14.0 "Sonoma" is currently not supported by SPSS!

Important! This version is for students only. Licensing is done by a license server via the WLAN of the Hochschule Niederrhein or via VPN access.

Files and instructions

IT usage regulations of the HS Niederrhein

These usage regulations are intended to ensure the most trouble-free, unimpeded and secure use of the information processing infrastructure of the Hochschule Niederrhein. The usage regulations are based on the legally defined tasks of the Hochschule Niederrhein as well as its mandate to preserve academic freedom. They establish basic rules for the proper operation of the information-processing infrastructure and thus regulate the user relationship between the individual users and the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Order from June 2, 2015

Information Security Guideline

The guideline for information security at the Hochschule Niederrhein (HN) describes in a generally understandable way what information security is and what significance it has for the Hochschule Niederrhein. The document shows how information security is practiced at the HN by describing the minimum security level to be achieved as well as the targeted information security goals and the information security strategy pursued.

Guideline from February 14, 20

Terms of use of the DFN-Verein

The aim of the user regulations is to regulate the cooperation between users. In order to achieve this goal, a number of supporting organizational measures by the using institutions are required in the following and rules of conduct for a sensible handling of the network resources and for the avoidance of improper use are established.

Order of the DFN-Verein

ZOOM video conferencing service

In connection with the use of the video conferencing service provided by ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. (ZOOM) to support home office work and as a means of conducting online teaching education, personal data will be collected from you.

Please refer to the privacy notice in the deposited document.

Instructions for participating in the Zoom video conference

Information according to DSGVO

Your request to IT support

Your request to IT support
