Management - digital and effective
for social and Health Care facilities

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
About the certificate course

Many responsible parties in the social and health sectors have recognized that there is great potential in digital technologies. Good examples are:

  • the many possibilities of digital support in care,
  • the digital transformations in the field of workshops for people with disabilities and aid organizations,
  • the organization of specialist service hours with apps, and
  • digital communication with customers and (future) employees.

In order to actually be able to realize this potential, specialists and managers are needed who have an up-to-date level of knowledge and can translate this into modern management action.

Goals of the continuing educationprogram

The certificate course imparts the necessary competencies from the areas of strategy development and management that are required as the level of digitization increases. Central topics are leadership and media competence, ethical behavior, and building an employer brand.

Upon successful degree completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Leverage the benefits of digitization in your area of work in the social and healthcare industries.
  • Participate in managing it in your company in a focused, effective and efficient manner.
  • To use media professionally, creatively and confidently.
  • To find and retain the right employees by means of an employer brand and personnel marketing.
  • Manage and motivate employees appropriately, even in the home office.
  • Reflect on strategies and measures from a professional and ethical point of view.
  • Professional development and expansion of the business management qualifications required in social institutions today.
  • Increase in the quality of social services through specialists and managers with current knowledge.
  • High flexibility and facilitated integration of continuing education into professional and private life through online presences and online-supported self-learning phases.
  • Exchange with colleagues and development of a professional network.
  • Immediate transfer to practice by bringing in individual questions and projects of the employees.
  • Development of an individual project - coached by the lecturer and in exchange with professionally experienced colleagues.
  • Increased motivation and retention of employees.
Target group

The certificate course is aimed at managers, specialists and executives from social and health care institutions - e.g. from youth welfare, senior citizens' welfare and aid for the disabled or workshops and aid organizations - who would like to update and deepen their knowledge. Also addressed are future managers who would like to actively take a step on the career path.

Teaching and learning education

The certificate course, held in an interactive seminar format, is divided into online presentations and self-learning phases. The self-learning phases are supported by multimedia materials and assignments on the Moodle learning platform. Through the individual case study "myCase" to be brought in by the participants - coached by the lecturer - a direct practical benefit for the own professional practice (e.g. the own institution) is developed.

The curriculum and further information can be found in the flyer and in the download area.

I Start phase

- Getting to know each other, expectations, objectives of the course, organizational matters

- Introduction to the content and procedure of the "myCase" case study

II Extended professional requirements

- Preparation through "think pieces" and e-materials
- Strategic thinking and action in the face of increasing digitalization in the social sector
- Media competence for communication in contemporary media
- Good practice in line with ethically correct conduct
- Follow-up through e-test
- Individual practice transfer through individual or group tasks (via video or telephone conference)

III Business management

- Preparation through "think pieces" and e-materials
- Strategic aspects - Doing the right things!
- Operational aspects - Doing things right!
- Best practice for consistent implementation
- Follow-up via e-test
- Individual practice transfer through individual or group tasks (via video or telephone conference)

IV Finding and retaining employees

- Preparation through "think pieces" and e-materials
- Design personnel marketing and build a successful employer brand
- Personnel development and retention with a future perspective
- Best practice personnel management
- Follow-up through e-test
- Individual practice transfer through individual task or group task (via video or telephone conference)

V "myCase"

arallel to blocks II-IV: Development of an individual case study from your own institution that integrates the content of two of the three thematic blocks. Peer review, i.e. feedback between the participants
By arrangement: coaching on the case study or on further practice-relevant transfer by the training manager
Final event with reflection on the case studies and peer reviews

  • Appointments: Nine online presentation dates upon request at weiterbildung(at)
  • Registration deadline: --
  • Number of participants: 20 persons
  • Participation requirements: University degree with at least one year of professional experience or other professional degree with at least three years of professional experience. You will need a PC with Internet access and a headset.
  • Participation fee: 890,- Euro | Alumni 845,- Euro
  • Extent (workload): 78 h, thereof online presence 26 h, 3 ECTS
  • Degree: University certificate / certificate of attendance

Three questions for your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Werner Heister:

Why is continuing education in "Management - digital and effective" for social and Health Care institutions currently interesting for many professionals?
"Caritas has launched a campaign in 2019: "Social needs digital". This slogan is meaningful and can only be underlined with emphasis. And among other things, continuing education deals with this topic. The subject matter also includes other core tasks such as business management in general and recruitment in particular, especially the support provided by an effective employer market. The following applies to business management: those who consistently think and act strategically and operationally will be truly successful. In this course, the necessary competencies in the specified fields are taught with a high degree of practical relevance, always taking a look at the area of tension between business requirements and social services."

What are you particularly looking forward to in this continuing education programme?
"I am particularly looking forward to the exchange with practitioners and the joint development of creative solutions for organizations in the social and health economy."

And what can participants look forward to?
"Participants can look forward to interesting topics, meaningful examples and good joint discussions. And based on experience, they can be assured that they will have a lot of fun."

Business Administration in the Social Sector Deputy Director of the SO.CON Institute

Your contact person:

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Participant management | Acquisition