Textile and Clothing Technology

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Current timetable

New timetables for the Summer term 2025 have been published

Registration for all lectures/courses in HiO starts on February 17, 2025

Dear students,

the new timetables for the Summer term 2025 have been published.

Please note the following information regarding registration – valid for all study courses:

All students mustactively register for all compulsory and elective lectures/courses using His-in-One (HiO - hio.hsnr.de) platform. Only based on this registration all students will then receive important information about the lectures/course from their professors/lecturers, e.g. registration keys for moodle. This registration is especially important for presence-courses P, as otherwise the students will not be included into the planning, e.g. of individual groups

The registration period starts on February 17, 2025. Please register early.
All further important information can be found on the right side in the downloads.

Please note: All room-information and further changes in the timetable are only published and updated in HiO.

Feel free to also look at the following tutorial : https://youtu.be/autKwh6HuqM


First-year students in the summer semester 2025

Dear Master's students in their first specialization semester, dear Erasmus students,

Welcome to the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. We wish you a good start and look forward to welcoming you here in Mönchengladbach.

You will find some important information about the start of your studies and the program of the introduction day in the dropdown menu on this page.

The introduction day takes place on March 24th.

You can find much more information about the university offers, library, IT etc. at https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/studierende/infos-zum-studienbeginn/ <https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/ersti-infos/

and in the moodle course “ Introduction Day Masterstudents SuSe 2025, where you can only register with an HN e-mail address.
You can find the program for the German-language Master`s at https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/textil-bekleidungstechnik/studierende/#c13632

We look forward to seeing you.
Your Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology

Curriculum and Module Manuals


The curriculum, also called degree programme pathway, is part of the examination regulations. It lists which studies and examinations must be completed in order to obtain a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

The chronological sequence of study elements outlined in the degree programme pathway is not obligatory for students. However, the plan shows how the studies can be completed within the standard time to degree. In addition, it should be remembered that course offerings and semester schedules are aligned with the degree programme pathway.

In the dropdown on the right, you will find the module handbooks and degree programme pathways of the expired 2010 examination regulations.

Module Manuals

The curriculum only provides information on the surname, scope, course type and time allocation of the courses. The module handbooks, on the other hand, provide detailed information about the content, the knowledge that is required and the recommended literature.

Here you will find versions of the old and currently valid examination regulations in the download area. In the PO 2017 we show the module manuals for the studies directions - and specialisations separately. There are also separate module handbooks for the optional courses (WPF).

Please note: Courses are of course constantly updated and may therefore differ in details from the module manual.

If you would like to see the module handbooks from previous years, please contact the Office of the Dean. It must be mentioned here that module handbooks only became mandatory with the introduction to Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Therefore, they are not available for the Diploma Degree programmes.

Workshop Scientific Methods

  • 1st registration phase for the methods seminars in HIO:     17.02.2025 to 09.03.2025
  • Admission allocation for the registrations received in HIO:  11/03/2025
  • 2nd registration phase for open places in HIO:                    12.03.2025 to 30.04.2025

The "Methods Seminar" is a kind of "container" that can be "filled" with different, individually selected events.

Various offers are accepted for crediting as method seminars:

    Method seminars (offers on the right in the pulldown)
    Selected courses from the summer/winter academy *
    Some compulsory electives

You will find an overview of the seminars offered and accepted for the relevant semester in the pull-down menu on the right.

* Crediting as a method seminar: The following courses of the Winter Academy 2024 (registration & info: Summer/Winter Academy)


  • Montag, 10.02.25 – Assessment Center – Tipps für das Auswahlverfahren
  • Freitag, 14.02.25 – Kreativitätstraining: Für Einfalls-Reiche und solche, die es gerne werden wollen
  • Montag, 17.02.25 – Sehen und gesehen werden – Meine Präsenz On- und Offline

Rule: If you have been allocated a place and are unable to attend, please cancel your registration by email or in HIO up to 48 hours before the start of the seminar, otherwise you will be placed on a blacklist and will not be able to attend any further seminars in the current semester.


Please also check your status in HiO after the first allocation. The allocation takes place continuously throughout the semester, as places are always available.
registered = applied for seminar place
registered and admitted = seminar place received.

Please be sure to observe the following regulation: If you are assigned to a block seminar and do not participate in it without having deregistered via HiO at least 48 hours (2 days) in advance, you will be automatically excluded from all other seminars in this semester and placed on a blacklist!

Attendance at FB07 methods seminars will be noted on a list of participants and subsequently recorded in HiO. (Please allow a few days processing time after the end of the seminar)
For external seminars (summer/winter academy etc.) you will receive a certificate. Please note that you are responsible for keeping your certificates until they are posted, as it is often not possible to issue them later/again. Further info in the document Procedure & Event Offerings PO 2017

If you have achieved the required credit points for the module Method Seminars, please list all achievements that should lead to credit in the achievement overview for credit for the Method Seminar (routing slip). These will be reviewed by the Chair of the Examinations Board using HiO or other attached supporting documents. Afterwards, the methods seminar is booked as a whole in the examination office.
It is not possible to book partial points.
All necessary documents can be found in the download area on the right.

Seminar Final Thesis

The seminar final thesis is compulsory for all students of the Bachelor's degree programme. It is linked to the Bachelor's thesis and therefore cannot be brought forward to earlier semesters. Find out about the details of the implementation in the guidelines and register for it with the online form.

Examination phase summer semester 2024

From now on all information & changes can be found in the online portal HiO.

1st examination phase summer semester 24:

Registration phase: 26.05.2024 - 09.06.2024

Examination phase: 08.07.2024 - 26.07.2024


2.examination phase summer semester 24:

Registration phase: 25.08.2024 - 01.09.2024

Examination phase: 16.09.2024 - 27.09.2024

General information about examinations

In the following pulldowns you can find more information about examinations.

On the right in the download area you will find all the necessary forms.

Examinations Board

An Examinations Board is responsible for the organization of the examinations and the tasks defined in the examination regulations. It is an independent body of The Hochschule Niederrhein and an authority in the sense of administrative procedure and administrative process law. It consists of the chairperson, his or her deputy and five other members. The chairperson, the deputy chairperson and two other members are elected from among the professors, one member from among the academic staff and two members from among the students by the faculty council.

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology has two Examinations Boards, one for Degree Programmes Taught in German and one for Degree Programmes Taught in English.

Initial study phase - higher semesters

All students in the Bachelor's degree programmes must obtain a course attendance certificate (abbreviated in the module list: attendance certificate) in the first semester.

Among other things, this certificate is also required to participate in the course attendance certificate (abbreviated in the module list: attendance certificate) in the 5th semester.

All students who have not yet taken or successfully completed the SWST can make up for this. To do this, register via HIO as for all other examinations in the registration phase for examinations.

You can use the SWST video tutorials to prepare for the exam. After the Word test, you will receive your research topic for the library research, which must be completed as individual work and submitted in moodle by the last day of the examination phase.



Please follow the instructions listed when preparing your thesis and use the examples and sample files provided.

You can find information on questions of examination law concerning the thesis and on formal specifications of the structure as a PDF file under "Formales". Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ständer, we are also able to offer a detailed guide for download, in particular on citation methods.

Study work

Study works are mandatory in all Degree programme pathways. They are offered every semester. At the end of the previous semester, the list of topics offered is published. An application is only possible via online form and not directly through the lecturers. Please also note the published guidelines.

The offered topics can be found in the download area on the right.

Please also note the timeline posted below that follows here and use the application form below.

Timetable - study work - summerterm 2025

The schedule is as follows:

10.02.25 – 10.03.25 (midnight)
First application period on offered study work topics.

Study work topics will be posted.

14.03.25 – 23.03.25 (midnight)
Second application period on student study work topics still available.
If you have not been assigned a topic, or you would like to work on a different topic, you can reapply for remaining available topics during the second application period.

25.03.25 (Tuesday of the first week of lectures)
Publication of the final study work topics after the 1st and 2nd application phase.

14.04.25 – 28.04.25 (midnight)
Binding examination registration. Registration at a later date is not possible. Withdrawal is not possible after the registration deadline!

30.06.25  Deadline for submission of the study works



Student projects are important building blocks in the studies at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, both in the Bachelor and Master Degree programmes.

Here you can find out the latest news and interesting results and register for the 5th semester projects at specific times.

Projects (5th semester)

Dear students,

from 8 April you can register for the projects in the coming winter semester 24/25.

Information and online registration:

- Information on the project course can be found directly on the right in the pulldown Projects (5th semester) - Slides Info (deu/eng)
- If you have any questions, please contact Prof Weide/Prof Zöll
- From 08.04.2024 online registration for projects is possible on this website

Kick-off meeting and further dates:

- Date 26.09.24 at 8:15 am: Zoom kick-off event with attendance check, information about the project event, drawing of lots for the project teams, election of project leaders in the groups; end around 12:00 pm
- Date 26.09.24 at 13:00: Zoom information event for all project leaders; the other team members carry out initial research on the topic; ends around 16:00
- Date 27.09.23 at 8:15 am to approx. 4:00 pm: first team meetings via Zoom
(with compulsory attendance), internal organisation, visit by topic creator

- Every Wednesday jour-fix from date 02.10.24 from 16:00 (team-specific often from 14:00) until 18:00 team meeting with compulsory attendance
To register for the projects, please refer to the file in the pull-down menu on the right.

Practical application and study abroad semesters

One of the great strengths of the studies at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology is the practical orientation. Consequently, one semester is obligatory as an internship semester or as a study semester abroad. You can choose whether you want to complete the internship semester at home or abroad.

Here you will find a wealth of information and contacts for your respective options.

General information

You are responsible for selecting the placement or university abroad. There is no entitlement to the allocation of an internship.

Application ERASMUS+  and PROMOS only via Mobiliyt Online Tool of HSNR possible                 

o BEFORE the internship/study abroad semester:

Choose a suitable professor from the department who will supervise you during the project. This professor will assess the suitability of the internship position and discuss the courses to be taken during the semester abroad with you. You can choose the supervising professor yourself and contact them about your project.
Apply for the practical semester/study abroad semester by completing the relevant application form (the link can be found in the download area on the right under “HSNR Forms”) with your details, the professor you have chosen and the practical semester/study abroad place and sending it to the Examinations Office.
Students who have earned at least 89 credit points will ONLY be admitted to the practical semester/study abroad semester upon application.

o AFTER the practical semester/study abroad semester:
Create a report on the practical semester/study abroad semester. The guideline for the length of the report is 20 pages. Questions regarding content and form must be clarified with your supervisor, but are generally based on the formal requirements for final theses.
Please send the report to the supervisor together with a report/certificate shortly after the end of the practical semester/study abroad semester.

Internship Semester (Abroad)

The internship semester aims to provide you with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during your studies so far through practical work in a company in the textile or clothing industry, or another suitable area, and to prepare you for your future professional activity.

If you opt for an internship semester abroad, there are various programs to support your stay.

Regularly, job and internship offers are published on the homepage of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology. For tips and recommendations, please contact the professors in your respective area of interest or, if necessary, the study program coordinators.

Internship Semester Abroad:
For internships within the EU, there is the possibility of funding your stay through the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility Internship program.Outside the EU, you can apply for the PROMOS funding program. Please note the application deadlines. Furthermore, you can find more information on this on the International Office (IO) website.

To apply online for ERASMUS+ Student Mobility Internship, click here.

For a stay abroad, language skills at least at level B2 of the working language are required, which can also be demonstrated in the high school diploma. Please also inform yourself about possible requirements or prerequisites of the internship company. For language certificates, please contact the Language Center of the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein.

Application ERASMUS+ and PROMOS  only via Mobility Online tool of HSNR possible.

Check the website of International Office under ERASMUS


Before the stay:
Once all admission requirements are met and you have found an internship position of your choice, you should proceed with the registration of the internship semester at the department. The "Application for Admission to the Internship Semester" must be signed by you and your supervisor and then forwarded to the examination office.

Please also forward the completed internship contract (in copy) to your supervisor, who must submit it with the "Application for Admission" to the examination office. Admission to the internship semester will be decided upon submission of the documents to the examination office.

After the stay:
After completing the internship/semester abroad, you are required to prepare an approximately 20-page report and promptly submit it to your supervisor. Additionally, a internship certificate/confirmation must be provided. These documents, along with the completed "Documentation Form for the Internship/Semester Abroad", should be forwarded to the examination office through your supervisor. The internship semester can then be recorded accordingly.

FAQs about Internship

What are the requirements to be admitted to the internship semester?
For an internship semester, a suitable internship position must be available. The internship placement is independently selected. There is no entitlement to assignment of an internship placement. The suitability of the internship placement is decided by the supervisor.

Can the internship semester start during the semester break or must it start with the beginning of the semester?
The start date is not fixed. Thus, the internship/semester abroad can start during vacations or even in the middle of the semester. The important thing is that the entire period is continuous. Please consider potential overlaps with our exam periods, how you manage this is up to you.

Does the internship semester have to be completed in the semester specified in the study plan or can it be done earlier or later?
In the study plan of the bachelor's programs, the internship semester is scheduled for the sixth semester, but it can also be completed in another semester. The only requirement is that you have acquired at least 89 credit points.

What is the role of the supervisor?
The supervisor should advise and support you in case of uncertainties and problems during the internship semester. He/she usually decides on the recognition of the study performance (credit points, certificate, report) upon completion of the semester.

Additional Internship
Is an additional internship possible?
In principle, an internship can be completed in addition to an already completed and recognized internship semester. However, no additional credit points will be awarded for an additional internship. Please note that many companies require a certificate stating that the internship is a mandatory part of the degree program. Such a certificate cannot be issued if an internship/semester abroad has already been recognized.

Registration and Admission
Which forms need to be submitted and where? What deadlines must be observed? Once all admission requirements are met and you have found an internship position of your choice, you should proceed with the registration of the internship semester at the department. The "Application for Admission to the Internship Semester" must be signed by you and your supervisor and then forwarded to the examination office. Please also forward the completed internship contract to your supervisor, who must submit it with the "Application for Admission" to the examination office. Admission to the internship semester will be decided upon submission of the documents to the examination office. There are no specific deadlines for submitting the application.

Duration of Internship
How long should the internship be?
The internship period must be continuous and last at least 20 weeks. It is not possible to divide it into several parts (e.g., during semester breaks) and work at different companies. If you take vacation during the internship semester, for example, to take exams at the university, you are entitled to up to 2 weeks of vacation. If you take this vacation, the internship semester will be extended accordingly. If serious difficulties arise during the internship semester, such as the insolvency of the company or unreasonable working conditions, it is possible to continue the internship in another company. In this case, however, your supervisor should be involved as early as possible, and contact should be made with the chairpersons of the examination board.

Completion and Recognition
What do I need to fulfill at the end of the internship semester to receive credit points?
You are required to prepare a report and submit it to your supervisor. The deadline for submitting the report is not precisely defined but should be coordinated with your supervisor. However, it should be submitted promptly (within two to three weeks) after the end of the internship/semester abroad. It is important in this context that, for example, you cannot register your thesis if this achievement is not recorded in your status sheet. Furthermore, a certificate of the study achievements obtained during the internship semester must be submitted. Finally, together with the report, the documentation form for the internship/semester abroad should be submitted to the supervisor for signature and forwarding to the chairperson of the examination board.

How many pages should the internship report comprise? What are the requirements?When should it be submitted?
As a guideline, the report should comprise 20 pages. The submission should preferably be made promptly (within two to three weeks) after the end of the internship semester to the supervisor. Content-related and formal questions should be clarified with him/her but usually follow the formal requirements for theses.

Is the internship semester graded?
No, you will be awarded 30 credit points upon successful completion of the internship semester.

 I unfortunately did not complete my internship semester - can I repeat it? Or can I forgo the internship semester altogether and complete my studies without it?
The internship semester can be repeated once in its entirety. A change between domestic internship, international internship, and semester abroad is allowed. Completely foregoing the internship semester is not possible. It is a mandatory part of the program. To obtain a degree, it must be completed. Note: Unlike subject examinations, you only have two attempts in total. If you fail twice, you will be deregistered!

What funding options are available for an internship semester?
Overseas Student Financial Aid (Auslands-BAföG) ERASMUS (within Europe for partner universities) Promos (outside Europe) DAAD and HAW Scholarships Additionally, there are other funding opportunities. Please inquire with our international student advisor for the financing option that suits your plans. You can also find detailed information on financing and funding opportunities on the International Office website of our university.

Semester Fees
Can I save the semester fee during the internship semester?
No, as this is a mandatory part of the program. However, you can apply for a refund of the amount for the semester ticket if you can prove that you are abroad or in another federal state. Please inquire about this with the student council (AStA) of the university. They will provide you with a form to apply for the refund of public transportation fees.

Simultaneous Examinations
Can I take exams at our university during the semester in which I am doing the internship semester if I return early enough?
You can participate in the examinations of the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein if you manage your time accordingly. Please inform yourself early about examination times and, above all, about the registration periods for the exams. Also, note that you need a valid TAN number for registration.

What requirements are there regarding the internship placement?
There is no requirement that students of clothing technology must complete the internship semester in a clothing or textile company. The examination regulations only state "... in companies or other institutions of professional practice ...". Also, there is deliberately a broad scope regarding the activities in the internship placement. This means that you can undertake internships in all fields of work related to individual subjects of your course of study or typical future work areas; clarify this with your supervisor!                                                                                                   Before starting the internship semester, a contract must be concluded with the company and presented to the supervisor or the examination board. Forms can be obtained from the examination office and on our website, but they are not mandatory. If a company wants to use its own contracts that include the required content elements, this is allowed.                                        The internship semester must last continuously for 20 weeks.

Internship Positions
Is there a list of companies where I can do an internship?
No, such a list does not exist. You can inquire with your study program coordinators or browse the job market on the website of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology. Apart from that, there are numerous websites (e.g., "Wer liefert was?") of the textile and clothing industry that regularly advertise internship opportunities on their job markets. Furthermore, you should research companies that cover your area of interest or study focus and contact them independently. The search for a suitable internship position always requires a lot of initiative. Trade fairs or events such as "MG zieht an" can also be helpful for making important contacts.

Study Semester Abroad

Instead of the internship semester, you also have the option to complete a study semester at a foreign university or college. The study abroad experience should serve to deepen knowledge in the chosen field of study, promote intercultural competence and global thinking, as well as improve language skills in the host country's language.

For a semester abroad, you have the option to choose between the partner universities and colleges of HSNR or organize your stay abroad independently as a freemover. Registration for a semester abroad at a partner university is done through the Mobility Online Tool.

If you wish to study within the EU, funding for EU partner universities is provided through ERASMUS+ Study, and registration is also done through the Mobility Online Tool.

Studying abroad at a partner university automatically applies you for the respective financial support through ERASMUS+ Study or PROMOS. For further information, including options for traveling abroad as a Freemover, please visit the website of the International Office (IO).

Research and Partner Universities:
For all partnerships, only a limited number of study places are available. Therefore, it is important to gather information early, apply early, and potentially select an alternative. For a stay abroad, language skills at least at level B2 of the working language are required, which can also be demonstrated in the high school diploma. Many of our partner universities offer courses in English. Please research course materials on the website of your desired university. Additionally, please pay attention to the language proficiency requirements at the partner university. You can obtain relevant language certificates at the Language Center.

Students of the TCM program do not need additional language certification for English instruction. Access to the database of international university cooperations/partner universities of HSNR can be found here:

Partner Universities Database

Before the Stay:
You will typically receive information about accommodation, insurance, etc. from the partner university. Your course selection must be documented in the form of a Learning Agreement. You enter your course selection in the Online Mobility Tool. You must earn a minimum of 20 credit points through successfully completed exams at the host university.

Changes During the Semester:
Changes to your course selection are also made through the Mobility Online Tool via "Changes during the mobility" with the approval of the home university.

After the Stay:
After the semester abroad, a report of approximately 20 pages about your stay is submitted to your supervisor promptly. An additional 10 credit points can be awarded for this report. Thus, upon recognition of the semester abroad by the examination board, you will be awarded 30 credit points. Please remember that the points earned abroad may need to be converted into ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points.

Internship Bangladesh

Further information and the application form can be found on the right-hand side in the dropdown menu "Bangladesh".

Contact:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Büsgen


Textile Technology, especially Fabric Technology Study Direction MTTT/Technical Textile

Double Degree in China

As part of the Bachelor's program, there is an opportunity to obtain an exclusive German-Chinese double degree in "International Textile and Clothing Management" in cooperation with Tiangong University (TGU, P.R. China).

In this double degree program, you will receive two bachelor's degrees in the international field of textiles and clothing, one from TGU and one from Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR). You will acquire intercultural competencies and comprehensive knowledge in textile and clothing technology and management.

The English-language Double Degree Bachelor Study Program begins after the 5th semester. The start at TGU is in March. (The semester schedules are similar to those at HSNR) The duration of study is 8 semesters. The first part of the double degree program consists of 5 semesters of regular study at Hochschule Niederrhein.

The 6th and 7th semesters at TGU include courses, an internship including visits to local textile companies. Additionally, the bachelor's thesis is written in the 8th semester at TGU. HSNR students will be supervised during the thesis by two professors, one from TGU and one from HSNR.

For more information, please refer to the attached flyer and application form.

Contact Prof. Dr. Boris Mahltig

Help and support in studies


What do we do?

We represent your interests in our faculty to professors, the Office of the Dean, and everyone else you meet in your everyday study life.

Whether it's a gourmet week, a mulled wine festival, a fundraiser or a party, we want to make your life outside the lectures as pleasant as possible. From the beginning to the end of your studies, you are in good hands with us.
We are your contact for all questions concerning your studies.
And if we can't help you, we're sure to know someone who can. Because we, the faculty student council, are students just like you!

Something is supposed to change?

Degree programme pathway, opening hours or compulsory optional courses offered? Do you have suggestions for lectures or other concerns? Drop everything into our suggestion box. No matter what is on your mind, we will take care of it confidentially!

It is very important that you include the date of the incident, a detailed description of the situation, and the name of a contact person. You can also remain anonymous or leave your contact so that we can find a solution together.

You can find the suggestion box in the basement of the G-building or just drop by!

Where can you find us?

We are happy to invite you to our headquarters in E200 on Thursdays from 1 to 2 pm for a nice chat and coffee. You are also welcome to make an appointment with us outside of our Consultation hours. The best way is to use our Facebook page or send us an email.

Do you feel like it?

Would you like to get involved during your studies?
There is always something to do! Every year we organize numerous events, activities and parties - not to forget the orientation days for freshmen.
Come by, become an active part of the faculty and help shape it!

We are Fairquer

Who are we?

We are a group of young students from the faculty 07 of the Hochschule Niederrhein who are concerned with the topic of sustainability. We have made it our task to report on sustainability in the clothing industry alongside our studies, to educate and above all to show alternatives. With our work we want to make people think and sensitize them for the topic of sustainability.

What do we do?

Our activities include visits to sustainable fashion fairs, organizing and running workshops and events, such as swap-instead-buy. We give lectures, show documentary films, invite speakers from the global fashion industry for joint discussions and are in close contact and exchange with well-known fashion companies from the green fashion scene.

Have we aroused your interest?

If you are interested and would like to join us, please come and learn more about us. We meet every second Thursday from 12:30 - 2 pm at The Hochschule Niederrhein! Follow us on Instagram or Facebook and be always informed about actions and events!


If you wish to continue your studies beyond the current semester, you must re-register.

For the re-registration period and all further information, please refer to the university website (link below).

Please note: no more transfer forms will be sent out. You will receive all information via your university e-mail address and via the online service of the Hochschule Niederrhein.
