- Chair of the Presidential Board
- Strategic development of the university
- External representation of the university
- Appointment of professors
- Internationalization of teaching education and research
- Supervisor of the academic personnel
Mandates and Memberships
- Chairman of the board of the "TextilTechnikum e.V." association
- Board member of the association "Wissenscampus Mönchengladbach e.V."
- Member of the Advisory Board of Wissens- und Innovationscampus Mönchengladbach GmbH (WICMG).
- Chairman of the board of the association "Haus des Wissens und der Wirtschaft e.V."
- Member of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (JRF) Board of Trustees
- Member of the association "Deutsche Diabetes Forschungsgesellschaft e.V."
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mühlheim an der Ruhr
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Rhineland Metropolitan Region
- Member of the program advisory board of the federal-state program for research at universities of applied sciences of the BMBF
- Executive Board of the Board of Trustees of the NS Documentation Center Krefeld and Villa Merländer e.V.
- Managing Director of JuniorUniversität Mönchengladbach gGmbH
- Executive Board of the University Council of Worms University of Applied Sciences