IMM International Marketing

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

IMM International Marketing

Do you have a degree in business with a minimum grade of 2.5 and your knowledge of French is at level B2? Would you like to specialize in marketing?

Would you also like to get to know the French university system and study in France and obtain two degrees - one German and one French?

Your vision: leadership in a Franco-German company?

With our Franco-German International Marketing degree programme (Master of Arts, Master Marketing et Vente), we accompany and support you on your personal path to a unique binational academic apprenticeship.

Our partner university: Université de Haute Alsace, Colmar in France

Information video
International Marketing (Master of Arts, Master Marketing et Vente)

Click here for the website International Marketing (Master of Arts, Master Marketing et Vente)

Courses and dates


The current course dates can be found in the course catalog.


Aim and content of the studies

Target group
The binational Master's degree programme in International Marketing is aimed at prospective students who have already successfully completed a Bachelor's or equivalent degree programme with a Business Administration and Economics focus.


Aim of the studies
The aim of the Master's degree programme is the scientifically sound teaching of application-oriented business management thinking and action approaches, the promotion of an interdisciplinary, holistic, company-related approach and the ability to solve strategic business problems in an international economic context. The aim is to further develop students' professional, methodological and social skills with a view to their future career opportunities.


Content and structure of the studies
Although the content of the Master's degree programme is based on the Bachelor's in Business Administration and Economics and the Bachelor's in International Marketing offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Hochschule Niederrhein, it is also open to graduates of comparable economics degree programmes.

You will spend the 1st and 2nd specialization semesters together with the French students at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in Mönchengladbach.

The degree programme prepares you optimally for taking on management positions in Franco-German companies and business-related institutions.

It has a modular structure and each module concludes with a performance assessment for which corresponding credit points (ECTS points) are awarded.

As with the Bachelor's degree programme in International Marketing, you choose the specialization courses Marketing and International Management.

You will spend the 3rd and 4th specialization semesters studying in Colmar, France at l'Université de Haute-Alsace.

There you will also choose the following specializations:

  • Parcours Marketing et Ingénierie de la Franchise et des Entreprises en Réseau (MIFER)
  • Parcours Marketing des Services et Design d´Experiénce client (MSDE)
  • Parcours Marketing Etudes et et Offre de Marque  (METOMA)

In the last semester of the Master's degree program, the Master's thesis must be completed and presented in an oral examination. The master's thesis is written in combination with an internship.

After successful studies you will receive the degrees: Master of Arts (Germany) and Master Marketing et Vente parcours Marketing International.

Special features

  • Joint programmes with our French partner university
  • Joint start with French students at The Hochschule Niederrhein
  • Semester 1 + 2 at The Hochschule Niederrhein
  • Semesters 3 and 4 in Colmar, France at l'Université de Haute-Alsace
  • German and French double degree: Master of Arts and Master Marketing et Vente
  • Language of instruction in France: French
  • Max. 10 students per academic year
  • The studies are sponsored by the Franco-German University (DFH). You will receive 350 euros per month during your stay abroad.
  • ERASMUS+ funding possible

Course of study(see illustration)

Study requirements

  • Relevant* Bachelor's degree or equivalent with at least "good" (overall grade at least 2.5) in the case of a degree obtained abroad, at least an equivalent grade or alternatively "A" or "B" according to the ECTS grading scale
  • Proven knowledge of French at level B2
  • A stay abroad does NOT count as proof
  • Proof of knowledge of French(Info)

* At least 60 ECTS points in business studies, 5 ECTS points in math/statistics and 5 ECTS points in economics



The Franco-German University (DFH) is an international law institution with its own legal personality, founded in 1997 by Germany and France and financed on a parity basis. Its mission is primarily to initiate, evaluate and financially support Franco-German Degree programmes. A wide range of disciplines are represented, from engineering, humanities and social sciences to natural sciences, law, Business Administration and Economics, and teacher education.

The programs are offered by a network of 186 universities, universities of applied sciences and grandes écoles in more than 100 German and French cities. Currently, more than 6,500 students and around 500 doctoral students participate in the DFH-sponsored collaborations. There is no comparable binational project in the world.

German and French students complete the integrated Degree programmes together in both university systems. They learn different scientific teaching methods, communicate in the language of the partner country and immerse themselves in its culture.

This high degree of integration distinguishes the DFH's integrated binational Degree programmes from simple exchange programmes or stays abroad. The basis is a joint curriculum developed by German and French university lecturers. The offer includes both undergraduate and postgraduate Degree programmes, which find their continuation in Franco-German doctoral colleges and thematic summer schools in the field of research. The DFH provides financial support for the Degree programmes and Doctoral Colleges cooperating under its umbrella and pays monthly mobility allowances to students and doctoral candidates during their phase in the partner country.

The quality of the Degree programmes is guaranteed by the DFH's rigorous evaluation process, which involves independent reviewers and the DFH's equally independent Scientific Advisory Board. Only Degree programmes that meet the DFH quality criteria are accepted. Degree programmes and programs are re-evaluated every four years.

The more than 1,500 graduates who complete their DFH studies each year are highly educated in their field, multilingual, interculturally competent and well equipped for the international job market. Unlike traditional stay abroad programs, they have completed half of their studies in a mixed group in the partner country and thus know the partner country's study system like their own. The DFH's Degree programmes are Franco-German; however, the acquisition of English language skills also plays a role. Often, a stay in a third country is also possible as part of the program. In this way, students are well prepared for an international work environment.

The DFH has a dual presidency of president and vice-president. One of them comes from the German university system, the other from the French university system. They are elected for four years and swap offices after two years. Thus, there is always one French and one German member of the presidium. The university management is completed by a full-time Secretary General. He heads the Franco-German secretariat team in Saarbrücken, right on the French border.

Institut Français

The national agency for the promotion of French higher education abroad, the supervision of students and international mobility.

The Instituts français are made up of more than 200 institutions around the world that work at the international level to disseminate the French language and culture and to develop intercultural exchanges.

In Germany, the first Institut français was founded in Freiburg in 1949. Over the years, numerous other Instituts français as well as independent Centres franco-allemands (cultural centers) were added. Today, the Institut français d'Allemagne, together with its partner institutions, offers the broadest network of French cultural institutes in the world.

Whether as a sponsor, in the context of a partnership or of jointly organized projects: There are a number of ways to get involved alongside us.


Dr. Christina Grieb-Viglialoro
Janina Biller, MBA
Dean's Office Officer, Head of IMB / IMM program